Hey everyone!
I know that there are a lot of people who use the Nordic and Baltic indexes to find prompts and fills on the kink meme, so I figured I'd mention some recent changes here. Both of the indexes now have
Pinboard versions, so please update your bookmarks!
Baltic Index:
Delicious |
Pinboard |
Contact Post Nordic Index:
Delicious |
Pinboard |
Contact Post Because the new redesign of Delicious has made the site hard to use for indexing purposes, I figured Pinboard mirrors would be necessary. It's a lot easier to navigate that site than Delicious right now. However, the Delicious indexes will still be updated.
You don't need a Pinboard account to navigate the indexes. And if you want to add bookmarks from the Pinboard indexes directly to your Delicious account, then I recommend using the
Delicious Bookmarklets; they're the handiest tool ever. I'm sure that Diigo has a similar tool as well.
Also, if anybody notices any errors in tagging or prompts that I missed, please let me know in the contact entries linked above. Thanks!