Title: America, All Is Well!
Genre: Suspense/Hurt/Comfort
Characters/Pairings: America, Canada, England, China, Cuba, and several human OCs
Rating: T
Warnings: Swearing, abduction, mental torture, OCs
Summary: He was sure something was off, but he couldn't think of what. All he knew was that he was being pushed to lie on a bed, and there was a pressure on his wrists, and he couldn't move his arms or legs, and a mechanical voice was saying America all is well America all is well America all is well… Kink Meme de-anon
England vowed that he would find out at the next World Conference exactly what was going on with America. If necessary, he would take the idiot by the throat and beat him until he gave answers. There was one minor flaw to this plan. America did not show up at the next World Meeting.