It's a Trap! - Pruhun Doujin

Apr 15, 2012 10:50

Title: It's a Trap!
Author/Artist: self c:
Character(s) or Pairing(s): Prussia/Hungary, Bad Friends Trio
Rating: G? PG?
Summary: Gilbert wants to see Elizabeta, but is afraid of the consequences involved if he goes to see her (which involves frying pans and violent deaths). Antonio and Francis eventually come up with a disguise of sorts so Gilbert can see Hungary safely... And that disguise involves crossdressing?!

here's a preview of a few of the pages:

download link:

and lastly, i've posted all the pages on an lj entry if you're interested (warning! 20 large images! TvT)

thanks for looking, and hope you enjoy this doujin! ;v;<3

fan: art, -prussia, -france, -spain, doujinshi: scanlation, -hungary

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