New Hetalia Character Song:

Mar 16, 2012 02:14

New Hetalia Character Song:

The new character song is from Seychelles!! Her Seiyuu is Megumi Takamoto, I can't wait to listen to it :)
It will be released on April 16.
Today it was released the Taiwan's song (I didn't get the mp3).


BTW, I posted a similar message today earlier and it didn't appear O_o; the weird thing is that I got a message saying that it needs a mod approval for being published... Allright! The even weirdest thing is that some hours after, I saw new messages in the community and not the one I wrote ^^U...
The second time I tried to post it, I got this: "Client error: Maximum queued posts for this community+poster combination reached"....(This is my third attempt, seems it works).

O_o;;; What is it? It seems that LJ has a message limits! O_o I didn't know that... (and is weird that I could post this message, but not the others...)

news: anime, anime: music, -seychelles

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