[Fanfic] Against the Sky Ch. 3 - The Gravity of Choice

Dec 06, 2011 23:12

Title: Against The Sky
Rating: T
Warnings: Violence, some minor gore, and crossover material. No America in Chapter 3, alas, but future UKUS is still in the works..
Notes: Posted in two parts due to LJ's character limit. Can also be found on FF.net. First update in about a year, was initially started for a usxuk LJ community challenge. This chapter deals with canon Temeraire characters, but should still be understandable for those that haven't read the series.
Summary: Hetalia/Temeraire crossover.

"“What are you?”

Kirkland’s gaze bored into his own, and Laurence felt the world drop away from under his feet.

Link to my journal: http://nightblink.livejournal.com/15293.html

Link to FF.net: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5738823/3/Against_The_Sky

-england, -australia, -france, -canada, fan: fic

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