So... it's the same person who translated the others Spain's songs, hello :D. This time it's Spain's Hata Futte Parade, but I apologize in advance for mistakes and I'll be happy if anybody could tell me what's that thing on Spain's right hand, I couldn't figure what it was. Thanks to
tedibe for helping ♥
Hata Futte Parade, Spain Version
右手には Amor (アモール)
今日もぎょうさん Cosecha パレード
魅惑の世界へ Bienvenida
Migi te ni wa Amoru
Hidari te ni wa Kaneeshon ya de
Kyou mo gyouzan Cosecha Pareedo
Miwaku no Sekai he Bienvenida
Te wo totte wa ni natte mawarun yo chikyuu gou
Siesta mo wasureruto zekkochou
Roja to amarillo no Rojigualda
Otentosan ni kansha shyou naa
In the right hand love
In the left hand a carnation
Today we also have a parade between harvest lines
Welcome to an enchanted world
Take hands, form a circle, spin and it's the world
Althought I forget to take a siesta I'm full of energy
Red and yellow from the Rojigualda
Let's be grateful for the Sun
En la mano derecha amor
En la mano izquierda un clavel
Hoy también el desfile entre las hileras de cosecha
Bienvenida a un mundo encantador
Toma las manos, haz un círculo, da vueltas y es el mundo
Aunque olvide la siesta estoy a tope
El rojo y amarillo de la Rojigualda
Agradezcámosle al Sol
Amor: love
Cosecha: harvest
Bienvenida: welcome, but referred to women. Bienvenido is the same but for men or generalizations.
Roja: red, but again, this word has gender and it's in feminine form.
Amarillo: yellow.
Rojigualda: Spanish flag
I translate Chibimano's song too, but it only changes in two lines (not sure about the translation of the second one) so I only put them here. For the rest of the song, you can go
here :3
Kira kira nagagutsu ga, Kakkoii darou konoyarou!
My sparkling boots, they're cool, aren't they bastard?!
Ore no houga omae yori ue dakarana!
It's because I'm higher than you!
And that's all. Hope it's alright~.