2 Translated Pixiv Comics (AmexCan)

May 22, 2011 07:16

Title: 思わず手に力が入るのはよくある話 (A common story of unintentionally exerting too much force)
Artist: どっせい
Translator: me
Pairing: AmexCan, (cameos by France, England, Japan)
Rating: PG-13
Pages: 7
Original: Here
Download: Mediafire
Note: Instead of studying, I decided to try translating a short doujin. Too lazy to make a preview pic. Enjoy!

Title: たまには口喧嘩で言い負かされるのもよくある話 (A common story of occasionally being beaten in an argument)
Artist: どっせい
Translator: me
Pairing: AmexCan (cameos by France and England)
Rating: PG
Pages: 9
Original: Here
Download: Mediafire
Note: Still not studying..the title's not perfectly translated since I'm braindead. Enjoy!

-england, x do not use this tag - doujin, x do not use this tag - download, -canada, fan: translation, -america, -france, -japan

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