[Fanart] A few pics ~

May 15, 2011 20:13

I'm back! Don't you guys in the northern hemisphere lol feel happier that the days are longer now?^^

Title: For Vanya
Author/Artist: me
Character(s) or Pairing(s): Ukraine
Rating: G
Warnings: none
Summary: ...some flowers

Title: Norge
Author/Artist: me
Character(s) or Pairing(s): Norway
Rating: G
Warnings: none
Summary: Nor + bunny (is it canon?!)

Title: Fem!mark
Author/Artist: me
Character(s) or Pairing(s): Denmark (nyotalia version)
Rating: G
Warnings: genderbending
Summary: She has a really long axe orz

I've been playing around with opencanvas lately; it's easier to paint on than photoshop. Me likey.

Title: Norge
Author/Artist: me
Character(s) or Pairing(s): Norway
Rating: G
Warnings: none
Summary: Nor + bunny (is it canon?!)

Nor's outfits are all really cute XD

Title: Fem!mark
Author/Artist: me
Character(s) or Pairing(s): Denmark (nyotalia version)
Rating: G
Warnings: genderbending
Summary: She has a really long axe orz

...It's really fun to draw female nations lol

Thanks for looking! ^^

fan: art, -norway, -ukraine, -denmark, fan: art4icons

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