Feb 26, 2011 13:29

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 5



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Never Again (2a/?) anonymous June 26 2009, 06:50:24 UTC
“Are you out of your bloody mind?!" Arthur attempted to sit up again forgetting about the chains that were attached to the bed frame until they harshly caused him to recoil back onto the bed. Arthur let out a frustrated growl. “Remove these at once!”

He frowned when he heard a low chuckling from the other male. “But Arthur, I thought you wanted to see my new toy.”

“I didn’t expect to be knocked out and chained to a bed when you told me to come over here!”

He could tell the other was frowning now. “Well, when you put it that way it does sound kind of wrong.”

“Now release me you ungrateful twat!”

“Hm, let me think about it.” A few seconds of silence. “How ‘bout no?”

“W-what?! Now don’t be ridiculous! Remove these this instant! What was going through your idiotic brain when you decid-”

He stopped mid rant when he felt part of the bed dip from added weight. Panic rose within him. “H-hey Alfred, what are you doing? Hurry up and release me.” His breath caught in his throat when a hand was placed against his thigh.

“Arthur.” Said person stiffened at the hot breath that was softly blown against his inner thigh. “Do you know how absolutely sexy you look tied to the bed? Fuck. I feel like I can just come just by looking at you.”

“D-don’t be so vulgar.” Arthur squirmed in an attempt to get away from the to-close-for-comfort hand. His efforts were in vain when the hand previously on his thigh moved up towards his hip and was joined by another hand on the opposite hip.

Alfred let out another chuckle, his breath now against Arthur’s exposed and, to Arthur’s embarrassment and horror, slightly hard, vital regions. “Aw, but I was just stating the truth. In fact, you look good enough to eat, Arthur.” What that said, Alfred flicked his tongue out and grazed the tip of Arthur’s length. “See, tasty.” He then took as much of Arthur’s cock as he could into his mouth, letting his tongue run along the underside of it.

Arthur let out a low moan as Alfred’s hot mouth surrounded now completely hard length. Ugh, as much as he wanted to punch Alfred for humiliating him like this, he couldn’t deny that this, as wrong as it is, felt oh so good.

He unconsciously tried to buckle his hips but couldn’t due to the hands that firmly held them down. He let out a loud moan at the vibrations when Alfred started to chuckle. The chains clanked against the bedpost when he tried to move his arms forward again.

Alfred let his tongue dip into the slit at the tip of Arthur cock. He could tell that the other was close to coming from the way his hips kept twitching underneath his fingers and the pre-cum that had seeped from the length. He let his tongue ease from the tip to allow him to take the cock deeper into his mouth. He then slid his mouth to the tip and back down, letting Arthur practically fuck his mouth.

“A-ah… nnngh.” Arthur let out a strangled noise. His whole body felt like it was on fire from the amount of pleasure he was experiencing. The warm tingling feeling he had at the pit of his stomach. He didn’t care about the fact his wrists were turning pinkish from the cuffs of the chains as he kept tugging his arms forward in an effort to grab at something, anything.

The chains that held his feet prisoner weren’t short enough to prevent him from drawing one his legs up, his one of knees now bent next to Alfred’s head, while the other leg was stretched out besides Alfred’s body.


Never Again (2b/?) anonymous June 26 2009, 06:52:14 UTC
“Ah! Al-Alfred!” His voice was trembling with want, with the need for release.

Hearing Arthur’s cries of pleasure, Alfred deep-throated Arthur’s cock and gave it a hard suck.

That did it.

Arthur let out a loud strangled yell of ecstasy as he came. Hard. Shooting his load into Alfred’s mouth. His back arched partly with his head thrown back from the force as he rode out his orgasm.

Alfred greedily swallowed all of Arthur’s seed. He continued to suck at the now softening cock until Arthur was completely spent. Once he was sure Arthur was done, he crawled up besides the gasping Arthur and gave him a deep kiss, letting Arthur taste himself as he shoved his tongue into the surprised mouth. He let his own tongue rub against Arthur’s for a while before he released his mouth, leaving Arthur panting again, and moved his mouth towards Arthur’s ear.

Alfred grinned as he whispered, “Arthur are you ready? Now this is when the real fun begins.”


Oops, had to split this into two parts due to maximum characters per comment. Lol.

Er… sorry for the fail attempt. X_x I haven’t written smut for a while and this is actually only my third time. @_@;

This is actually longer then I expected…

I’ll try to get the next part up tomorrow but I’m going to be busy with AX prepping. Hopefully though.


Re: Never Again (2b/?) anonymous June 26 2009, 08:02:56 UTC
That was not fail at all! Will be looking forward to more, author!anon XD


Re: Never Again (2b/?) anonymous June 26 2009, 09:25:13 UTC
ho-whoa author!anon, this is, in Alfred's own words "totally AWESOME"
the imagery, likewhoa <3


OP anonymous June 27 2009, 03:50:51 UTC

o-oh god, fapfapfap that was HOT. I totally want more ASAP! But I know the hectic-ness of prepping for cons, so please, take your time! But fdsklgjdl LOL STILL KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK, OP LOVES YOU. ;A;


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