Feb 26, 2011 13:29

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part 5



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A Day in the Life [7/7] anonymous June 25 2009, 23:36:53 UTC
The group made their way to the back of the house, Matthew shyly holding Marianne’s hand, Alfred hiding-not-so-subtly behind his father. When they reached the back storage room, Alfred peeked out from around Arthur and began shivering in fear when he saw a box move. When Arthur tried to enter the room to investigate, Alfred pulled him back.

“Alfred, let me go.”

“B-but, what if it’s a ghost and he wants to hurt you?”

“Do you trust me, Alfred?” The boy nodded. “The ghosts in this house are not dangerous, I assure you. I will be fine.”

Alfred looked unconvinced. “How do you know?”

“What do you mean how do I know?”

“How do you know they’re not dangerous?”

“Because I’ve talked to them. All they care about is dwelling on the past, not causing harm. Besides, if they were dangerous, the fairies would tell me.”

Alfred let out a noise of frustration. “There are no such things as fairies!” He yelled, pulling away from his father. “Stop treating Canada and me like we’re five and still believe in all that magical stuff. It doesn’t exist!”

Arthur stared at the boy, dumbfounded, muttering incoherently. Marianne rolled her eyes at the Nation’s incoherency before gently smacking her older son upside the head. “Do not yell at your father, mon petit. It’s disrespectful.” Alfred started to say something, but his mother held up a hand, silencing him. “Your father sees fairies. I see them when I’m visiting him in England. Et, remember earlier? The fairies gave ton père the key. Ils existent.” The boy still looked unconvinced but, seeing no way out of the conversation, nodded.

Meanwhile, Arthur was giving Alfred both a pitying and an angry look. How horrible would it be to not be able to see the fairies? But then, to claim they didn’t exist when they clearly did, even if he couldn’t see him…that was just disrespectful. “Apologize.”

“Wh-what?” Alfred asked, startled.

“Apologize to the fairies. They are not happy with you.” And, indeed, a group of fairies had materialized and were currently pointing at Alfred and whispering to each other. “So, apologize.”



Embarrassed and feeling silly, Alfred dropped her gaze and grumbled, “’m s’ry.” The fairies stopped their whispering and leaned in towards Alfred, tiny hands cupping around their ears, each giving a bemused smile. Matthew, having been quiet thus far, started giggling, but was ignored as usual.

“Louder,” Arthur prompted.

“I’m sorry!” Alfred yelled before turning and running off. The fairies clapped in response to his apology and gave him small wave’s goodbye. Matthew started laughing harder, causing Marianne to look down at him in concern.

“What’s so funny, mon fils?”

“R-rien” Matthew squeaked out between peals of laughter before letting go of his mother’s hand and running off after Alfred. If Arthur didn’t know better, he’d say the boy smirked at the fairies as he ran by.

“Nos fils sont très bizarre. Alfred is afraid of ghosts but doesn’t believe in fairies. Matthew is invisible, and when he’s not, he acts so peculiar. They are definitely your sons.”

“How are they definitely mine, frog? They surely get their weird behavior from you!”

“If that helps you sleep at night chéri…”


“Aw, je t’aime, aussi.”

Arthur walked into the room with a huff. Why did everyone seem to be against him today? The box moved again and Arthur walked over to it, smiling when he saw that it was just the fairies. His smile disappeared when Marianne, who had followed him, saw what it was and let out a squeal, kissing him on the cheek. “Where has this been all this time?”

“I-I don’t know.”

“Better get started on the spell. Being female is fun and all, but I do miss my old body~” And then, before Arthur could say anything, she floated out of the room, calling out to their sons “How do you feel about having two fathers~”

The fairies, for it was them who unearthed the book “How to Fix Spells You Screwed Up” and conveniently opened it to a page on gender spells on awry, twittered in laughter at the young Nation’s groans before settling on a stunned Arthur’s shoulders.

“You know, some days I’m not too sure of what side you’re really on." This caused the fairies to only laugh harder.


A Day in the Life [7/7] - Author's Notes anonymous June 26 2009, 00:15:22 UTC
That's the end. I wasn't expecting it to end there, but anything else really seems forced. So~ fin. I hope you guys enjoyed :)

French Translations:
Et - And
Ils existent - They exist
R-rien - Nothing
Nos fils sont très bizarre - Our sons are very weird
Je t’aime, aussi - I love you, too

Also, I once read a fan-comic that had Canada inherit Arthur's sight. I loved that idea and it's now my head canon :D

Ah, sorry for the delay between the last part and the notes. LJ went down in the middle of posting ^^;


OP is late D: anonymous July 1 2009, 22:30:02 UTC
OP is late, but thank you so much for this. It was wonderful and far better than I hoped for when requesting. <3 Have my firstborn.


Author anonymous July 4 2009, 22:51:42 UTC
Late is better than never seeing it~
I'm glad you liked it :)


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