Feb 26, 2011 13:29

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 5



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Stepsiblings 2/3 (Sealand, Sweden/Finland, Åland) anonymous June 25 2009, 00:21:26 UTC
“Finland! Fin-land!” Sealand yelled once he’d closed the front door and taken off his shoes. There was no response, so he shouted again and tramped into the kitchen.

“Y’ d’n’t need t’y’ll,” Sweden told him gently, from where he was leaning his hip into the kitchen counter, nursing a cup of coffee while Finland kneaded rye bread for dinner. “W’re r’ght h’re.”

“I couldn’t see you,” Sealand mumbled, embarrassed.

Sweden grunted.

Finland gave the dough a final fold and stood back to brush flour off his hands. “What’s so important that you came running all the way home?”

“Well, I was visiting England,” Sealand said, “and he said some mean things that I didn’t answer aren’t you proud of me Sweden but do I have an older brother?”

Finland and Sweden did that weird married-people communication-thing where they looked at each other and had a whole conversation without saying anything.

“You’ve met Åland,” Finland said carefully. “Remember Christmas dinner?”

Sealand thought back. There had been someone else at Christmas dinner, but Sweden and Finland always invited their counties and administrative divisions to holiday parties. Sealand just assumed that that the stranger had been having a bad fiscal year and Sweden and Finland were feeding him out of kindness.

“Kind of. Who’s he?”

Finland tucked a lock of hair back behind his ear, smearing rye flour across his cheek and in his hair. “Well,” he said, “he’s an island about halfway between me and Sweden. He’s technically one of my administrative divisions, but he’s officially autonomous.”

“If he’s part of you then how come he’s my brother?”

Finland bit his lip. Sweden stared into his coffee mug.

“C’lt’re m’xing,” Sweden said finally. “He’s m’re l’ke m’ th’n l’ke Finl’nd. W’ b’th rais’d h’m.”

Finland opened his mouth, like he wanted to say something, then shut it.

“B’t j’st b’cause w’ rais’d h’m d’sn’t m’n w’d’n’t love y’,” Sweden added quickly. “Y’re ‘r son too.”

“How come he’s never here?”

“He has his own house. He and I had a diplomatic incident after I left Russia, because he wanted to live with Sweden and I wanted him to stay with me. So now he lives by himself.”

“Huh.” Sealand noded, picking a cookie off a plate on the counter and eating it. “Is it okay if I go take a walk outside?”

“S’re,” Sweden said. “B’t br’ng ‘n ‘mbrella ’n d’n’t g’ past th’ bord’rs ‘f th’N’rth Sea.”

Sealand rolled his eyes a little as he went to pick up his umbrella. He wasn’t a baby, after all.


Stepsiblings 3/3 (Sealand, Sweden/Finland, Åland) anonymous June 25 2009, 00:22:51 UTC
It was a small house, but looked snug, and had lots of windows. Most of them faced out at the sea.

The doorbell chimed when he pressed it, and a bird cheeped from the roof while strutting about.

“Can I help you?”

Sealand jumped and turned, surprised to find the door open and someone looking confused at him.

“Hi um I’m looking for Åland?”


Åland looked a lot like Sweden, actually, but he was a lot younger and wasn’t as tall and didn’t constantly look like he wanted to cook you and eat you for dinner. And he didn’t speak in mumble.

“I just wanted to say hi because I don’t think I’ve met you. I guess I’m your little brother?” Sealand stuck out his hand to shake.

“We’ve met,” Åland said shortly. “I’ve got something on the stove. You coming in or you leaving?”

“Coming in,” Sealand said.

Åland stood aside so that Sealand could come in, then strode off towards the back of the house. Something smelled good, so Sealand sniffed his way down a well-lit front hall into the kitchen, where Åland was stirring a soup pot.

“I’d offer you a cookie or something,” Åland said, “but I know that they leave them sitting out on the counter as snacks so you know whose fault it is if you eat yourself sick. So I bet you don’t want one. Something to drink?”

“Just water, please,” Sealand said, to be polite, and sat down at the kitchen table.

Åland plopped a glass of water down on the table in front of him. No ice. “So what brings you here?”

“Nothing. I just wanted to see my big brother, I guess.” Sealand shifted in his seat and drank a little of the water so Åland wouldn’t notice him blushing.

“Huh,” Åland said, the way Sweden would. He sat down at the table across from Sealand and folded his arms on top of the table, and for a minute he looked a lot like Finland, but with just-darker hair and narrower eyes.

“And Sweden and Finland I think wanted to go have sex,” Sealand added, to be honest. “Finland was going to have to wait for bread to rise and the lube and condoms were out on the counter, like they think I’m not going to notice.”

Åland laughed so hard he fell out of his chair onto the floor. Sealand ended up calling Sweden and Finland to say he was eating dinner with his brother.


Re: Stepsiblings 3/3 (Sealand, Sweden/Finland, Åland) anonymous June 25 2009, 04:07:29 UTC
great idea! aland is a cool concept. your sealand-voice is dead on, bratty and full of himself but also pragmatic. i really liked this!


Re: Stepsiblings 3/3 (Sealand, Sweden/Finland, Åland) anonymous June 26 2009, 12:29:09 UTC
Ah, simply amazing. I love the way you've written everyone, and the sense of humor that Åland and Sealand share. Short, humorous and oddly touching - great work, Anon!


Re: Stepsiblings 3/3 (Sealand, Sweden/Finland, Åland) anonymous June 27 2009, 10:03:26 UTC
Really cute, I love your Åland, and England swearing. Thank you, anon


Re: Stepsiblings 3/3 (Sealand, Sweden/Finland, Åland) anonymous June 30 2009, 05:00:11 UTC
oh, LAWL. XD Short, sweet, and left me wanting more: the marks of a really good family-fic.

Also, Sealand's last comment made me choke on my glass of ice water. XD OH FINLAND, YOU. (Wishes her parents were that awesome.)


Re: Stepsiblings 2/3 (Sealand, Sweden/Finland, Åland) anonymous June 26 2009, 18:33:07 UTC
>Should give all you proto-nation whelps to the fags; at least you’d learn to behave properly if only Finland would get off his back long enoug

Ouch, really harsh, just like England.

>And Sweden and Finland I think wanted to go have sex,
And then i did a doubletake to see that's what it actually said. what kind of parents would leave that stuff lying about !

Sealand and Åland are spot on though, I like how Åland is such a mix between them


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