Feb 26, 2011 13:29

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 5



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Uncle Italia e Uncle Spagna [8/8] anonymous June 15 2009, 01:46:31 UTC

The boys were having so much fun in the lake that they didn’t seem to be aware of the sun beginning to set until Spain pointed their attention to it. With reluctant sighs and grumbling, the sets of brothers got dressed again, and they set off back towards the Colonies’ house. The way back was quicker than the way out, however, since America and Canada took the lead, the older Colony babbling about the different plants and animals they passed.

The group was in a good mood, Romano included, but it evaporated from everyone but Veneziano the second they reached the edge of the woods and saw smoke rising out of the chimney of the house.

“Hey, Canada, did you leave a fire going?” America asked softly, receiving a shake of a head in response. “Me neither.” The five looked at the house, a feeling of dread settling among them.

“Ve~ Maybe Big Brother France is back?” Veneziano offered, his tone not quite as hopeful as his words.

“That’s not the wine bastard on the porch,” Romano grumbled. He was right. When the companions looked again, there was a short-haired figure standing on the porch, the body language screaming “pissed off.”

“No, it’s England,” Spain said quietly. The figure was still on the porch, not having spotted the group in the forest just yet. Spain quickly grabbed the boys and dragged them further back, hiding behind the foliage. “I think it would be best if we separated here,” He said quietly, the older Italian nodding in agreement. “It was wonderful meeting you two without being attacked by England within the first minute. We’ll have to visit again soon~” He continued, giving the Colonies a hug before stepping away.

“It was a lot of fun!” Veneziano shouted, looking sheepish when Romano shushed him. “Oops, sorry~” The younger Italian laughed before giving both Colonies a hug and a kiss. “Come visit us sometime. We always have plenty of pasta to share!” He was shushed again as he was dragged away by Romano. “Hey, wait, what about Big Brother France?”

Romano shrugged, following Spain, his grip tight on Veneziano’s collar. “He’s on his own. He knew the risks of stalling England.”

America and Canada watched as their uncles disappeared into the woods. “England is not going to be happy,” America muttered.


“Should we really go home?”

“Do we have a choice?”

“No.” America paused. “At least it was fun. They’re a little odd, though.”


The boys quickly but quietly approached the house, flinching when England turned his glare on them. “Where. Are. They?” They pointed to the woods. “Thank you. Go inside and stay there, please.” The boys nodded and hurried inside, ignored the France tied to a chair in the entryway. And, when they heard a loud scream echo out of the woods a few moments later, they were already hard at work with their primers, ignoring the sounds. Their uncles should have known better than to tick England off, after all.

I apologize to the OP because I think this became more of them just plain old interacting and less Uncle-Nephew bonding. I'm sorry for the fail that was this fill :( Hopefully someone enjoyed it.


I ENJOYED IT. anonymous June 15 2009, 18:02:03 UTC
(not op but whatever)

This was so cute~~~~~~~ Oh man, we need more chibi!colonies. The pasta and the swimming, and Canada actually knowing which way to go, and oh god England. Really?

Thanks for the cuteness!


Re: Uncle Italia e Uncle Spagna [8/8] anonymous June 17 2009, 17:21:44 UTC
I really liked the story. I am glad you finished it! So cute!


Re: Uncle Italia e Uncle Spagna [8/8] anonymous June 17 2009, 19:11:59 UTC
Hee, England so overprotective~

Lovely story - there really needs to be more chibi!colonies interacting with the other countries and big brother England by extension!


Re: Uncle Italia e Uncle Spagna [8/8] anonymous June 21 2009, 04:16:02 UTC
Glad you finally finished this! I agree with the anons above, there need to be more of these chibi!colonials and their interactions. I love how Canada knew the way around. Ah France, you should have knew better than that.

Now I feel sorry for the Italies and Spain... ;A; Being hunted down in the woods by England. XD


Re: Uncle Italia e Uncle Spagna [8/8] anonymous June 21 2009, 05:30:53 UTC
Author!Anon assures you that they're more or less fine...England merely confiscated their pasta and forced offered them his cooking :)


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