Feb 26, 2011 13:29

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 5



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A pirate's life for me [3/3] anonymous June 10 2009, 10:49:42 UTC
“I thought I might have left all my old pirate stuff with Francis but when I went to collect it my hat was missing. Looks like it’s been with you all along,” Arthur stared at him blankly. Only then did Alfred realise that under his arm hung a pirate coat of similar colour; deep red and trimmed with gold hems and golden buttons, a leather belt and cutlass, boots, gloves, and a kerchief still as white as if it were newly bought.

“Uh...” Alfred struggled for words. “I did ask Francis’s permission.”

“Since when does that frog have say over my stuff?” Arthur snorted, making his way further into the room.

Much to Alfred’s mortification, he stopped right in front of him and snatched the pillow away. Alfred yelped in protest but Arthur grinned and eyes the large bulge

“Now is that a bellayin’ pin in yer britches or are ye just happy t’ see me?”

Alfred tried to speak but only succeeded in gaping. That self-confident smirk, that accent; despite the hotness in his cheeks he could not deny that he was hoping a little ravishment came with the package.

He watched transfixed as Arthur threw off the sweater vest, loosening the top three buttons of his shirt. He put the hat on again, slightly askance, and threw on the long coat, wrapping the belt around in such a sloppy manner that it only just hung around his hips before finally pulling on the gloves with his teeth. The boots and the kerchief went the way of the sweater vest.

“What’s the matter lad, cat got ye tongue? I maybe you need a bit a blowin’ down.” Arthur grinned and Alfred believed that it was the most feral grin he had ever seen.

Arthur roughly pushed Alfred onto his back and straddled him, pinning Alfred’s wrists above his head. He flung off one glove and traced Alfred’s jaw line with the naked hand, running his finger teasingly down his neck to the collar bone.

Alfred tested Arthur’s hold to find that one hand was perfectly capable of keeping his wrists down. Where had the normally uptight, conservative Arthur gone? Was this Arthur, who was licking his lips in the most seductive manner, the same person who got cold turkey after a day without ea and licked to practice embroidery on sunny weekends?

The sides of Arthur’s coat fell around them like wings, trapping him on both sides. Arthur leaned forward, knowing full well that when he did so his knee pressed against Alfred with that slight, delightful pressure that made him struggle for more than just teasing.

“A - Arthur?” Alfred panted, He was not sure how to react, but it mattered little when his body was aching with need and he - goddamn, he wanted pictures of Arthur like this.

“I hope ye know how to parley,” Arthur whispered, lips pressed to his lobe. “Cos yer about to be boarded.”


Yes, last line just kills the mood but I had to put it in!


Shiver me timbers! anonymous June 10 2009, 12:02:03 UTC
Kills the mood? MORE LIKE SETS IT <33

Serious love for this! Pirate!Arthur was great, speaking all Piratey <3


Re: A pirate's life for me [3/3] anonymous June 10 2009, 12:29:35 UTC
Piratespeaking!Arthur is smoking hot. *o* This is brilliant, anon.

“Let me guess, he sunk your battleship?”

Oh, Alfred. XD <3

“I hope ye know how to parley,” Arthur whispered, lips pressed to his lobe. “Cos yer about to be boarded.”

And that was just golden. XDDD


LAND HO! anonymous June 10 2009, 13:59:09 UTC

The last line was PERFECT.


Re: A pirate's life for me [3/3] anonymous June 10 2009, 20:17:52 UTC
Jesus FUCK. It takes talent to make a line like that work, but you did it. Lord, that was much hotter than I'd expected...


Re: A pirate's life for me [3/3] anonymous June 10 2009, 23:07:53 UTC
The last line was perfect.

“Let me guess, he sunk your battleship?” Lol in my head I'm like "You sunk my battleship, please turn me on I'm Mr Coffee with an automatic drip..."

This was fantastic ogod I always approve of moar piracy


HO HO HO!!! anonymous June 11 2009, 01:35:24 UTC
"Let me guess, he sunk your battleship?"
Oh lol Alfred... Antonio~~~~~ *hugs him*

"I hope ye know how to parley," Arthur whispered, lips pressed to his lobe. "Cos yer about to be boarded."
Oh hell... That last line did not kill the mood, it in fact DID kill me! =] Ho-boy... There surely need to be MORE pirate!Arthur! Freaking HAWT!

Arthur with pirate speech is just amazingly orgasmic!!! *massive blood loss*


Re: A pirate's life for me [3/3] anonymous June 12 2009, 17:09:33 UTC
Yay! Pirate!Arthur is my favourite :) I love when his inner hooligan comes out.

And I kept picturing this image while I was reading:

It's not my fanart - I wish I was that talented ;_; But this picture is brilliant and I want to pimp it out. Pirate!Arthur FTW!!


Re: A pirate's life for me [3/3] anonymous June 12 2009, 17:50:16 UTC
I... I feel kinda sorry for Antonio and his armada. Poor thing, I hope Francis will comfort him.

Anyways, that as HOT and I wish Artur would come HERE dressed like that. I´m drooling all over your fic, now. =D

(and Alfred is adorable)


Re: A pirate's life for me [3/3] anonymous June 18 2009, 08:25:45 UTC
US/UK is hot in just about any story you care to name- US/pirate!UK is just...

/brb heatstroke.


OP THAT HAS JUST DIED OF JOY. anonymous June 28 2009, 19:59:45 UTC

THIS IS AMAZING AND DESERVES CAPS OF AWESOME. THANK YOU SO MUCH. The last line was so epic and awesome (as awesome as Prussia!), nghhh. I. I don't even have enough words to express my glee anymore.



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