Feb 26, 2011 13:29

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 5



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Dress up [4/7] anonymous June 6 2009, 22:32:22 UTC
She unwrapped her arms and pulled the not-Austria’s shoulder, bringing the man to face her. Sure enough, those red eyes looked into her green, and she could tell there was a grin tugging at that mouth. Did he really think she would be fooled? Everything here was wrong. His eyebrows were arched where Austria’s were always calm, his jaw and nose were more blunt where Austria’s was effeminately sharp… Oh for Christ’s sake, he even forgot to draw the mole near his mouth.
However, she decided to indulge him out of amusement. Whatever absurd reason Gilbert had for dressing up like this, she could only benefit from having a Roderich-clone in her midst, really. She plopped herself on the floor beside the piano bench, reaching up to wrap her arms around the front of the blue coat of her ‘husband’.

“Yeah I’ve been workin’ out, babe. I wanted you to be impressed and all, since I’m really not all that manly and stuff!” the not-Austria said in a fake-sounding voice. Hungary rolled her eyes.

“Oh I see! I bet before too long you’ll be as deliciously muscular as Germany, huh?”

Prussia blinked at her and had to push the glasses back up his face. Deliciously muscular? What, does she lust after my brother or something? This idea, to him, was something that had to be remedied immediately.

“No no, he is too muscular. I’d much rather be lean and sculpted like Prussia~”

Hungary didn’t know if she wanted to laugh or choke him or just smack her forehead at the denseness of Gilbert’s. I mean, really? Well, at least she was better at acting than he was.

“Hmm, you’re right! Prussia does have the ideal body, now that I think about it! You wouldn’t be able to fit into your own clothing if you were as big as Germany!”

Prussia, thick as ever, wasn’t picking up on the hints that Hungary was giving him, and instead reveled in the compliments he thought she was inadvertently paying him.

“Hah, I bet you’d like to better see my totally nice new bod I’ve gotten from working out, Hungary?” he responded, with a leer through the glasses. One of his hands reached to her chin, propping her face up. Oh, he’d always wanted to do that… He leaned in carefully, wanting to take his prize right then and there.

She half-jumped. Well this was a conflicting situation. On the one hand, Prussia could be somewhat handsome when he wanted to be, in his own idiotic way. On the other, he wasn’t exactly Prussia at the moment, was he? And then… he was obviously pretending to be her husband for her sake, maybe she should could feign ignorance? A thought that this ‘cosplay’ was kind of an interesting kink, too, sat guiltily at the back of her mind. As if to physically repel these thoughts, she shook her head vigorously.

“I’m not in the mood, Roderich! I’d much rather…” she tightened her arms around Prussia and smirked, “…you play a song for me?”

Prussia blanched.


Dress up [5/7] anonymous June 6 2009, 22:39:57 UTC
“I- why do you want me to play the piano? I mean, there are much better things we could be doing with our time and all?”

“Are you feeling well, Roderich? You never insult piano-playing like that…”

Prussia was now squirming in his seat. Why are her arms on me so tightly all of a sudden?!

Maybe another instrument… was there a flute anywhere? Oh please let there be something here he could convincingly distract her with. His thoughts raced, knowing that could he not perform he’d surely be caught red-handed.

“I HAVE TO GO TO THE BATHROOM” he shouted, shooting out of her grip and down the hall.

Hungary doubled over with laughter as she heard the bathroom door slam closed.

Prussia had taken his wig off to scratch as his head, letting out a groan as he felt a bit of sweat on his brow. “What should I do, Fritz?” he asked the air in front of him. He slipped the wig back on, careful to tuck every bit of his near-white hair into it. He steeled himself up. Whatever, he wouldn’t be defeated so easily! What he wanted was right there, he just had to claim it was all! Screw the piano! It was for sissies!

When he stepped out of the washroom, Hungary was right there in front of him. That gave him a small start.

She had her arms crossed and was looking straight at his face, a stony expression which naturally made him want to look away.

“I know it’s you, Gilbert” she stated with no hesitation.
“Wh- what are you talking about, dear Elizaveta?”
She just continued glaring. Here she was trying to save him a little bit of humiliation, after all. Prussia sighed dejectedly.

“What gave me away?” he asked with a face like a kicked puppy.
“Everything, Gilbert.” was the cruel response.

At that moment, he really wanted a drink. But he had to cut his losses a little bit, right?

“Maaaan…” he started, scratching his neck. He pulled off the glasses and the wig, “can’t blame a guy for trying, though? Do I get anythin' for the trouble, at least?”

Red eyes looked at her expectantly, pathetically.


Dress up [6/7] anonymous June 6 2009, 22:47:04 UTC
Hungary couldn’t really justify that question with a response immediately. She felt almost bad for Gilbert, since it seemed like he actually had tried his best (less-than mediocre attempt though it was). A gesture of charity was in order, she figured, so she leaned up to give him an affectionate little kiss like she did when they were just teens.

Which he took entirely the wrong way, pulling her close, forcing her kiss that was meant to last just a second into one much deeper. He would’ve grinned fiercely, had his mouth not been so occupied. He was quickly freed as a fist collided with his gut.

“Seriously, Gilbert. You’re terrible!” she scolded, face flushed all the way to her ears. She took his temporary paralysis as her opportunity to turn on her heel to walk the other way. Prussia just clutched at his stomach and reached one arm out as she escaped.

“Y-You know you LIKED IIIIT” he yelped at her retreating backside. She was about to turn and blow him a raspberry when she nearly bumped into the real Austria in front of her coming in the entrance to the house.


The brunette looked extremely disgruntled, his hair and clothing all rumpled. Ludwig appeared behind him with a frown. Hungary didn’t have to guess what had happened to him, but was relieved to think that he probably hadn't been able to witness the little kiss that just occurred a short distance away. Down the hall, Prussia had recovered and was racing to catch up, only to freeze in his tracks at the set of angry faces pointed his way.

“Aw man, West! You let him out?!”
“Of course I did, he was locked in my closet, Bruder”

Austria was shooting the angriest glares he was capable of in his imposter’s direction.
“You have plenty of explaining to do here, idiot!” he sputtered. Nobody could remember the last time they had seen the normally-composed man so upset, with his hands in fists and for a moment Prussia thought he actually saw steam coming off the man’s head. He took that as his cue to exit.

“WELL I just remembered I’ve got stuff and things to do! Yup, things and stuff!” The red-eyed man said, plotting an exit strategy through the window in the entryway… He moved quickly enough to almost create a breeze as he darted toward it. The three left there didn’t even have time to yell before he had one leg out the window. Germany thought briefly that he hadn’t ever considered someone could actually be better at escaping than Feliciano, but was suddenly mistaken.

Prussia flashed them a grin from his exit point.


Dress up [7/7] anonymous June 6 2009, 22:53:07 UTC
“See ya later, pansies! By the way, ‘Roddie’, I just thought I ought to letcha know that Hungary there thinks I look better in your clothes than you do!” he said with a wave as he dropped outside.

Austria just turned to Hungary with a perplexed look on his face.

“Freaking idiot…” was all she grumbled out, “I have no idea what he’s talking about.” She reassured the bespectacled man, sliding an arm around him.

Germany was massaging the back of his neck, having been used to these kind of situations for awhile now. He decided he ought to just exit as well, and started walking toward the door, glancing in the dining room to his right.

“I’ll make him pay for that rug, too…” the German grunted offhandedly as he walked out and closed the door behind him.

Austria’s frustrated shouts could be heard through the walls, and in the bushes outside, Prussia dubbed his mission a success after all.



Sorry guys, this was my first fill ever (probably super evident in the mistakes I make and the short section lengths and stuff, uugh *nervous*). Sorry there was no smut, either, I’m a wiener and wouldn’t be able to write it even if I tried, haha.

Also I know Austria and Hungary aren't technically married anymore but I kindof like to think of them that way, or at least living together. Shutting up now, hope you guys enjoyed?


Re: Dress up [7/7] anonymous June 6 2009, 23:37:47 UTC
I lol'd when Gilbert started singing. As in, laugh-out-louded. My cat looked at me as if she tought I finally lost it and I didn't mind. THIS SONG IS GLORIOUS.
It was hilarious, anon; Prussia being crazy (and how! He made me giggle all the time, since the first paragraph till the very end), Germany being desentisized to stupidity, and Hungary having fun at Gilbert's expense... I loved it! :D


Re: Dress up [7/7] anonymous June 7 2009, 02:37:42 UTC



Re: Dress up [7/7] anonymous June 7 2009, 03:40:31 UTC
I seriously laughed harder then I should have at the whole playing the piano fiasco
Great job anon!


Re: Dress up [7/7] anonymous June 7 2009, 04:39:07 UTC
Oh god. THE PIANO. My family has a piano like Austria's, and I remember my sisters and I making up songs while playing the piano BADLY (though none of them were as crude as Prussia's XD). Hungary totally being onto him made it even better. This is freaking FANTASTIC.


Re: Dress up [7/7] anonymous June 7 2009, 18:42:50 UTC
Reading this at work isn't a wise choice when you laugh out loud like a goof xD GJ writer anon!


Re: Dress up [6/7] anonymous June 7 2009, 21:09:01 UTC
I think I about died when he screamed that he needed to use the toilet. BEST PART EVAR.


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