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part 4



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fill Part I page 16 Austria/Prussia Pianolesson part 1 anonymous May 12 2009, 10:57:39 UTC
It was a normal morning, Austria was playing Chopin's 12th Etude in C minor when de doorbell rang very suddenly.

"Elizaveta! Can you .....get that?" He spoke slowly, because he needed almost all of his concentration for the piano piece. De doorbell rang again, this time louder and more pushy. "Elizaveta!", cried Austria one more time, but it was already too late. His finger missed a key, and the beautiful atmosphere created by the piece was shattered. Austria cursed and rose. He gently touched the keys with the tips of his fingers when he left. He looked through the hallway. Apparently, Elizaveta had left. Austria sighed and begged not to find the one he thought he would find on his doorstep.

He opened the door. Only to find a awfully grinning Prussia on his doorstep. Austria sighed once more. It couldn't get any worse... "What do you want?" "May I come in?", Gilbert asked brutally. "What? No!", Austria tried to shut the door but Gilbert had pushed his foot between it. "Come on! I'm bored as hell! I want to have some fun." "I don't do fun", Austria said coldly, and tried once more to close it. Unfortunately, arms that could played the piano gently, weren't really suited for such strength, and before he knew it, the Prussian had slammed the door against the wall and stepped inside.

Gilbert walked through the hallway and looked at the various paintings that hung there. "Gilbert, please get out!" Austria's head hurt from when the door had slammed his head against the wall. A faint throbbing pain on the back of his skull contributed to his already ruined mood.
"Looks like your little wifey isn't home today! That's nice." Austria glared at him. Prussia's eyebrows twitched up and down.
"That's a nice look! What did I do to deserve that?" Austria looked away. He couldn't stand those always with blood lust filled red eyes. "It's because you admire my handsomeness, right?" God, he was so narcissistic
"Since I can't force you out of my house now, would you like something to drink?" so you finally shut up?
"You don't have any beer, right?" Stop it. Stop being so damn rude and annoying! He felt irritation boiling through his veins. It had been a while since he had felt like this.

They had walked to the piano. "You, sit down, and listen." Austria said. "I will now express how irritated I am." He played his etude. His fingers jumped over the keys, swept completely in the rythym. His whole body ached to express his feelings. Fortissimo! With great virtuosity, his fingers pushed the keys, building up the excitement. Intense, like when you jumped down from a very high place. Suddenly he felt a movement in the air. His fingers jumped and missed.

"Don't stop", Prussia said, with a hand under his chin.He stood next to him. "I kinda like it." Austria turned his head astonished. Gilbert. Of all the persons on this earth, Gilbert liked Chopin. Austria coughed. "Well, that's nice..." "Could you teach me?" For the first time, Prussia's look had a trace of modesty. That looked so weird, that Austria had to remind himself of the question again. For the first time, he seemed to have a form of respect for Austria. He was sure to remember this well, for it was something impossible to happen again.
"... I suppose I could teach you... But not something like this, that's still too difficult."
Prussia sulked. "I know that."
"And you'll need to work very hard if you ever want to reach my level." Prussia rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah... I will. Move up, I want to sit."

Austria got Prussia's chair and put it next to his seat. "Now, let me see those hands." Unwillingly, Prussia took off his gloves. His hands were very pale, with suprisingly slim fingers. "You better wash them first! Look at all the dirt under your nails." "It's not the nails that you use to play right? Jeez..." Austria stood up. "One rule: You need to obey me from now on. Don't argue, don't whine! I am not letting you touch my precious instrument with those dirty hands!" With great reluctance Prussia stood up to go wash his hands.


fill Part I page 16 Austria/Prussia Pianolesson part 2 anonymous May 12 2009, 11:06:33 UTC
Austria sat down again. That was so nice, to finally put that Prussian in his place. If this was how Prussia constantly felt, dominating all the others, he could understand why it was so awesome. And while he was away... Austria started on his etude again. It was nice to finally not lose his concentration. Prussia always snapped him out of concentration.


Prussia walked through the hallway. His hands felt refreshed, out of their glove. He shouldn't have worn his gloves that much. While he had tanned a bit (which in Gilbert's case meant, he was less pale) in his face and neck, but his hands looked like they had been drenched in milk. He came across a portrait of a younger Austria. With a mustache. Prussia smirked. Who the hell had done that? Why did it still hung there? Prussia had to find him to thank him.

He was outside of the door when he heard Austria play that same piece again. He was struck by the intensity and the passion, that seemed to burn through it. He had to admit. Austria was really superior on the piano. Which was a reason Gilbert had to learn it. And it was a great excuse to come and drop by Austria's house at anytime. Then Elizaveta would finally stop swinging that damn frying pan every time she caught sight of him. He took a deep sigh.He felt his hairs tickle in his neck and shoulders when Austria reached the climax and played the last chords.


"Didn't miss any spots?" Austria asked when Gilbert entered again. "Show me your nails." He grabbed Prussia's hand. It was surprisingly cool, and smooth. With some effort, these could be changed in beautiful pianohands. And the skin was so white... He thought he could almost see everything what lied beneath. Every vain, muscle, every tendon. It fascinated him, that a man like Prussia had such beautiful hands like this.

He was so sunken in thought that he didn't notice he was already holding that hand for 30 seconds without blinking his eyes. "Yo, Austria..." With a shock, Austria came back to reality. Gilbert had pulled his hand back. "Can't get enough of my hands, can't ya?" Austria blushed. "...I was just looking if you hadn't missed anything."

He pulled out a paper of music. "I assume you've never even looked at sheet music before, so we need to start at the basics..." Gilbert yawned. "Let's skip this, and get right to some action. I don't have the patience for this." Austria angered. "Remember my rule?"
"What kind of threat do you even have? By the way, this is far too boring, even for me." Austria snorted. Gilbert found almost everything boring, Chopin had been a surprise, but it seemed that that was the only one. "Alright", Austria said, "I'll learn you a little song."

Austria played the simple melody of Frère Jacques. "Now it's your turn." He said. Awkwardly Prussia set his fingers on the keyboard. With very flat and stiff fingers, he attempted to play the first three tones Austria played. "Stop", Austria said.

He took Prussia's hands again. Those surprisingly beautiful slender hands. He grabbed the thumb. "You need to hold your fingers like you're holding a soap bubble. Like this." He tried to position Prussia's fingers in the appropriate way. May be a little bit more than necessary... He liked the feeling of those hands. So smooth, and cool, yet gentle. Like a piano.

"Damn, you really like my hands don't you?" Austria jerked. The bloodlust had returned in the gaze of the Prussian. He felt redness crawl up his neck. "Don't mess around, I need to do this so you'll play a lot easier."

"If you like them, just say so." Prussia smiled at him with his evil grin. Austria let them go. Not good. When Gilbert had that look in his eyes... It would not be the first time he would suddenly jump on him and start to molest him. Only this time, Elizaveta wasn't around to save him. That frightened him a little. But somewhere deep inside him, something stirred, and said that he would want that to happen. Then he could feel those hands again, those hands that were packed in gloves all the other times.


fill Part I page 16 Austria/Prussia Pianolesson part 3 anonymous May 12 2009, 11:10:38 UTC
Austria cleared his throat. "You have nice hands for piano playing", he said. "Is that what you wanted to hear?" Prussia grinned.
"Why thank you, Austria... They are also nice for other things, you know." Austria felt his blush deepen. He saw images in his head, no respectable pianist should have when concentrating. "You can hold them for another while...", Prussia said as he waved his hand teasingly in front of Austria's face. Austria turned his look away, still blushing. "That won't be necessary, thank you."

He jerked when the hand stroked his neck, and traced up across his cheek. "Gilbert, cut it out", Austria said, but what had sounded so strong in his mind, came out awkwardly and weak. "Don't lie", Prussia said. "You like this. You love the piano so much, but in fact it's because you have such a fetish for beautiful hands. Like mine, even tough I've never touched a piano before."
Austria gasped. The hand had rested on his chin. And before he knew it, as in slow motion,Prussia leaned in and kissed him full on his lips.

Prussia's hand traced from Austria's cheek to the back of his neck and through his hair. Oh god! Those hands! Those beautiful godly hands! Austria was surprised to found that all his senses had dulled. He didn't even feel the urge to reject, or push him away. He willingly parted his lips, and their tongues joined.

Austria put his arms around Gilbert's back and dug his fingers deep into the blue uniform. Prussia's left hand joined the other one, tracing his back. That felt so good. Now fingers gently touched the skin behind his ear. From that moment on, Austria knew, that when he had held those hands for the first time, this was what he had wanted. He wanted him. His hands, those soft cool hands... This was even better than playing a fantastic piece of music. With the same intensity Austria had played his music piece, he traced tongues with the man he never thought he would kiss. Austria pulled back to breath. While he panted lightly he looked at the Prussian's slightly flushed face. He had never seen him like this. He may was going to regret this later. Wordless he pulled him in again.

The hands ran through his hair once more. Prussia started to lean on him more heavily, which caused Austria to sink from his seat, onto the floor. Prussia pushed him against the wall and had placed his mouth to his ear. With his right hand he removed Austria's glasses, with his left, he continued to stroke Austria's neck. Austria noticed it became hard to breath. Gilbert's breath had become more hard and scraping, as he pushed Austria against the wall with his body. Austria dug his arms on Gilbert's back once more, to beg him not to stop. He searched those lips again with his own.


When Gilbert had leaned in, he had never thought of Austria reacting so passionate. He was actually so surprised he found no resistance that he for a moment had forgotten what he was doing until Austria had parted his lips. Willingly. A strong wave of excitement overcame Prussia when he felt those hands digging in his back. He was holding Austria, and Austria wanted him. He had hypnotized him with his hands. He was so glad he had worn gloves all the time, though, if he would have known it earlier... Austria had pulled back. Prussia bade he wasn't going to change his mind. But no, he didn't, he continued. He directed Austria to the floor against the wall. The next moments were going to be crucial. If he would go too fast, the Austrian may was going to come to his senses and push him away. But he had waited so long for this.

His fingers reached for the buttons of the Austrian's clothing.


Austria had to withstand the urge to moan when he felt those fingers trying to unbutton his coat. Instead he panted heavily and thought of a way to get out of this room and to a bed. However, he couldn't find a way to get to his bedroom, so instead he slowly rose and tried to shove in the direction of the divan. Prussia may first have thought he was going to push him away, because he tightened his grip, but when he saw the divan he quickly pushed Austria in the right direction.


Re: fill Part I page 16 Austria/Prussia Pianolesson part 4 anonymous May 12 2009, 11:18:00 UTC
Austria had to withstand the urge to moan when he felt those fingers trying to unbutton his coat. Instead he panted heavily and thought of a way to get out of this room and to a bed. However, he couldn't find a way to get to his bedroom, so instead he slowly rose and tried to shove in the direction of the divan. Prussia may first have thought he was going to push him away, because he tightened his grip, but when he saw the divan he quickly pushed Austria in the right direction.

Gilbert pushed him down, a bit harder may be than he had meant to, because Austria's back faintly hurt, and his head where the door had slammed it. He felt Prussia tongue draw small circles in his neck, as his hands were still busy with his coat. Austria decided to help a little, he started unbuttoning at the bottom, and pulled away his cravat, leaving more neck uncovered. Leaning against the arm of the divan, he tried to pull off his coat. Prussia pulled impatiently at the coat. "Careful..." panted Austria. "That was an expensive one."

It was the first thing he had said since he had told Gilbert to cut it out. (He wished he had never said that.) Finally the coat came off, and Gilbert's hands started to stroke under his shirt. Austria jolted, and couldn't wait any longer. Aggressively he started to unbutton Gilbert's shirt. Would he have that same whiteness under those clothes? Why did those uniforms had so many goddamn buttons? "Oh fuck it." Gilbert broke away from Austria and almost ripped his own uniform away in the haste to get it off. Austria used the moment to get rid of his shoes.

He grasped Prussia's hands again, and put them back under his shirt. Their gasps had grown, louder and faster. Like his etude on the moment of a climax. But.. Not yet. He let out a small groan when the hands traced his nipples. This seemed to excite Gilbert more. He did it again. Prussia's lips were down to his collarbone. And the left hand, traced down to his crotch. If he was going to pull away from this, this would be his last chance. But he wasn't able. He pushed Gilbert's body against his.

He was in a similar trance when he had played the piano. But this, was this how a piano felt? To be played like this? And on top of it, with hands like these... One reached down his pants and started to stroke there.


Prussia felt the hands arround his back tighten. Heh, piano music? This was the real music. The rhythmic gasps and moans of his good old Austria. He wouldn't need to play the piano anymore if he could play this. He felt Austria move against his hand. O no you won't. Not yet. Oh how he loved how to finally have him where he wanted him, wanting him. Austria's face was flushed red, it almost reminded him of the color of his own eyes. Eyes filled with lust. He wasn't sure what to do next though. Would Austria really let him fuck him? Only the idea made his crotch ache even more.

But would Austria be all right? Would he let him? Heh, there was only one way to be sure. He would make him so crazy he was going to beg for it. He was already on the right track. Awfully slowly, he moved his hand up and down. Austria gasped, and made sounds like he was about to choke. Prussia covered where the sound came from with his own mouth, and felt Austria's heavy breathing inside.

It became hard to think. He had to reach the end soon. But he also had to be careful not to break the lewd look in Austria's eyes. He needed to keep him hypnotized. And what would be better than use that, what had made Austria this way.


Suddenly, the hand that had stroked him stopped. Austria grabbed it. "Don't stop", he panted. He pulled the hand to his mouth and sucked at the fingers. He felt Gilbert shiver. The smoothness felt even better with his tongue. Then he pulled the hand down again, were it continued to move, faster than before. Austria's head jerked backwards. It was difficult to keep his voice down. He couldn't handle all this anymore. This feeling, this pleasure. He pulled Prussia's head to his mouth. "..In... my coat", he moaned. With his other hand Prussia reached for the coat's pocket. He had found the lube.


Re: fill Part I page 16 Austria/Prussia Pianolesson part 5 anonymous May 12 2009, 11:22:37 UTC
Austria dug his hands so deep in Gilbert's hair when he was entered by him that he was afraid he might was going to pull it out. The brakes had gone off his moans. He didn't care if anyone would hear this. Prussia moved in the same slow rhythm "P..Prussia", he moaned. "Faster..." He did. This feeling, all of his emotion, burning, dashing through his entire body, but above all, he felt a light, but also heavy feeling. It was the same when he heard a fantastically beautiful piano piece. Down his nerves, like a heavy itch. It ripped right through him. Pain and pleasure collided, Austria felt himself turn crazy when that hand gave a last stroke. A few moments later, Prussia groaned and collapsed on him. With those same hands he gave a last push to a climax. Austria's back bend, and felt his blood for a short moment cut off from his head.


The feeling, when the Austrian had licked his fingers, Gilbert hadn't see it coming. His senses intensified, and it was impossible to even consider how Austria might was going to feel. He was going to fuck him, he needed to. It was Austria himself who said to look in his coat. Vaguely he wondered why Austria had lube in it, but it didn't mattered any more. He thrust and felt a sharp pain, when Austria pulled his hair. It encouraged him to stretch the moment, to make him suffer. But he couldn't when he heard the Austrian moan his name. He thrust a few times hard and quick and felt himself come. He gave Austria a last stroke, and kept lying on top of him when he pulled out while he heard Austria's climax.


They silently lied on the divan. Austria was afraid to move, to even say something. It had passed so quickly. With the blood rushing back to his brains, he felt how incredibly stupid he had been. He had given in to Prussia's seduction. Oh no.. he heard the lock of the door. Elizaveta had returned. Gilbert was the first one to move. He slid his clothes partially back on, and locked the door. "What are you...", Austria began. Prussia waved at the grand piano. "Play", he whispered. Austria felt embarrassed when he skipped to the grand piano wearing very little clothing.

"Roderich?" Hungary knocked on the door. "Why did you lock your door?" Prussia stood dead silent. Austria cleared his throat. "I needed all my concentration for this piece." "All right then", she said, and moved off to the kitchen. Austria sighed.

Prussia had fully dressed himself. Austria didn't dare to look in his eyes. "Now get out", he said. Prussia smirked astonished. "What about my piano lesson?" "Gilbert get out!" He opened the window that lead to the garden. "Now!"
"Heh, you're going to regret you said that", smirked Gilbert, and he leaped through the window. Austria dressed himself and took the lock of the door. Hungary came in with a vase of flowers.

"Aren't they nice? The friendly old lady gave me a discount." "Sure", Austria said. She looked out of the window. "What the, what's Gilbert doing walking near our house?" She searched something to throw. "It's all right" hushed Austria. "He came by, but I managed to keep him out."
Hungary smiled. "That's great."

"Hey Austria!" Austria felt his nerves tighten when Gilbert yelled and waved at them. Hungary yelled back. "He doesn't want you around! Get lost!" Prussia smirked. "Then why does he keep lube in his coat?" Austria's face reddened when Gilbert turned his back and arrogantly walked away while Hungary tugged on his arm to ask how he knew that.


Re: fill Part I page 16 Austria/Prussia Pianolesson part 5 anonymous May 12 2009, 16:43:30 UTC
Yeeeees Roderich, why DO you keep lube in your coat?? *snortgiggle*

Oh man, that was HOT!!!! Nice work, anon!!


Re: fill Part I page 16 Austria/Prussia Pianolesson part 5 anonymous May 12 2009, 19:16:28 UTC
*requested a similiar kink elsewhere* Daaaaamn. That was hoT!


Re: fill Part I page 16 Austria/Prussia Pianolesson part 5 anonymous May 12 2009, 23:21:42 UTC
XD The thought of Elizaveta having to save Roderich from being molested amuses me to no end. Because really, everyone knows she's the actual 'man' of the relationship. |D *bricked*

This was awesome, as Gilbo would say. Good job, author!anon! *thumbs up*


Original Request anonymous May 13 2009, 08:21:55 UTC
Re: fill Part I page 16 Austria/Prussia Pianolesson part 5 anonymous May 13 2009, 17:54:27 UTC
Okay, that was awesome. The hand fascination bit was probably my favorite part. Great work!


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