Feb 11, 2011 00:01

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 4



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rules of the game (2/2) anonymous May 10 2009, 18:32:35 UTC
Rules of the Game - part two

As he moves farther back on the bed, Feliciano has a moment of regret for not thinking to ask to kiss Ludwig's cock, already hardening and darkening with blood again. But he doesn't want to break his rhythm, so he slides all the way back between Ludwig's legs until his own go over the edge of the bed and his feet touch the floor. Mischief flashes across his lips as he dips his head to press a kiss to the inner spur of Ludwig's ankle. He hears a low rumble, but by the time he looks up, all traces of laughter are gone from Ludwig's face. Feliciano grins at him anyhow before going down to kiss the other ankle.

With Ludwig's permission, Feliciano makes his way back up Ludwig's legs, kiss by kiss, until he reaches their joining. One hand on each thigh, he applies enough pressure to suggest what he wants and Ludwig spreads wider for him. "May I kiss you there?"

Ludwig's breath plays heavy over his lips. The backdraft coaxes out a half-smile. "Where?"

Feliciano presses his middle and forefinger to his mouth. Touching the kissed fingertips to opposite sides of Ludwig's hole, he smiles: "Here."

Ludwig has to lick his lower lip before the path is slick enough for his "yes" to slide out.

Lowering himself to his belly again, Feliciano takes a moment to smile at the fingers of Ludwig's one hand re-threading into his hair. Then his smile and kiss meet each other as he puts his mouth to Ludwig. He circles with the tip of his tongue, drags the flat across, presses the pucker of his lips to the pucker of Ludwig's asshole.

He comes up for breath and for another request: "Lick this for me?" He offers his finger and Ludwig moves forward for it. As he suckles, Feliciano lets his gaze drift from Ludwig's face to Ludwig's hand, white-knuckled around the headboard's bar.

With a sigh at the pleasant scrape of teeth along the underside and the gorgeous wet softness inside Ludwig's lip, Feliciano drags his finger free of Ludwig's mouth.

And then he pushes into a new gorgeosity, just the tip of his finger inside Ludwig, not pushing any more, just slip-twisting. He bends to lick his finger; keeps licking as he withdraws it, and now it is just his tongue slip-twisting, licking, fucking.

And then both of Ludwig's hands are in Feliciano's hair.

The hands fall from him as Feliciano sits up. Ludwig is arching and yielding and open, his body open, his mouth open, his eyes closed. Feliciano takes a moment to memorize the lovesomeness of this moment, the utter loveliness of Ludwig in this moment.

Ludwig's eyes open when Feliciano touches the head of his cock to Ludwig's entrance. They pause time, looking at each other across the space of the gaze in the stilled moment.

Then Ludwig's mouth quirks up on the one side again, but he doesn't say no. He can't: there are rules, and they both know how Ludwig believes in following rules.

Feliciano doesn't push in. He takes Ludwig's right hand and curls Ludwig's fingers back around the bars of the headboard. His fingertips linger as he does the same with Ludwig's left hand before sitting back.

They look at each other.

"Rules of the game, Ludwig," Feliciano says. "You have all control again."

"Rules of the game," Ludwig agrees. He is the one to smile now, with open eyes and heavy-breathed open mouth: "Fuck me, Feliciano."

And Feliciano, open-eyed, open-mouthed, open-hearted, does.



Re: rules of the game (2/2) anonymous May 10 2009, 19:00:40 UTC
oh ho...this was hot. Loved it <3


Re: rules of the game (2/2) anonymous May 10 2009, 19:07:44 UTC
Author!anon is very happy you enjoyed, and thanks you for reading!


Re: rules of the game (2/2) anonymous May 10 2009, 19:17:09 UTC
"You have all control again."
My heart stopped. Author!anon, i love you.


Re: rules of the game (2/2) anonymous May 10 2009, 19:25:32 UTC
Ah, that line! Well, you know, Feliciano really wanted this--but he couldn't take advantage of Ludwig's adherence to rules and regulations. And it wouldn't have been fun for him if Ludwig wasn't into it, too. ♥

Thank you for reading!


Re: rules of the game (2/2) anonymous May 10 2009, 20:05:43 UTC

burble... anon's brain is now happy puddle of goo!


Re: rules of the game (2/2) anonymous May 10 2009, 20:25:44 UTC
Author!anon is delighted to have had that effect on your brain. Thank you for reading!


Re: rules of the game (2/2) anonymous May 10 2009, 22:09:01 UTC
Oh lord, that was hot. You really have an amazing way with words, author!anon. <3333


Re: rules of the game (2/2) anonymous May 10 2009, 23:36:47 UTC
Author!anon is very pleased you enjoyed it, and thanks you for reading! ♥


Re: rules of the game (2/2) anonymous May 11 2009, 10:05:12 UTC
I love it. I absolutely love it. Creative, sexy, in character, sweetly romantic, and just plain wonderful. Delightfully kinky without going overboard- This would be an absolutely fun game to play... no handcuffs needed!

Awesome, awesome job!


Re: rules of the game (2/2) anonymous May 12 2009, 06:11:25 UTC
Author!anon is delighted you enjoyed this and thanks you for reading! I think this would be a pretty fun game, too.


Re: rules of the game (2/2) anonymous May 18 2009, 22:57:25 UTC
That was hot, and the end was so cute.


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