Feb 11, 2011 00:01

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 4



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rules of the game (1/2) anonymous May 10 2009, 18:30:50 UTC
Rules of the Game - part one

"Ludwig," Feliciano says when they climb into bed. "Ludwig," he says again between kisses, pulling back more than he needs to for breath, enough for eye contact. He smiles when Ludwig looks at him; he smiles even though Ludwig doesn't. "Do you fancy a game tonight?"

Ludwig's brow quirks up. "Does it involve food?"

There's a move Feliciano does with his tongue sometimes that he calls fusilli in his head, but he's pretty sure that doesn't count. "No."

Ludwig holds the gaze for another silent moment; Feliciano smiles into the gaze, the moment. Then Ludwig's chest rises and falls in what seems to be a sigh, though he doesn't let it escape his lips. "All right," he says.

Beaming, Feliciano pushes Ludwig onto his back as he sits up, swinging over a leg to straddle him. Taking Ludwig's hands by the wrists, he leans forward and curves Ludwig's arms to the headboard. The brow quirks again, but after a moment and without being told, Ludwig curls his fingers around the slats. Feliciano sits back, settling himself on Ludwig's abdomen, feeling the swell of breath between his thighs.

"As long as both hands stay on the headboard," Feliciano explains, "I have to do whatever you ask.

"If I'm able to do something so wonderful that one of your hands comes off the headboard, I don't have to do what you say anymore-but I can't do anything you say no to.

"If I'm able to get both your hands off the headboard," Feliciano flashes a grin, "then I can do whatever I want." The grin opens, curving up more. "Anything I want."

Ludwig, of course, does not grin. But there's a glint in his eyes that makes Feliciano's toes curl. "All right." Ludwig adjusts his grip on the brass slats. "Let's start with a blowjob."

He parts his legs and Feliciano shifts back to lie between them. Curling his hand around the base of Ludwig's cock, Feliciano first kisses the head, then licks the length before swallowing it as Ludwig directs, sucking and sucking and sucking, going breathless sucking, until Ludwig comes down his throat. A single husky word of praise drips from Ludwig's lips. Keeping Ludwig in his mouth as he goes soft, Feliciano smiles.

When Ludwig says, "Lower," Feliciano releases him and slides back so he can move to Ludwig's balls. He hovers, painting breath on the tender flesh, inhaling the musk. He hovers until Ludwig says, "Mouth them." And Feliciano does, brushing his lips against them, parting to breathe them in, drawing them into his mouth with gentle suction, lips still moving, tongue moving too in tender little licks. When he hears the moan from Ludwig's mouth, inarticulate but communicating more to him than words could, Feliciano almost smiles around Ludwig's sac: the first hand will soon be his.

A moment later it's in his hair, not asking for more, not asking anything, just burrowing into the softness.

Ludwig chokes a sigh at the loss when Feliciano raises his head. Smiling, Feliciano acknowledges the fingers in his hair with a touch, briefly resting over them as he says, "May I go lower?"

"Yes," Ludwig breathes. Something more than permission, something that almost could be a smile rests at the corners of his mouth.



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