Feb 11, 2011 00:01

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 4



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[2/?] anonymous May 9 2009, 14:20:16 UTC
“Can’t take me down just like that, old man.” Alfred smirked smugly back at him, and the way Arthur was on his lap made the height difference virtually nonexistent, so that their faces were close enough for everything to grow really uncomfortable, really fast. The fact that Alfred seemed to become conscious of it and blushed only set Arthur’s blush off too. “Um-I suppose we h-have to-“

“Y-Yeah.” Arthur swallowed thickly, trying to snap himself out of it; this was not the time, not the place to think of how blue Alfred’s eyes were up close, how he hadn’t been this close to his former colony for over a century almost, and damn-

“We, um, haven’t been this close in a while.” Alfred laughed uneasily, unknowingly echoing Arthur’s thoughts, a fact that only added to his aggravated mood, and Arthur wanted to say ‘Don’t, don’t make this into something more, not when you don’t care, stop pretending you want me, that this is more than a joke‘. In the end, he said nothing, like he always did, and instead opted for a: “I...have a pocketknife in my back pocket; if Germany was stupid enough to leave it here then maybe they were in a hurry.” Maybe they could escape and get out of here, out of...this, because Arthur didn’t want to be in this situation anymore than he had to. Germany hadn’t gone through his pockets, just took their guns and tied them up and left them here...whatever ‘here’ meant. This could work. They couldn’t sit here and expect help from Francis of all people. He was probably out somewhere losing as they spoke. Damn unreliable French frog. And Ivan and Yao were preoccupied with Japan. Shit.

“How’re you gonna reach for it like this?” Alfred swayed him back and forth with his bound wrists to demonstrate, laughing at the annoyed frown and eye roll he got from Arthur. Well, laugh all you can, boy.

“You’re going to do it for me, prat.”

That cut the laughter short, and Arthur smirked smugly.

“A-Arthur, I mean, ugh. Okay.” Alfred dragged him closer to slide his wrists downwards, “But if you wanted me to feel you up, you could have asked in a much nicer way-“

“S-Shut up!” Ah shit, of all the people to end up here with him, it just had to be this particular idiot, whom Arthur actually desperately wanted, “Just do it and we can get the hell out of here.” Arthur felt the other’s wrists try to move down his back with less than anticipated success, so he leaned forward, his face burning, to place his head on Alfred’s shoulder and press himself closer, thighs wrapping around Alfred’s sides, see if that gave him any space to work. It seemed to work, somewhat, and soon he could feel Alfred’s fingers fumble with his back pocket, trying not to touch too much. He didn’t lift his head from Alfred’s shoulder until it was over, eyes shut tightly, as if that would make any difference. He could still feel Alfred’s touch; it was burning his skin, he didn’t think he’d ever forget it. “C-Cut the ropes already, you idiot. Your hands first.”

“I-It’s not easy, damn it, Germany tied them too taut-“ Alfred’s breathing had grown irregular, and he was trying to cut through the ropes with jerky movements; Arthur eventually lifted his head to look over his shoulder, and Alfred did the same in order to see what he was doing. “Shit, I hope I don’t cut off any fingers.” He joked, but Arthur felt like hitting him over the head, injury and all. “Don’t say such stupid things, Alfred. Get over with it!”

“I’m trying!” Came the distressed response; why would Alfred sound - oh. Oh.


[3/?] anonymous May 9 2009, 14:24:13 UTC
Alfred was...getting hard. “Y-You-Alfred-“Arthur’s eyes widened to the point were it would look comical, where they in any other situation. But Alfred was still looking down at his hands, face marred with deep frustrated lines, concentrating in cutting the ropes. “I-It’s not my fault, damnit!” Alfred snapped back up to look at him, his cheeks red with embarrassment. “Do you think I can help it, with you being so close-“He stopped abruptly, eyes widening enough to match Arthur’s. “I-I mean...!”

Arthur’s cheeks were glowing. D-Damn that brat for always making him feel like this.

“Arthur-you-do you-“Alfred sounded strained, and Arthur’s heart was beating loudly in his ears, just as hard as Alfred’s was beating against his chest. Because there was lust in Alfred’s voice and Alfred was getting hard, because of Arthur. Lust that Arthur had never dared look for, even after his former colony, now independent, had joined the Allies and this stupid War. He’d never dared hope, but now-

“Untie your hands, Alfred.”

Alfred nodded shakily at the hushed demand, cut the remaining ropes and freed his hands. “W-What do you want me to do now?” The fact that he was asking, letting Arthur guide him into this, made his stomach flutter.

“Do mine next.” Alfred helped him guide his bound arms over his head, bringing them between them and slowly working to cut the ropes. “And the rest.” His fingers wound themselves in Alfred’s hair, brushing his fringe back and removing Alfred’s glasses while the other was uncoiling the thick ropes around their waists. He folded them carefully and slipped them into Alfred’s front pocket.


He couldn’t stop himself from meeting Alfred’s eyes, leaning in slowly and letting the tip off his nose drag along the other’s cheek in a caress, breaths intermingling. Their noses bumped, and Alfred chuckled nervously, his fingers bunching up the fabric of Arthur’s uniform and digging into his waist.

He...Alfred was looking at him with so much longing, looked so hopeful. Arthur took a good look, made sure to etch it in his memory, because it was him, Arthur Kirkland, England, that he was looking up at like this. He didn’t think of anything else, though, as he leaned down to brush his lips against Alfred’s in a chaste kiss that was very much unlike him.


[4/5] anonymous May 9 2009, 14:29:48 UTC
Alfred made a hoarse, greedy sound and darted abruptly forward as Arthur leaned back, catching his lips with his and kissing him as if he mattered. And it did matter, didn’t it? Arthur leaned into it eagerly, wrapping his arms around Alfred’s neck and biting and licking Alfred’s bottom lip until the other opened his mouth to him. They were kissing messily, violently, teeth and tongues more than lips and it was the single best kiss in Arthur’s life. He burried his fingers in that dirty blond hair and pulled, cock hardening at the sound Alfred made. Arthur gave the other’s hips a squeeze with the thighs wrapped around his waist and their stomachs slid together.

“A-Arthur, oh god-“Alfred breathed hoarsely, “I’ve always, you were-“, before he dragged him in another one of those kisses, and Arthur opened his mouth and let him dominate the kiss, pushing his hips down on Alfred’s, his cock sliding against Alfred’s hardness even through the material of their uniforms and oh. They must have both moaned into the kiss, and Alfred tried to thrust back up with difficulty as he was pined down, so Arthur reluctantly pulled back from the kiss to help set the pace.

“I-Alfred, me too, you damn idiot-“ He threw his head back and bucked down harder -god this was happening, wasn’t it, Alfred’s cock was so hard against his own, and Arthur wondered what it would feel like inside him, with him riding it, how tight Alfred would be around him-

“Damn Arthur, ah, you look so hot like this.” Alfred was muttering between gasps, before cupping the back of Arthur’s neck to lick his way up and bite and nip at his earlobe. Arthur awarded him with a harder thrust, hips circling in place faster. He could feel the sweat running down his temples, his uniform sticking to him like a second skin, but none of that mattered as much as Alfred’s kisses and the rapid heartbeat against his own did. “A-Alfred, fuck-“ They were both so hard now, so hard, his cock was throbbing, just a bit more, Alfred’s hips joined his in thrusting, and Arthur whispered hotly against his lips, “Together, let’s-“

“Yesss.” Alfred hissed, kissing him deeply, letting Arthur lick his way inside and suck on his tongue, and his balls were tightening, that feeling, yes, he was just, almost there- Harder, faster, faster, oh god.

Arthur shuddered as he came, seeing white behind his tightly closed eyelids and he couldn’t breathe, his lungs were burning, but he still didn’t break the kiss. Alfred groaned loudly into it as his own orgasm washed over him, moaning Arthur’s name against his lips and quivering whole.


[5/5] anonymous May 9 2009, 14:40:24 UTC
Their lips made a noisy, wet sound when the stopped kissing in order to breathe and it sounded so obscene and so hot that Arthur couldn't help groaning. He let his head fall on Alfred’s shoulder while he tried to catch his breath, and Alfred copied him, the arms that were wrapped around Arthur’s waist not moving away but hugging him tighter against his chest.

“Wow.” Arthur couldn’t help but chuckle huskily at that, because he hadn’t heard that awed tone in such a long time.

“Eloquent...as ever, hah, Alfred?”

“Hey! I can’t help it if you turned my brain into a mess.” Arthur blushed at that (which was absurd, after what they had just done, but then again Alfred always made him do things like that for some inexplicable reason) and pulled back to look the other in the eye.

“Alfred, this-“

“I kinda hope next time won’t be taking place in a closet or whatever. That...well, it wasn’t the most romantic place I could think of.” Alfred threw him a wide smile that filled Arthur’s stomach with butterflies. Oh god, he said next time, he wanted this again. He’d answered all of Arthur’s questions and dissolved all of his lingering doubts without even knowing it. Only Alfred. Stupid brat, for making him fall in love with him like this.

“Ugh, my pants are a mess now. I wanna get out of here.”

“Me too, Alfred. Oi, once we do get out of here-“

“Oh yes.”

Arthur smirked. Things were going to be interesting from now on. Maybe Germany could actually be useful.



Re: [5/5] anonymous May 9 2009, 17:19:35 UTC
not OP




That was so, so, so HOT. And AMAZING.

Thank you for making my day AWESOME.

I love you, marry me.


Re: [5/5] anonymous May 9 2009, 17:30:33 UTC
FFFFFF, THANK YOU ANON, your comment is seriously making me blush ♥♥

o-oh my, marriage proposals \o/


Re: [5/5] anonymous May 9 2009, 17:57:24 UTC
That was sooooo hot... I think I need a shower ;)


NOT OP anonymous May 10 2009, 05:08:14 UTC

This just...GUH. Moltenly hot and rough and I love your italics and the focus and the always and the oh my god. Have an internet. And a cookie. And another internet. And some butterflies for good measure. And my soul.

This gets saved now, yes. Thank you.


Re: NOT OP anonymous May 10 2009, 08:13:44 UTC
A-AUTHOR!ANON DOES NOT DESERVE THAT MUCH PRAISE b-but, I'll take the cookie. And the internet, jasskjhyg, I love anon for this comment ♥♥ you made my morning 8D


Also not OP anonymous May 10 2009, 09:35:32 UTC
O-oh. Y-your characterization is so delicious and your Alfred was so positively nnnnngh (not that your Arthur wasn't spot-on, but somehow your Alfred alkngdskn).

PLEASE, AUTHOR!NON, if you do get married to that anonymous above, let me be your mistress or something. I must repay you for this awesomeness *offers candy she was given yesterday meanwhile*.

reCaptcha: of martians. Tony does not approve?


Re: Also not OP anonymous May 10 2009, 12:14:43 UTC
M-My, you anons sure know how to make me blush, sghfsh. Thank you so much, anon, my biggest worry is always characterization; I have to admit Alfred comes a lot easier to me than Arthur does, but ajsjsf, ANYWAY THANK YOU ♥♥♥♥♥xinfinity.

I-I wouldn't really mind mistresses, ohoho. /takes candy

Would Tony ever approve? ;(


Re: [5/5] anonymous May 10 2009, 13:34:38 UTC
Well, DAMN. This is smokin' hot. Absolutely fucking smokin' hot. I love, love frottage fic and there is not enough of it EVER, and just shkjerh nngh. Arthur was hot in this, I must say. ♥


Re: [5/5] anonymous June 27 2010, 17:35:21 UTC


Re: [5/5] anonymous July 16 2010, 23:01:15 UTC
xD <33333. That's all I have to say.


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