Feb 11, 2011 00:01

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 4



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England and the Really Really Bad Idea [2.1.5/?] anonymous May 7 2009, 19:30:39 UTC
Author!Anon failed while posting parts 2.1 and 2.2 and completely cut out three countries while trying to fit the whole thing in. I am soooo sorry. I just can't stop failing with this story. So this part is horribly out of order, but is supposed to go between parts 2.1 and 2.2. I am so, so sorry and it will be fixed when I unanon myself with this fic.

~The Missing Part~

“Braginski, Ivan.”

Oh please, please put him in Hufflepuff. I know he should be in Slytherin, but having him in Hufflepuff with that wine bastard would be sweet justice.


Just what I thought. Slyther-Wait. What? There is no way in hell that Russia could be a Hufflepuff! Right? Then again, though misguided, he really thought he was doing what was best for those countries…and he was loyal to them in his own screwed up way.

England felt an oncoming headache and gave a small shake of his head, trying to drive it away. The Sorting Hat must be on the fritz or something because there is no way that it was picking the right Houses. Those poor Hufflepuffs were going to be scarred for life with Russia wanting to “become one” with them.

“Carriedo, Spain.”

He’s definitely very Hufflepuff nowadays, but his conquistador days he was quite the Slytherin. Maybe even Ravenclaw.


Oh. Well. He is brave for being friends with France and having a crush on Romano?

“Chavez, José.”

Cuba. I don’t really know him, but according to America he can have very Slytherin-like qualities. According to Canada, though, he can have very Hufflepuff-like qualities. That’s an interesting combination.


I guess it makes sense considering his relations with America?

“Edelstein, Roderich.”

Ravenclaw without a doubt. He is the very image of a Ravenclaw.


Hungary must have rubbed off on him? Or maybe he’s brave for having married her to begin with?


I wish I could promise you guys a decent update later as a reward for putting up with my fail, but I don't think I'll have the time to write anything :(


Re: England and the Really Really Bad Idea [2.1.5/?] anonymous May 8 2009, 03:21:48 UTC
I think you forgot to sort Latvia. ;_; I didn't see him anywhere.


Author~ anonymous May 8 2009, 03:29:38 UTC
Galante, Raivis starts off part 2.2 and was sorted into Gryffindor :)

(Author!Anon so doesn't have plans to make him BFFs with Neville O:-) )


Way too many house suggestions!anon anonymous May 9 2009, 00:46:37 UTC
DX Ah i see, anon is sorry for the accusation! This anon is obviously blind and should probably purchase new glasses. :D but....

*A* Nevile + Latvia = This anons soul & Internets going to YOUUUUUUUU!! (i can just picture them singing the fun song, gardening, and doing all other kinds of other bff activities I've heard that best friends masturbate together sometimes, hurr hurr *bricked*

I though that Ravenclaw would be the worst house for Vash due to his trigger happy nature. Also for him, i figured that would constitute having to use his mind to solve problems instead of trekking through each and every situation by using violence. And that such would likely be a constant test of his will power.

And as for Matthew, well i just thought he was evenly split between the other three houses, and that Slytherin seemed like the one of which he lacked the attributes for.

ReCaptcha: Educated Crowding O_O Captcha knows all.


Re: Way too many house suggestions!anon anonymous May 9 2009, 01:19:03 UTC
Matt was hard for me to come up with a House with because yeah, he was evenly split I thought. I just liked the idea of his being in the House that would be perfect for Al and well, Al isn't there XD (Psh. He made Al cry. Surely that takes cunning which is perfectly Slytherin :D)

Have you heard that, now? Well, I have to admit...I uh, have never written smut before (the one line from that 10 words or less meme doesn't count) and have no real plans to start now *flees*


Re: England and the Really Really Bad Idea [2.1.5/?] anonymous May 8 2009, 07:29:36 UTC
“Carriedo, Spain.”
How come Spain's name is...Spain ;)???


Author~ anonymous May 8 2009, 16:36:54 UTC
Because Author!Anon can't stop failing and stupidly decided that having 29 Nations, 1 Sorting Hat, and 1 McGonagall (not to mention the upcoming Dumbledore and Character-Who-Won't-Be-Named, plus who knows who else will write themselves in) all in one chapter was a great idea.


I screwed up again and it has been fixed. Thank you ♥


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