That's Not How You Supersize [9/?]
May 6 2009, 16:50:26 UTC
England turned back his attention to Alfred who was finishing up his tea and reaching for a burnt scone. Alfred tried taking a bite out of it but found it too hard. England felt himself smile. He remembered before when America used to tell him how much he liked his cooking. Unlike now where all he did was insult it.
The older man was busy watching the boy trying to nibble or even put a dent on the scone that he didn’t notice Canada coming back up from the alien’s lair. It was only when England finally realized that Canada was there when the nation tapped his shoulder and called his name out.
“”Oh Canada,” England said turning his attention away from Alfred to Canada. “What did the extra-terrestrial say?”
Canada looked like a mix of relief and worry. England was beginning to get impatient and curious as to what the blasted creature told the boy. “Uh… um…” Matthew began as he stuttered and wondered how he was going to break the news to Arthur.
“Well get on with it, lad!” snapped England impatiently.
“R-right!” Canada said immediately straightening up and bracing himself for whatever may happen after he tells the Englishman. “Well Tony said that the effects will wear off in a few weeks time.” said Canada managing to get the words out. England stared at him and there was silence in the room except for the munching sounds that came from Alfred and the now slightly chewed up scone.
“A few weeks…?” England repeated monotone. Canada nodded meekly fervently hoping that England wouldn’t kill anyone or explode. England heard a sharp intake of air as he spoke. “What do you mean a few weeks?”
Canada started mumbling something about two to three weeks. England blinked. Two to three weeks? This was utterly impossible. England began to feel very pissed. How were they going to show up in the UN meeting with the world’s only remaining superpower turned into a child? He felt himself lean against the chair as his mind raced through various scenarios.
He could see it all so clearly now. France trying act all nice and pedophile and Russia… Oh my God! Russia! England could feel his hands go through his hair. That maniac would probably trick the poor child into becoming one with him.
With seemingly renewed energy and willpower, England tried to stand up but found out that Alfred was still sitting on top of him. He just opted to sit down instead and vowed to himself that he do everything and anything to protect Alfred from harm.
Canada who felt that England wouldn’t yell or do an outburst on him finally began to relax when England suddenly held his shoulder and stared at him with determination burning in his eyes. The poor boy began to tense up and panic again.
“The meeting is next week right?”
“Uh-huh…” replied Canada not exactly sure where this was going.
“Right then.” England looked as if that decided something important. Canada wasn’t sure whether he wanted to know or not but England looked as if he was going to tell him anyways.
“Canada, could you please inform America’s boss for me of his current predicament.” requested England now handing America another scone to chew on. Canada nodded and stood up, now getting ready to tell England that he needed to leave since he was going to have dinner with France. He was about to speak when England interrupted him.
“By the way Matthew, as much as possible, please do not mention it to France or the others.” said England looking at him straight in the eyes.
“Sure Arthur.” replied Canada heading to the front door and getting his jacket on the way out.
A/N: anon is sorry for late posting and is trying to remember what anon wanted to write in this part. >_< Hope you enjoyed!
spazzing OP here^^
May 7 2009, 16:47:19 UTC
Al is so cute writer!anon~ Give him to me! And dont worry about sticking to anon's specifics else anon will start making *unreasonable* demands XD this is great already^^ oh yes "Texas forget"...we completely forgot about Texas!!! anon wonders where it went XD
England turned back his attention to Alfred who was finishing up his tea and reaching for a burnt scone. Alfred tried taking a bite out of it but found it too hard. England felt himself smile. He remembered before when America used to tell him how much he liked his cooking. Unlike now where all he did was insult it.
The older man was busy watching the boy trying to nibble or even put a dent on the scone that he didn’t notice Canada coming back up from the alien’s lair. It was only when England finally realized that Canada was there when the nation tapped his shoulder and called his name out.
“”Oh Canada,” England said turning his attention away from Alfred to Canada. “What did the extra-terrestrial say?”
Canada looked like a mix of relief and worry. England was beginning to get impatient and curious as to what the blasted creature told the boy. “Uh… um…” Matthew began as he stuttered and wondered how he was going to break the news to Arthur.
“Well get on with it, lad!” snapped England impatiently.
“R-right!” Canada said immediately straightening up and bracing himself for whatever may happen after he tells the Englishman. “Well Tony said that the effects will wear off in a few weeks time.” said Canada managing to get the words out. England stared at him and there was silence in the room except for the munching sounds that came from Alfred and the now slightly chewed up scone.
“A few weeks…?” England repeated monotone. Canada nodded meekly fervently hoping that England wouldn’t kill anyone or explode. England heard a sharp intake of air as he spoke. “What do you mean a few weeks?”
Canada started mumbling something about two to three weeks. England blinked. Two to three weeks? This was utterly impossible. England began to feel very pissed. How were they going to show up in the UN meeting with the world’s only remaining superpower turned into a child? He felt himself lean against the chair as his mind raced through various scenarios.
He could see it all so clearly now. France trying act all nice and pedophile and Russia… Oh my God! Russia! England could feel his hands go through his hair. That maniac would probably trick the poor child into becoming one with him.
With seemingly renewed energy and willpower, England tried to stand up but found out that Alfred was still sitting on top of him. He just opted to sit down instead and vowed to himself that he do everything and anything to protect Alfred from harm.
Canada who felt that England wouldn’t yell or do an outburst on him finally began to relax when England suddenly held his shoulder and stared at him with determination burning in his eyes. The poor boy began to tense up and panic again.
“The meeting is next week right?”
“Uh-huh…” replied Canada not exactly sure where this was going.
“Right then.” England looked as if that decided something important. Canada wasn’t sure whether he wanted to know or not but England looked as if he was going to tell him anyways.
“Canada, could you please inform America’s boss for me of his current predicament.” requested England now handing America another scone to chew on. Canada nodded and stood up, now getting ready to tell England that he needed to leave since he was going to have dinner with France. He was about to speak when England interrupted him.
“By the way Matthew, as much as possible, please do not mention it to France or the others.” said England looking at him straight in the eyes.
“Sure Arthur.” replied Canada heading to the front door and getting his jacket on the way out.
A/N: anon is sorry for late posting and is trying to remember what anon wanted to write in this part. >_< Hope you enjoyed!
captcha: Texas forget
And dont worry about sticking to anon's specifics else anon will start making *unreasonable* demands XD this is great already^^
oh yes "Texas forget"...we completely forgot about Texas!!! anon wonders where it went XD
Can't wait to read the rest!
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