Feb 11, 2011 00:01

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 4



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[sequel] still crazy after all these years (3/?) anonymous May 6 2009, 07:42:08 UTC
Part 3

Alfred seems to pull out of the kiss as soon as he starts it-but no, his mouth is still flush to Arthur's; it's just his tongue that has pulled back. Alfred's lips brush over Arthur's, shaping and reshaping the fit of the kiss. Another wet flash of tongue; and gone again. Arthur sighs into Alfred's mouth, follows his breath with the tip of his tongue, oh, licking at Alfred's teeth-

He jerks himself back. "Alfred-"

"Arthur…" Alfred takes his glasses off and reaches over to drop them on the table. He looks younger without them, his eyes wider and just as blue. "Arthur," he murmurs again, head tilting, face coming closer and closer.

They kiss with their eyes open this time. Or maybe Alfred had his eyes open before, too; that would be like Alfred, wouldn't it? It's dizzying, too close to focus properly; the closeness takes his breath away, and Arthur wonders why he's never tried kissing like this before.

It must have hypnotized him, that kiss, because when it breaks Arthur finds himself turned around the sofa. Alfred wrestles the hem of Arthur's shirt free from his waistband, pushing it up as his hand slips beneath it. Though Alfred's hand had felt cool on his face moments ago, it's warm now as it moves over Arthur's skin. Arthur's cock, sure of Alfred's destination, twitches in anticipation. Alfred kisses him again, and when Alfred rolls Arthur's nipple with his thumb and forefinger, flesh to flesh, Arthur closes his eyes and moans into Alfred's mouth. He feels vibrations along Alfred's tongue as it twines with his, laughter or words or something else.

Other vibrations-new, familiar, his own-ripple through Arthur as Alfred's hand brushes over his cock. Arthur's protest is rendered inarticulate by Alfred's tongue. He reaches down to push Alfred away, but Alfred catches him by the wrist. His grip relaxes just enough to slide up, fingers curving, curled fingertips resting in Arthur's palm as Alfred's palm covers his knuckles. He holds Arthur's hand like that as he continues kissing Arthur and massaging his nipple.

Then Alfred shifts their hands into his own lap, and Arthur feels heat, the hard heat of Alfred's cock. Alfred sighs into the kiss as Arthur's fingers settle along his length; Arthur swallows that sigh and transmutes it into a deeper moan of his own.

At last Alfred lets the kiss break. He moves his mouth to Arthur's ear and breathily murmurs, "Let's go to your bed."

It's surreal. It's unreal. Arthur pulls back to see if Alfred is having him on, if this is nothing more than a joke gone too far.

Alfred's eyes are bright; bright and clear.


"Take me to bed, Arthur," Alfred says. A comely flush colors his face. He smiles. "Your bed."

Arthur fumbles for words. Failing to find any, he touches his lips to Alfred's. He feels Alfred's smile against him, and matches the curve of his own lips to Alfred's.

In the bedroom, they undress-or Arthur does; Alfred seems to have stripped off along the way. Naked, Alfred flops himself onto the bed and stretches out to watch unabashedly as Arthur removes his clothing.

The last time Alfred was in Arthur's bed, he was a child shaken by a nightmare. He doesn't look like he's shaking now. But Arthur feels like he is, himself. He doesn't want this to turn into a nightmare; he doesn't want this to be a dream. He wants-oh, he wants Alfred. But…


At the softly spoken word, Arthur looks up to find Alfred gazing at him, lazily stroking his cock. The sight makes Arthur's heart skip a beat; he feels the missed heartbeat in his own cock.

Arthur joins Alfred on the bed and is immediately pushed onto his back for another kiss. The kiss after that is not for Arthur's lips but for his nipple: Alfred's tongue swirls soft wet heat 'round it, flicks across with agonizing gentleness-and then, dear God in Heaven, Alfred's teeth bite down. Tug. Arthur feels the tug in his balls; feels a thick spiral of sensation he hasn't felt in ages. Centuries.

He reaches for Alfred-but Alfred catches his hands and pins them to either side of Arthur's head.

to be continued


handbasket!anon is supposed to be working bit what the hell... anonymous May 6 2009, 08:08:07 UTC
...ILU. This is just too, too hot.

(I am curious, have you filled other stuff in the kink meme before?)


Re: handbasket!anon is supposed to be working bit what the hell... anonymous May 6 2009, 08:17:46 UTC
Author!anon is supposed to be sleeping...I thought I could push through, but now it looks like what I thought was going to be the last part might be two parts, and I know I'm going to crash before I finish. So the conclusion will come tomorrow.

Thank you for reading and continuing to push encourage me along!

Since you asked...I've completed these fills:

Alfred/Matthew/Arthur - first time, spanking, daddy kink

Alfred/Matthew/Francis - ahoge as erogenous zone
- second fill ("your pretty little curl")

And I'm in progress on this one, which I intend to finish after this sequel:

Alfred/Arthur, Ivan/Arthur - dubcon (UK sacrificing himself sexually to protect US)


Oh, crap, I knew it. Hi, this is Southeast Asia!Anon again anonymous May 6 2009, 08:33:50 UTC
...who is also the handbasket!anon. ><

(the to be continued and the writing style gave you away, dear. :D Why must everything you write be so damn HOT?)

Haha. Get some sleep and rest up, kay? Thank you so much for writing this fill and the sequel! :D

(i must admit I refresh hourly for an update on star bright. XD)

My reCAPTCHA says: Mutual bates


Re: Oh, crap, I knew it. Hi, this is Southeast Asia!Anon again anonymous May 6 2009, 08:47:10 UTC
I wondered if that might be you! I had to take a little break from Star Light, Star Bright because I was starting to feel too emotionally involved/intense about it...and so I came here to torment Arthur in a new scenario. (Head, meet desk.) This one will definitely be completed tomorrow, and I've sworn off distractions so it will be back to Star Light the next day, with aims to finish over the weekend.

I know I've said it before, but seriously, thank you for continuing to comment. It fuels me, it does!


Re: Oh, crap, I knew it. Hi, this is Southeast Asia!Anon again anonymous May 6 2009, 08:54:51 UTC
Ahahaha. I tend to put headers in my anon comments nowadays. XD

(I kinda understand. Star Light's VERY intense.)

Now go get some sleep, Author!anon!


Re: handbasket!anon is supposed to be working bit what the hell... anonymous May 6 2009, 15:05:55 UTC
New commentator to this story here.
You've written my favorite fills on the meme.
I ♥ you :D


Re: handbasket!anon is supposed to be working bit what the hell... anonymous May 6 2009, 18:49:00 UTC
*Author!anon blushes and grins* Thank you so much! This is the most fun I've had in any fandom in quite some time, and I'd probably keep writing stuff even if no one was reading it--but it truly delights me that you're reading and enjoying my offerings. ♥


Re: [sequel] still crazy after all these years (3/?) anonymous May 6 2009, 08:42:48 UTC
Oh jesus christ.



Re: [sequel] still crazy after all these years (3/?) anonymous May 6 2009, 08:52:48 UTC
Author!anon is truly delighted you're enjoying this, thanks you for reading, and promises the fill will be completed tomorrow.


Re: [sequel] still crazy after all these years (3/?) anonymous May 6 2009, 20:12:21 UTC
Oh hell!! This is the not-so-creepy stalker from the first part.

This. Is. Fucking. HOT!!!!

And you're the author-on from Starlight too?!!!! OMG I LUV U!!!!

F5F5F5F5 (in both fics ^^)

(reCaptcha: per childish.... coming to hell with the rest of us, captcha??)


Re: [sequel] still crazy after all these years (3/?) anonymous May 6 2009, 23:21:02 UTC
Author!anon is very happy you're still enjoying this, even if she's not who you thought she was. ;) I'm close to the end of this one (should be able to finish tonight), and after that I'm getting back to Star Light, Star Bright--so I'm also really pleased you're enjoying that one, as well. Thank you for reading!

It'll be an excellent party in hell if we've got reCaptcha with us, methinks.


MARRIAGE-ANON RETURNS ONCE MORE. anonymous May 7 2009, 05:25:01 UTC
Do you know the lengths I went to to find this story again? My computer was dead so I hooked up my new DSi to my house's wifi. But then it wouldn't let me leave a comment because of plugin issues, so I had to wait until now.

Ah, this is amazing! I just watched episode 15 earlier today, so my mental images of Young!Alfred and Arthur are even more vivid than usual, as are their voices (though their English is better here than in the preview for the Storage Cleaning bit). I really love the way you've written them here. Really.

So, where should we have our internet-honeymoon? I hear Hell is nice this time of year. XD


Re: MARRIAGE-ANON RETURNS ONCE MORE. anonymous May 7 2009, 07:45:51 UTC
So, where should we have our internet-honeymoon? I hear Hell is nice this time of year.

*Author!anon laughs* Well, sure--why not?

I'm so sorry you're having computer problems. And really very flattered that you went through such lengths to continue reading and commenting on this. Thank you!

I can't even begin to describe the effect episode 15 had on me. Um. Yes.


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