Feb 11, 2011 00:01

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 4



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not wisely but too well (3/3) anonymous May 5 2009, 07:04:07 UTC
Not Wisely But Too Well - part three

Arthur closes his eyes. Each grunt, each lick, each bite of that tooth-to-come travels the thrill-tendril to Arthur's balls, coiling heavier and heavier.

When Alfred shows no sign of slowing, Arthur decides to rest his feet and goes to the sofa. Instead of sitting, he lies down; the more relaxed he is, he reasons, the more relaxed Alfred will be. Following that same logic, he loosens his breeches-not to touch himself, just to be comfortable.

Still mouthing the nipple, Alfred lies on Arthur's naked torso. Arthur curves his arm to tuck Alfred's feet up, well above Arthur's waist. With his other hand, Arthur soothes along Alfred's spine, then moves up to pet that golden hair as he listens to the lullaby of his boy's contentment, feeling the ease in his body even as the tension swells in Arthur's own.

Arthur's fingers drift from Alfred's hair, down his nape, down along his arm to his chubby little fingers. Reflexively, those fingers wrap around Arthur's forefinger, holding on even as Arthur flexes it.

Arthur looks from Alfred's fingers to the child's face. Alfred's eyes are open as he gnaws lightly on Arthur's nipple; as if sensing Arthur's gaze, Alfred shifts his own to meet it.

The attention to his nipple is starting to hurt a little, but the new tendrils of pain only make Arthur's cock jump and swell more. His hips rise off the sofa, but he controls the movement before it can disrupt Alfred.

Alfred lifts his head and gurgles a smile at Arthur; Arthur returns the smile warmly. Alfred puts his head down on Arthur's chest, and Arthur pushes away a sharp, dark feeling that he might identify as disappointment, if he cared to examine it.

Then Alfred drags his face against Arthur's chest as he turns his head; Arthur feels soft lips sweep over his skin-and ten they close around his nipple once more. A moan rises up from the back of Arthur's throat.

Alfred's fingers are still wrapped around Arthur's forefinger, convulsing in counterpoint rhythm to his mouth. Arthur shifts to rest his hand over his other nipple, and then extracts his finger from Alfred's. Alfred's hand lies flat on Arthur's chest; then his fat, sweet little fingers find the nub.

Please. Arthur closes his eyes. Please forgive me. Please, oh!, oh fuck, please, please, this, please… More tendrils of thrill vibrate through him, faster, hotter, thicker, the thrills uncoil to spiral up from his balls through his cock; heavy heat fills him, floods him; he's filled full to overflowing-and then, please, God and Crown, please, all that heat spills out of him, as wet as Alfred's earlier tears; thicker.

Blissfully oblivious, Alfred continues his teething. Arthur does his best to control the aftershocks that ripple through him, concentrating on slowing his breathing. Gradually Alfred's breathing slows as well, deepening into slumber.

Arthur's hand barely touches Alfred as he caresses the boy's hair. Too many emotions war within him for him to be able to sort them out, or to want to. As he lies there with Alfred, feeling the easy rise and fall of Alfred's chest against his own, the drift of Alfred's restful breath across his chest, one emotion finally disentangles from the chaos inside Arthur:

"Love you, my dear Alfred," Arthur murmurs closing his own eyes against a bright wetness. "Love you."



Hey, how did I get into this handbasket? [can we has sequel?] anonymous May 5 2009, 07:50:13 UTC
Oh, Alfred. The things Arthur do for you. The things you do to Arthur.

(This just. just. God. If I wasn't a shota fan I'd be running screaming from the wrongness)

(can we get a sequel (a less, er, traumatizing one) with older! Alfred exploiting this bit?)


Re: Hey, how did I get into this handbasket? [can we has sequel?] anonymous May 5 2009, 08:28:34 UTC
Ah, sorry about that--author!anon didn't set out to make it traumatizing; it just took a somewhat angst-ridden bent. I'm happy you liked it well enough to ask about a sequel in spite of that! Not sure I can manage one, though, as I have one fill to finish and four claims after that, and I'm a pretty slow writer...


Re: Hey, how did I get into this handbasket? [can we has sequel?] anonymous May 5 2009, 16:00:16 UTC
man I'm going to hell for loving that so much....and even more to hell for wanting more......
....sequel plz


Re: Hey, how did I get into this handbasket? [can we has sequel?] anonymous May 5 2009, 17:08:20 UTC
Author!anon thinks it's going to be a pretty good party in hell.

If there were to be a sequel (and that's a big "if" at the moment), it might be months before I got to it! Slow anon is slow.


Re: not wisely but too well (3/3) anonymous May 5 2009, 11:19:25 UTC
Oh, god. Why couldn't this fill have been terrible instead of frighteningly well-written so I wouldn't have to live with the fact that it turned me on?

fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck


Re: not wisely but too well (3/3) anonymous May 5 2009, 16:49:56 UTC
Author!anon thanks you for reading, and hopes it's all right to feel delighted with this response?


Re: not wisely but too well (3/3) anonymous May 5 2009, 13:18:46 UTC
This turned me on, a lot more than most fics. That's right, I'm not ashamed to say it lol nor does this scare me. Yaoi mangas have changed me in many ways.

A sequel would be great, I could imagine older US experiencing a sense of deja vu as he's does this again to UK when they're a couple.


Re: not wisely but too well (3/3) anonymous May 5 2009, 15:34:58 UTC


Re: not wisely but too well (3/3) anonymous May 5 2009, 16:48:30 UTC
Author!anon applauds your shamelessness, and is delighted you enjoyed this!

As for a sequel--I admit the wheels are spinning, but I'm not sure I have anything that will go anywhere. If there were to be such a thing, it would take me a while (as in months, potentially) because I have a lot on my plate in the meme and offline at the moment.

reCaptcha: impurer paid
(oh reCaptcha, you wag!)


Re: not wisely but too well (3/3) anonymous May 5 2009, 16:14:50 UTC
Well, I'm going to hell. Good to know I'll be in such good company, though.

Seriously, this shouldn't have been as... well, I can always say I'm only turned on because this is the fourth kink-fill I've read in a row. Yes, that's it. Still going to hell, though.

(and I think I know who you are, anon XD)


Re: not wisely but too well (3/3) anonymous May 5 2009, 16:43:38 UTC
Author!anon is delighted you enjoyed it...and is looking forward to the party in hell.

(and I think I know who you are, anon XD)

...Know who I am on the kinkmeme, or know my non-anon identity? *squirms*


Re: not wisely but too well (3/3) anonymous May 5 2009, 16:48:37 UTC
*looks around shiftily*

I am not a creepy stalker, I am not. It's just that your writing reminds me of someone. Someone I really like, and whose writing I love, so it's OK. I dunno, I could be wrong though.

Party in hell, WOOT!! XD

(re-captcha: huntsman car.... wtf I am not a stalker!!!!??)


Re: not wisely but too well (3/3) anonymous May 5 2009, 17:06:11 UTC
Now it's going to drive me crazy not knowing if we know each other! I must know. I'm trying to think of a hint that wouldn't necessarily unanon me here...

Okay, I've posted a (not-so)sekrit message at my regular, non-writing journal. So if you go to the journal of the person you think I might be and you don't see a sign, then I guess I'm safe. (If you only know me from the writing journal, there should be a link on the info page to my regular one.)


Re: not wisely but too well (3/3) anonymous May 5 2009, 17:15:52 UTC
Oh drag, you're not her!! Well, I've no idea who you are, but I really do like your writing. I mean, if I think you may be someone I actually follow around because of her fics, then I think it's a complement ;)


Re: not wisely but too well (3/3) anonymous May 5 2009, 17:29:01 UTC
Safe anon feels safe now!

Oh yes, I definitely take it as a compliment. I was just surprised because I've never written Hetalia outside of this meme. Would it violate rules for you to point me to the author you're not stalking? I'm always on the lookout for good fic.


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