Feb 11, 2011 00:01

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 4



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Under Control. [11/12] anonymous April 28 2009, 21:50:08 UTC
"Keep your hands off it. That stuff's expensive," he said condescendingly. America scowled just slightly. Prussia ignored this, only smirked, and next moment he was pulling off his shirt and moving on to his pants. He was being deliberately slow, as he rather enjoyed watching how America's face, his whole body became more and more flushed the longer he had to wait.

Finally the coarse cloth fell to the ground and Prussia kicked off his boots before advancing on America. The man picked up the vial as he settled between the boy's legs and held it up for him to see.

"Just a bit of luxury to make the occasion more special." And with that the top of the vial was screwed off and Prussia tilted it to pour something glistening onto his palm. America could smell something like perfume and he looked questioningly at the man between his legs but got no answer. Well, any questions he had were gone anyway when he felt the slick fingers trailing down over his throbbing length and between his cheeks. He yelped, his whole body jerking, and gripped the sheets when one finger quickly entered.

Prussia murmured something soothing but America couldn't quite catch it. His eyes squeezed shut and he took short, shallow breaths while his hips altered between pulling away and asking for more. The scales tipped for the latter when Prussia pushed in another finger, not slowing down even a bit. America's thighs trembled and he tried to close his legs, but could only squeeze against Prussia's shoulders and arms.

"Paaatience," the man sneered and America huffed.

"I-I've... been... p-patient alread-- ah!" He threw his head back when Prussia's fingers curled, finding that sweet spot inside him again. "T... T-There. Oh. F-Fuck. Hnnnah." Any possible words were reduced to incoherent gasps and whimpers, a reaction that seemed to please Prussia.

"I'll take that as a compliment." In went a third finger, and America resisted the added intrusion for a short moment before yielding to the sensations, the light burn, the slick friction.

And then they were gone. America flat out keened, feeling cold disappointment in the pit of his stomach, and he raised his head to look at Prussia in horror. "You can't!" he whimpered. "You promised-- Today you wouldn't stop--!" His voice almost cracked before he noticed the look on Prussia's face.

"Oh, shut up, you brat," the man growled, but there was a half-smirk, half-smile on his lips. The red of his eyes shimmered and crackled like fire, and when America had the decency to look down, he saw why... He bit back a whimper as he watched Prussia stroking himself, slicking himself up with his hand, and unconsciously his legs spread a hint wider.

Finally the man let himself go and crawled closer to America. "If you get the urge to scream," was all the warning or advice he got before his hips were grabbed and he felt hot and hard flesh impaling him, "scream."

At first, he couldn't. America felt it, felt every inch of Prussia's cock inside him, felt every ridge and every vein, felt the pulse, and he choked on his own voice. When the man had pulled out and plunged back in, he found his breath again and screamed, moaned, whimpered and cursed and pleaded.

This. This was. Fuck. Oh fuck. Definitely. Worth the wait.


Under Control. [12/12] anonymous April 28 2009, 21:51:57 UTC
America's hands were shaking as he raised them from the bed and clumsily clutched onto Prussia's shoulders. The bed strings creaked miserably underneath their weight, but America could not hear such sounds through his pleasure. Their bodies all but slammed together and America found his face buried in the crook of Prussia's neck, his lips tasting skin and sweat. A vicious thrust and angling of hips and a small scream was lost between them.

"Oh, please let me come."

Prussia inhaled sharply. ""What was that?" he whispered.

America repeated the request. "Please, P-Prussia. I-I need..." But though the next thrust was even stronger than the previous ones, Prussia fell still, buried deep inside America's warmth. The boy squirmed impatiently. When nothing happened for a while, aside from their laboured breaths, America pulled back to look at Prussia's face.

"What?" he asked, annoyed by the wait. Prussia clucked his tongue.

"Are you going to beg England as well?" the man asked. America blinked at the question, taken completely off guard by the mention of the other nation.

"What?" he repeated.

"I said," Prussia scowled lightly, pushing his face closer to America's, "Are you going to beg England? Are you going to plead for your independence?" There was a moment of near-silence. "Or are you going to demand it?"

America took a shuddering breath. "D-Demand," he replied. Prussia nodded.

"Then demand for what you want. Tell me what you want." His hips started to move slowly. "Tell me. Demand me. Order me, like a good commander." With every word the thrusts increased in force, but were not nearly enough for America. He bucked his hips, squirming underneath Prussia, looking at him incredulously and realising that the man meant every word he said...

"P-Prussia. I..." The man's eyes flashed in alertness and America took a deep breath. "I said I want to come. And y-you'd better make me, right now, 'cause else I'll--" His brain grasped at air, or else what? but those words were enough to please Prussia. The man let out a deep laugh and took hold of America's hips. The next thing the boy knew was being rolled over, him ending up on top of Prussia, sitting on the man's lap with his length still firmly inside him.

"Well, come on then," Prussia said, in an almost benevolent tone. "Take what you want, America."

He didn't need to be told twice. Bracing his hands on Prussia's shoulders, America lifted his hips and practically slammed himself back down, letting out a thoroughly pleasured moan at the feeling. His pace quickened with Prussia's hands on his hips steadying him, guiding him, until he found that perfect angle again. Prussia's hips snapped up in time with America's thrusts and their bodies worked together, sweat-slick skin sliding against each other until America seized up and--

There were no words in his moan, no names, just pure pleasure as he clenched around Prussia's cock, felt liquid warmth spilling inside him at the same time his own spread over their abdomens, and he both felt and heard Prussia's deep groan as he released.

They slowly collapsed together. America could not think, could not speak, could barely breathe for chrissakes, and his whole body pulsed as one heartbeat.

He heard a sigh from beneath him, felt a puff of air against his shoulder.

"You'd better win that stupid war of yours," Prussia murmured. "Or else I'm colonising your sorry ass for good."

America, having found his voice, let out a breathy laugh.

"Just watch me."

- - -

[... THE END.]


Re: Under Control. [12/12] anonymous April 28 2009, 21:58:46 UTC

I was supposed to sleep now but I had to re-read from the start and YOU! author!anon, is the master of hotness!

thank you for such an awesome end to one of the hottest fics on this meme!


Re: Under Control. [12/12] anonymous April 28 2009, 22:22:51 UTC

s...so... hot... omg...

ilu authoranon ;__; <3


Re: Under Control. [12/12] anonymous April 29 2009, 00:46:47 UTC
O.o I was wondering if you were going to finish this! AWESOME job, writer anon! Prussia is simply BRILLIANT here... Gah... -fans self-

And the last lines are just perfect!

Well done, very well done!


Re: Under Control. [12/12] anonymous April 29 2009, 01:18:29 UTC
Holy shit this was amazing. I loved the first part, you are awesome for finally finishing this.

God, anything with Prussia is so fucking hotttt. This is saved for future fapping.


Re: Under Control. [12/12] anonymous April 29 2009, 03:09:41 UTC
I did not realize I shipped this so hard until now.

That was... nnnn... Prussia.


Re: Under Control. [12/12] anonymous April 29 2009, 03:10:58 UTC
I'm SQUEEING right now, author!anon, literally SQUEEING. I thought this was never going to be finished, which would have been a shame, but da-amn, you posted and it made my day! ♥ ♥

Totally using this as fodder for one of the Prussia/America promtps. :D


Re: Under Control. [12/12] anonymous April 29 2009, 03:25:37 UTC
*dies at the hotness*

HO MY!!!! YESSSS!!!!!

Captcha: Kneaded Leading (who Prussia? HAHAHA)


Re: Under Control. [12/12] anonymous April 29 2009, 05:36:54 UTC
*splutters* I... THIS! FUCK!

Anon, you freaking rock! Every feeling, every action, every line was just so incredibly well placed! AND Oh. My. God. So hot! *clutches the computer screen* Just... Just... PERFECT!

Bravo anon, excellent work!


Re: Under Control. [12/12] anonymous May 1 2009, 22:47:53 UTC


I love you and want your babies and throw you on my bed and be violently fucked by you, you know that?


Re: Under Control. [12/12] anonymous May 2 2009, 13:33:05 UTC



Re: Under Control. [12/12] anonymous May 4 2009, 05:29:57 UTC
oh. oh. oh god. I came. so hot. thank you.


Re: Under Control. [12/12] anonymous May 24 2009, 04:48:39 UTC
hottest thing late!anon has ever read.


Re: Under Control. [12/12] anonymous June 1 2009, 14:15:30 UTC
Anon wants to pass out from this awesome fic.

Oh, I so ship Prussia x US now.



Re: Under Control. [12/12] anonymous June 12 2010, 04:49:22 UTC
This. Person. OMG. author!anon shall hereby rule the world!


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