Feb 11, 2011 00:01

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 4



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So I heard from Guinness...[6/?] anonymous May 31 2009, 15:38:19 UTC
So Turkey put one leg to one side, the other to the other, and straddled against Israel’s back, reaching his hands around. As he nipped at Israel’s neck, Israel started on Egypt’s shirt, making quick work of the buttons. Turkey’s hands moved down, past Israel’s belt, and gave the tent forming a gentle squeeze.

With a gasp, Israel’s head smacked against Egypt’s jaw jaw and his ass against Turkey’s crotch. For a moment, Turkey couldn’t tell if it hurt or felt good.

“I appreciate your enthusiasm,” gasped out Turkey, “But that’s the wrong way.” Now, Turkey was pretty sure that it had hurt.

“I… I know,” muttered Israel, still grasping onto Egypt’s shirt. Egypt rubbed his sore jaw. “I’m sorry.”

For a while, nobody knew what to do.

What had happened, exactly? Thought Turkey, undoing Israel’s belt buckle. “You that nervous?”

“He doesn’t like surprises,” said Egypt.


“Shut u-ah-”

Turkey’s hand slowly, deliberately slid into Israel’s slacks and past the waistband of his underwear. “Ah-”

“Fine then. No surprises. We do what Israel wants to do,” said Turkey, coaxing Israel to full hardness.

“I said shut up,” said Israel, finishing Egypt’s buttons and tearing off his shirt.

“So you do want surprises?”

Israel pressed himself closer to Egypt, trying to feel everything, and Turkey moved his hand lower, past Israel’s cock. But even with his hand around Israel’s balls, Turkey was still losing him to Egypt. It only became a problem, though, when he was being pushed back onto the bed along with Israel.

“I’m still here,” said Turkey, his head nicely wedged between Israel’s and the bed. They didn’t seem to be paying much attention to him, though, because Egypt - or Israel, at this point, he couldn’t tell who - began tearing off Israel’s slacks and underwear, ignoring that Turkey’s hand was still there. For a moment, Turkey and Egypt tried to pry each other’s hands away, Israel crying out, until they both settled in a fragile truce.

“Guys, d-don’t fight- there…” Israel moaned as Egypt got up, Turkey taking a breath of relief from the relief of weight. One hand still firmly on Israel’s cock, Egypt’s tongue gave a tentative lick. And soon, a tentative lick became two, two became a lip and soon -

“Hey!” growled Turkey, taking a tight grip at the base of Israel’s cock, Israel letting out a sharp cry. “Remember to share? I want to use that eventually, you know.” But Egypt’s tongue trailed down teasingly to Turkey’s hand, running over fingers back to Israel’s flesh.

“Sto-ah-s-” Israel gasped, clawing at Turkey’s hairy arm, but they continued.

“Haven’t you had enough?”

“Jealous?” breathed Egypt against Israel’s skin.

“Turkey -”

“What, don’t you like guys fighting over you?” asked Turkey.

“Let me finish -”

“TURKEY YOUR HAND IS TOO TIGHT- PLEASE -” Israel screamed, nails clawing into Turkey’s arm. Finally, he let go, and Israel rolled off to the side, onto the bed, nearly choking for breath.

“… Are you all right?” asked Turkey. Israel did nothing but curl up and try to breathe.

“I can kiss it better,” offered Turkey, and Egypt glared. Israel didn’t move. Turkey looked at his hand, wondering if he had actually gripped that hard, until he noticed the red scratch marks on his arm. The little bastard had even drawn blood.

“You realize you made me bleed?” asked Turkey, taking hold of Israel’s shoulder,
“Was it that bad? Let me see.” With a hand on each shoulder, Turkey pulled Israel onto his back, but this only earned him more scratching and a hard kick to the gut.

Egypt watched Turkey reel back and regain himself, trying to catch his breath.

It seemed that, despite the kissing, the nipping, and the groping, Israel still didn’t want Turkey’s touch. He tried to recall exactly what he’d done to offend him so, how someone could be so ridiculously sensitive, but then he thought he figured it out. He pulled Egypt aside.

“He doesn’t like being held down, does he?”

Egypt nodded.

It seemed that just as it was impossible to have a normal, halfway-pleasant conversation with Israel, it was also impossible to give him a normal, halfway-pleasant fuck.


Re: So I heard from Guinness...[6/?] anonymous May 31 2009, 18:15:35 UTC
... or, you know, you guys could talk this trough before, what about that?

Then again, it´s hotter this way. Poor Turkey, I feel his pain, but this is just too much fun. Israel is so endearing in his defensiveness, and Egypt is silently sexy and Turkey is Turkey and I´m loving every minute of it.

(btw, when you finish this, I´d wish you´d keep writing this character. I totally want to see more of him)


Writeranon anonymous May 31 2009, 18:24:22 UTC
Oh come on, these three are a perfect setup for communication error. Turkey knows nothing and is too gung-ho about it, Egypt knows but isn't willing to talk with more than hints, and of course Israel won't tell ANYBODY because the thought of anybody knowing about his fears and weaknesses is too mortifying. :P


Re: Writeranon anonymous May 31 2009, 20:14:36 UTC
Heh, I know. I wasn’t criticizing you- what I meant is that it would be so easy to fix this if they weren’t so scarred by past experiences and their own fears. But you see, I think that’s one of the things that make it so interesting, the way Turkey has to guess what’s going on because the others won’t say. And I understand *why* they won’t - the communication issue is pretty well-handled. It’s frustrating to see how jerky and difficult things are, but it’s the kind of frustration that makes me keep reading (and, to be honest, I don’t want it solved, because that means resolution, end of story, and then where will I go?).

I like the sex and smut, but to me, the appeal here is exactly that - how Turkey has to pick on small clues and pretty much guess his way trough this, and how defensive Israel is - so I wasn’t complaining.

(just one thing… do you have the whole thing ready, or are you posting as you write? It´s totally unrelated. I´m just curious)


Re: So I heard from Guinness...[6/?] anonymous June 1 2009, 11:48:47 UTC
I'm enjoying this story immensly, mainly because your Israel feels so spot-on and so intriguing and so heartbreaking. And also because I like stories with Egypt, heh <3


Re: So I heard from Guinness...[6/?] anonymous June 2 2009, 03:13:15 UTC
I came for the Egypt because he gets no love and I stayed for the Turkey because he's so lost and confused but won't admit it no sir!
and Israel... does that mean he wants to bottom from the top? *prepares to stuff nose with tissue if so*


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