Feb 11, 2011 00:01

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 4



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Flap your Wings in Tokyo, and Rain will pour on New York, Little Butterfly [3a/?] anonymous May 27 2009, 11:05:05 UTC
sorry it took so much for another part :P


Japan’s body walked, definitely far less composed than usual since it was America in control, through Kiku’s house, determined to find the kitchen. He was starving, even in such a small, delicate body, and he wanted some good, greasy food.

He greeted the human maids with a blinding smile, not wanting to be impolite, but they all stared at him in shock when he did so, bowing hurriedly and running away, so he decided to just hurry past them so they wouldn’t notice anything was wrong.

He wanted to call his house and check if Kiku was in his own body (after all, this was a reasonable thought. It took him only half a hour to reach this conclusion), but first he wanted to eat. He wasn’t able to think without food in his stomach.

Carefully sliding a door on the left to enter the next room of the corridor, Alfred grimaced. This body was weak. Well, not as weak as what he thought a human’s was, but definitely far weaker than his own was. He wasn’t used to have to actually put strength in doing things.

It irked him!

“Ah, food!” he chuckled happily, finally finding the kitchen.

Unfortunately, mere minutes later, he was staring in shock at the fridge’s contents, eyes wide. There was nothing edible inside. Absolutely nothing!

Strangely labelled small bottles filled one side of the door, then some cups filled with… what looked suspiciously like cooked weeds (weeds of that kind, Alfred thought with a startled yelp), more things with strange labels, everything written in those useless kanji of Kiku’s… a small cup with some red, sticky thing that made Alfred’s stomach twist in disgust, and some milk scented like cherries.

Or at least he hoped it was milk.

Anyway, nothing edible. Where was the bacon, the eggs and the toasted bread? Where was his strong coffee?

But no, Kiku didn’t drink coffee. He drank that nasty, bitter tea.

Alfred thought about whining a bit, then decided it would be unmanly. He was still the hero, like in one of his comics, where the superhero and his enemy switched bodies… ok, Kiku wasn’t his enemy anymore, but still.

He would not whine. He would dress accordingly and go out to get something decent to eat.

Then, he would contact Kiku!

Reassured by his own greatness, America ran back into Kiku’s room to find some decent clothes, which consisted in million of those… yukata… things that looked anything but manly. Well, not that Kiku himself looked any manly. Any less manly than he was already, and Kiku would become a girl.

America, whose definition of privacy and shame had burned long ago, pinched at Kiku’s side with his fingers, grimacing. There were no muscles, nothing but skin! He was small and delicate!

Then, America sneaked a peek under the… thing… Japan used as underwear -loincloth…? Was it still in fashion?

No, Japan was a male.

Well, that was some sort of relief. If anything, if he had to get stuck in a girl’s body, America wanted it to have big boobs, at least. Something he could exploit. Japan’s already feminine body completely lacked on that.

Well, Japan was a man…

… not that Alfred wanted to get stuck in a girl’s body. America’s kinks didn’t include anything like that. Definitely not.

America was the hero man. He would not bottom, either.

Deeeeefinitely not.

“Food” he chanted, enjoying the different sound of how American words sounded in Kiku’s tone… and not the mispronounced ones. Real American.

He pulled on a random yukata, tying the string around his middle like he remembered Kiku did, with a small knot on the front, and wondered why it showed so much of his legs. Wasn’t this indecent or something? America was a proper with this -he knew that American girls were far more revealing, but still.

He’d thought yukata to be decent clothes, not this… well, anyway, food!


Re: Flap your Wings in Tokyo, and Rain will pour on New York, Little Butterfly [3a/?] anonymous May 27 2009, 22:38:06 UTC
It took him only half a hour to reach this conclusion

Oh, America you are so stupid..

Anyway, this is completely hilarious. I loved all of America's comments about Kiku's body. XD Poor, poor Kiku. I wonder what he's gonna do with his reputation.

Thank you so much for continuing. *off to read the next part.


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