Feb 11, 2011 00:01

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 4



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In Pursuit of That Ugly Lady Part 6 anonymous May 25 2009, 18:49:55 UTC
“You are so damn ugly,” he said in his own way of expressing his appreciation for her. “I have never seen an uglier lady in all my life.”

“You say that now of all times,” Spain said in panic and it took everything in Romano to stop from smirking at her in retaliation for what she’d done to him earlier.

“Yes, definitely ugly,” he repeated before proceeding to move inside of her.

All the Spanish he had ever cared to learn was dwarfed by whatever it was that was coming out of her mouth. Being that he’d lived with her long enough, he was able to easily pick out the most important words, a combination of pleas and gentle commands probably tailored to make him go crazy.

He could easily tell when she climaxed because her movements became so insistently erratic that he had to reposition the both of them to keep from falling over. And after she was through, she continued to drive him mad by whispering Spanish endearments in his ear, lightly nipping at his neck in subtle encouragement. Romano followed not long after, slamming her one last time to the wall with his body shuddering.

Strangely enough, post-coital bliss aside, he felt compelled to arrange her clothing, properly this time as it became apparent to him that after all those years, she still did not know how to dress herself. Amused by this, Spain gave him a kiss on the cheek which he promptly swatted away with his hand.

“I can do that myself,” she said but continued to watch him diligently do his self-appointed task.

“No you can’t,” Romano replied, straightening out her collar and making sure all the buttons found its place. No one would ever see more of Spain than he wanted if he could help it. When he was done, he felt the heat in his face intensify as the awkwardness of what had happened started kicking in.

“Romano?” Spain inquired when he hid his face on her shoulder.

Romano did not answer for a good, full minute, but when he did, he allowed himself to say the one endearment he would ever give her the pleasure of hearing.

“Mi querida España,” he murmured because that much had always been true from the very beginning.


(Mi querida España = My darling Spain. I, shamefully, borrowed this from a song.)


Re: In Pursuit of That Ugly Lady Part 6 anonymous May 25 2009, 20:24:19 UTC
...That was beautiful and well-written. You didn't butcher fem!Spain at all. I suppose he'll be like that if he was a girl. Good job anon. :D

For some reason, I found myself tearing up toward the end. Wasn't this supposed to be humor/romance? idk with myself. Must be the lack of sleep. Or maybe I was totally sympathizing with Romano's pain (and laughing at him. Dammit, am I contradicting myself?). :D

Brb, going to sleep. This was some hell of a bedtime story. XD


Re: In Pursuit of That Ugly Lady Part 6 anonymous May 26 2009, 12:49:58 UTC
This story is so...heartfelt and beautiful, and has the characters wonderfully and believeably portrayed, differences and all.
Oh Romano ;_; <3


OP anonymous May 26 2009, 19:20:07 UTC

Oh my God I--


I-I never thought this would've been filled. In fact, I completely forgot about it until I checked the kink_aid this morning and promptly creamed myself in excitement right before going to school, mind you, and shamelessly read it after school again and again and again I just--

Oh my God my mind is blown by this beautiful fic, oh you have no idea. Both Spain and Romano were characterized too perfectly and every single detail you wrote just sunk into me like cement. I can't express my happiness and satisfaction with just words I am just likely typoing all over the place right now and using spellcheck more frequently than I would like because I am too incorherent to manually type coherently at the moment and I'm sure that didn't make too much sense either but-

fg;lajsd; FUCK I'm rambling. What I'm trying to say is: Thank you. Thank you so much for this amazing fic, thank you thank you thank you. You just, like, took this prompt and RAN with it. Like, this is completely what I wanted and more I just.

Thank you thank you thank you oh my Goddddd ♥♥♥♥♥♥ I. Love. This.


Re: In Pursuit of That Ugly Lady Part 6 anonymous June 1 2009, 03:00:51 UTC
So cute.


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