Feb 11, 2011 00:01

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 4



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foreclosure (or, go for broke) [3/5] anonymous May 23 2009, 05:32:16 UTC
"I should be finding this really hard to believe."

"But," the other guy said, tilting his head, keeping hold of their eye contact, "you're not."

And he wasn't. He had never seen a spacious sky with amber waves of grain, but looking at this guy, he was small, insignificant, in rows and rows of rolling gold.

After a moment, Mike broke his gaze and gingerly leaned back, laughing to himself. "Perfect. I'm a fairy. That's just... fantastic."

"... Sorry."

"No, no." He closed his eyes again. The sharp edge of pain was receding to a steady throb. "There's still nothing-"

"No, you got it mixed up." Another laugh. As he (Alfred? USA? America? Al?) rested an arm on the sheets next to Mike's body, it suddenly occurred to Mike that the sound forced itself a little harder every time Alfred tried to make it. "No, I've got... a lot to think about. A lot to apologize for." His mouth moved in small, jerking movements as he spoke. "There's still... a lot in me that doesn't want to. Doesn't want to do this, doesn't want to speak to you at all. But it's something that has to be done, sooner or later. More likely later than sooner. So that's why I need to get to you now, before it's too late to... get it to you. After it matters."

"I know."

It was the other man's turn to look up in surprise. His hand was caught up in Mike's, the young man's head on the pillow turned and looking at his country over his shoulder. "You were scared. Scared and confused. I heard the explosions from clear across the island. I remember. I hid under the table with Caroline and begged for it all to stop. It's... easier to push people away than it is to trust them, easier to blame than it is to understand." A tiny smile. "It's okay. It'll be all right. And I definitely don't hate you. I'm here, aren't I?"

After resolving itself from a rather silly, slack position, Alfred's mouth curved back upwards, then laughed.

After a prolonged silence, Mike commented, "I'm dying."

A nod.

"How long do I have?"


"Oh. Okay." A pause, then, gingerly, around the liquid in his chest: "Is there something you can do for...?"

Alfred shook his head. "That's your CO's job. And after that, it depends on your family." A squeeze from his still entwined hand. "I'll do what I can, but to be honest, they've got your spirit, and that's..."

"... All right." Mike's eyes fluttered a little before they shut. "That's all I needed to know."

Alfred looked up at the vaulted tent cover, seemingly reviewing. "If there's something I can do right now, it'd be an honor to do it for you."

Some strains of the trumpet from the next enclosure, and without opening his eyes, Mike smirked and tugged at the hand. "C'mon, get over here," he whispered, coughed. Things were getting darker. Someone really ought to have replaced the flashlights by now. "I wanna tell you something."


foreclosure (or, go for broke) [4/5] anonymous May 23 2009, 05:34:41 UTC
He heard the grit under combat boots crunch as the country stood, and another two crunches as he walked forward, and a sigh of fabric as he leaned over. Mike opened his eyes, put his unoccupied hand on the shoulder directly above him and pulled, closed them again. His country tasted just a little Manifest-bitter, but warm, warm and encompassing as the Western sun. Mike lowered himself back onto the mattress, opened his eyes, winked once and recognizably, and focused on those eyes before shutting his for the last time. "Now that I'm officially a fairy, how 'bout you tell me a story. Something about the unforeseeable future, maybe?"

A laugh. "You want nothing but everything, huh?"

"That's the idea." He huffed, a cough more than a laugh, but they were the same thing by now. "You've made a monster, Al."

"Yeah, I can see that now." A metallic crunch as he sat back down, still laughing lightly over the jazz. Mike felt his hand being covered by both of his. "Well, let's see. Where do we start?

"I'm just as blind as the rest of me, Michael Shigeru Ishikawa. I can't forecast the future much better than a sideshow fortuneteller. I can figure, though. There's going to be just as much fighting, more or less; it'll just shift fields. Father against father, brother against brother. There'll be some, uh, what did that old fart say... disillusionment? Along later. Lots of rebellion. Haha, what's new? But I'll promise you one thing, private. I'll live. I'll grow, I'll change. I'll stick around for a good while yet. And, eventually, I'll be able to apologize. For real."

Mike was sinking away from the words. Distantly, though, he thought he heard America say, "Well, uh, your... Uhh... Japan's outside. He wanted to know if, you know..." He thought that's what he heard, anyway. The wet crash and the seagulls were growing closer.

His mouth moved. "Tell him... I appreciate the thought." His hand tightened one last time, and he tumbled out of the dark into the warm sunshine...


foreclosure (or, go for broke) [done] anonymous May 23 2009, 05:37:12 UTC
Japanese American Internment - Loyalty questions and Segregation - clarification of the controversy can be found in George Takei's memoir To the Stars, an excerpt of which can be found here, and also in the novel Farewell to Manzanar.
Shikata ga nai
442nd Infantry Regiment (United States)
The Lost Battalion


Re: foreclosure (or, go for broke) [done] anonymous May 23 2009, 10:20:35 UTC
Oh geez anon. I got three sentences in, realized the subject matter, and almost lost it there. It only took four paragraphs to make the tears fall.

And the ending, with Japan... oh god I think I need a few tissues and to cry some more.

In short: you are a genius and I am a huge sap. Thank you for this.


Re: foreclosure (or, go for broke) [done] anonymous May 24 2009, 23:36:03 UTC
This deserves so many more pretty words than I can give, but anon: know that I thought this was beautiful, and particularly how you touched upon Alfred and his multiculturalism.


Re: foreclosure (or, go for broke) [done] anonymous May 25 2009, 21:48:25 UTC
Absolutely beautiful. Kudos, anon, especially for creativity with the soldier's identity. I'm so glad I got to read this.


Re: foreclosure (or, go for broke) [done] anonymous June 2 2009, 21:22:03 UTC
This is absolutely amazing. Gorgeous writing, characterization, sensitivity... one of my favorite fills on this meme, no question.


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