Feb 11, 2011 00:01

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 4



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Intervention [2/3] anonymous May 23 2009, 05:14:34 UTC
Ignore my grammar failures. ^^;

It was long after World War 2 and Matthew was curious as to why his brother continued to ask him for a supply of painkillers. When the Canadian hesitated even more a mere moment, the American would go ballistic on him, eyes wide and nostrils flared, teeth bared.

Matthew, out of fear and worry for his brother's mental health, continued to give him his fix, until the world was also starting to get affected by this.

Alfred started distancing himself from the other nations, except for Matthew who supplied his addiction. He wouldn't let England, much less France talk to him, Matthew, the only thing blocking the older nations's way. Matthew was scared of what might become of his brother, watching as dark rings around his eyes built and how thin he was getting.

Matthew couldn't take it anymore. He'd had it with supplying his brother's needs, and having to face his addicted brother with a fake smile.

That's why he was at Alfred's front door, behind Francis and Arthur who were ready to do anything to get rid of Alfred's problem, like any parent would. The three knocks Arthur made were quick and steady, matching the pace of his heart at the moment; it was so loud he could hear it through his ears.

Alfred opened the door, but what at the sight of him right now almost made Matthew want to break down and cry, because he knew, he himself had done this to Alfred. The American's eyelids drooped lazily over his blue coloured irises, dark purple rings around his eyes that made him seem twice as pale as he already was from the lack of sunlight. His hair was mussed and he looked like he hadn't shaven in a day or two.

Then the American noticed Matthew's blonde curls poking from behind Arthur's and Francis's shoulders, a small grin appeared on his face. The small grin made Matthew's heart break, and he couldn't help but give his brother a reluctant smile in return.

"Hey Matt, just in time! I was about to go over and ask since I--"

"Alfred, we need to talk." Arthur said, his voice sharp and stern. Matthew could imagine the Englishman's massive brows furrowing down on his green emerald eyes. He could also imagine a similar expression on Francis's face.

Alfred suddenly frowned, his blue eyes shifted from Arthur to Francis, then back to Matthew.

"Matt, why did you bring them here?" Alfred ask, his tone accusing.

"I-I was worried about you Alfred. Something's not right, and I-I'm scared that you'll end up never breaking this habit." Matthew managed to mumble, wanting to gaze away from Alfred's blue eyes but not finding the will power to.

"Alfred, sit down on the couch." Arthur ordered, and Alfred was about to retort, but Arthur barked this time. "Alfred! Sit down on the couch!" Matthew managed to hear the clack of his brother's teeth and he closed his mouth again, and heading inside the house and falling on the couch. The three other nations followed after him, and watched sas Alfred looked up at them lazily, Matthew hiding slightly behind Arthur's shoulder.

"What did you want to talk about, dad?" He said, almost sneering at Arthur. Matthew chewed on his bottom lip nervously; this was a good thing right?

"Alfred, you have a problem. We know about your addiction." Arthur continued, crossing his arms in a frustrated way.

"I do not have an addiction." Alfred spat, scowling at Arthur.


Intervention [3/3] anonymous May 23 2009, 05:46:14 UTC
"Mon cher, yes, you do." Francis said, enforcing the words that Arthur had said. "Mathieu has approached us with this problem, and we want to help you."

"I don't need help. I'm fine by myself." Alfred growled his eyes meeting Matthew's, the blue hues now mad and disappointed.

"No, you are not. Alfred, just admit it, you have an drug problem!" Arthur said, his voice having an added touch of anger to it.

Matthew watched as Alfred grinded his teeth together, coming together to a realization. He truly had a problem, but that wouldn't stop the pain from coming back like it always did, and what he need for it was his fix.

"So what if I do? Arthur I need it. It's what keeps me from dying, it's what keeps me alive." Alfred said, now standing up. His eyes were wild and his teeth were bared, as if he would attack Arthur and Francis at the moment. "And both of you can't stop me."

He started to walk towards the door and both Arthur and Francis jumped and held him down on the couch, Alfred growling and moving around wildly, flailing his arms and kicking his legs.

"Matthew! Say something that'll knock some sense into this boy!" Arthur managed to say while heaving and pushing down Alfred roughly, a cry of pain escaping the American's lips. Matthew was just about to run out the door, he couldn't take seeing Alfred in this state of mental and physical health. But the Canadian truly did want to help him, but he just didn't know how... !

"A-Alfred, I've had it being your supplier! I know you think it'll help you, but really... it's just killing you! You need to calm down, and stop this problem before it gets too bad that you can't look back anymore. Please Alfred... " Matthew watched as his brother calmed, looking at Matthew with an expression of shock. The Canadian could see tears getting Alfred's eyes wet and glossy, and his movement stopped, but Francis and Arthur still held him down.

Matthew watched as Alfred completely stopped and room was silent, only hearing each other's breathing in the room. Francis and Arthur let go Alfred and watched him and sat down and covered his face with hands, and watching as water dripped from the gaps in the fingers.

"It's... it's just so hard. I've seen so much on battlefield... I don't want to remember, but I can't... " Alfred managed the say in a cracked voice through his tears, the three other nations hearing his quiet sobs and silently watching him.

In a flurry of movement, the three were surrounding Alfred, their arms enclosed around the insecure nation as he cried outloud. Matthew buried his face in the mess of blonde hair his brother had kept, a smile playing on his lips. He was truly helping his brother through this, even if it meant it would take time.

And all of them knew they had that time.

Even Alfred.


Thank you for reading and I hope OP likes! x3


Re: Intervention [3/3] anonymous May 24 2009, 16:32:46 UTC
This was good, poor Alfred...-hugs-


Re: Intervention [3/3] anonymous August 8 2010, 07:39:58 UTC
aww good job anon. GROUP HUG~!


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