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axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 4



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Strangle anonymous May 21 2009, 06:27:33 UTC
Perhaps it's too soon to bring him to a meeting...

But Arthur had said something along the lines of Canada being out of the loop with the rest of the world and Matthew cannot afford to miss any more meetings regardless of his situation.

Ivan almost scoffs, because he knows that Arthur would have been more lenient if Alfred was in Matthew's situation. But the Russian brings him to this meeting anyhow, because he thinks it'll be a good chance for him to reunite with the rest of the world once more after five years of isolation from social events.

Five years isn't long time to them, of course. But the world does not stop spinning for their people and Ivan knows.

None-the-less, he cannot help but to remember how terrified Matthew was when he entered the room and how the Canadian's breathing quickened to the point that he cannot stand on his two feet. Ivan feels almost smug at the fact that Matthew hadn't wanted to sit beside Alfred or Arthur or Francis but loyally stayed by his side.

If things weren't so bad, Ivan might've been tempted to claim his vital regions as well.

As the meeting begins, Ivan thinks about how things got to the way they are now, because it took him two years to gain Matthew's broken trust but he still hasn't spoken to anyone else other than Ivan with more than just three words.

They are words that has been drilled into Matthew's head after the years of torture during his disappearance.

Matthew's safety words.

Sorry, please and master.

first anon has started. \o/ she hopes it will satisfy as this all begins to fall into place!


Re: Strangle anonymous May 21 2009, 07:01:12 UTC
F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5
Gaaah this looks so good.

And to the second Author!anon, I really hope you write something too. This request is great.


Re: Strangle anonymous May 22 2009, 08:01:21 UTC
You just completely broke my heart with that last sentence authornon. Shattered it completely into tiny pieces. ;___; Oh Matt, whatever it was that happened, I can't help but hurt for him.

Will be looking forward to reading more! I'm so adding this fic to the list of fics that I have to regularly check for updates. >.>


Re: Strangle anonymous May 23 2009, 03:58:53 UTC
Please update this anon! I'm really looking forward to the next part.


Re: Strangle anonymous May 23 2009, 06:44:07 UTC
OP here! Sorry for the slow response, I assumed you were going to post more and put off on it.
But gaaah, I can't wait for the next part. This is pretty much exactly how I pictured it to be! I like how long they've been together already, and how it's been a long progress


Re: Strangle anonymous May 23 2009, 11:08:22 UTC
:X i have a habit of posting when i'm at least a fair amount into the fic so i won't be empty when updating! with requests like this, the fear needs to be captured or else it's ruin the effect of the whole fic so i tend to write it in detail. x)

it'll be finished! no worries. :">


Strangle II anonymous May 24 2009, 06:41:29 UTC
He finds him first.

Chained and beaten and eating garbage scraps on the ground with his wrists shackled behind his back.

Ivan almost retches, because the stench of piss and shit and blood is all over the room. It's almost ironic, Ivan thinks as he cautiously approaches the figure shoving his face in rotten lettuce with a sickeningly greedy manner. For someone who has gone through so much bloodshed cannot even stand the sight of this... mess, it's really sort of funny.

But then again, Ivan never asked for the bloodshed to happen. It isn't his fault that his bosses were overly ambitious and forced him to swallow up the nations around him. He's never understood why people are so scared of him-- surely, he's had bad bosses before, but it definitely does not mean that he's as insane as them.

Ivan reaches out and puts a hand on the other man's dirt caked shoulder, pulling him away gently from the pile of trash and--

He does not expect the scream that readily rips from the man's throat and how the thin figure manages to throw him off with sudden monstrous strength accompanied by the crashing of shaking chains. Then the man is on his hands and knees, sobbing and knocking his head on the ground with a resounding thunk each time, uttering a million apologies and a million wishes for forgiveness.

The Russian cringes, being less and less confident as to why he had even accepted the request to help find the Canadian. Hell, how can he even help this man if he isn't sure of what to do?

"I... I forgive you, da?"

Then he sees a flurry of arms and feet, rushing to kiss his muddy boots and licking them clean, kissing them like he is God who had descended into this very room. Ivan takes a deep breath, trying to will away the boulder that's settled in the depths of his abdomen and being churned about by stomach acid, all in vain. He swallows the rising bile that's gathered at the back of his throat.

He is so thin that Ivan thinks if he touched the man once more, the man will shatter in a heap of malnourished death.


There is another scream and the renewed effort of frantic struggling and rattling of metal restraints is now in a mocking harmony with gut wrenching sobs that causes Ivan to wince.

Goodness, what kind of reaction is that to his own name? While torture is outdated, Ivan didn't think that it would be able to cause this degree of trauma that he'd scream at the mention of his own name. Surely, there has to be a reason for such a mixture of reactions from screaming to crying and begging.

He frowns and then sighs heavily, pinching the bridge of his nose. He wishes it could've been Alfred or Arthur or even Francis who found Matthew instead. Or maybe if they had listened to Matthew in the beginning instead of ignoring him and brushing him off when he's been panicking about the rising rebellions from Quebec...

No one would even plan something like that in your country anyway!

Calm down, lad. You're just being silly about this. Now stop overreact and shape up.

No one's after your country, mon chou. It's not a very interesting place. You can relax.

It's not like you make a lot of money anyway-aru. Nothing will happen. Trust me, aru.

Yes, you need not to be afraid, friend. The time of good is with us.

His tongue is knotted when he sees the many black and brown fleur-de-lis that are burnt onto the Canadian's gray skin. He wishes he can say that the time of good is with them again, but everything just seems to fall apart with each tremble of fear that radiates from Matthew's bony frame.

Ivan isn't even sure of how to bring this mangled mess of a nation home. Especially when the Canadian is clawing at his arms enough to draw blood that seeps through skin cut by blackened fingernails.

He knows he can't do this alone. He'll have to come back tomorrow with Toris who's more skilled in first aid than he is.

Tomorrow. He'll come back tomorrow.

Maybe because he doesn't want to deal with everything right now or maybe because Matthew is frightened shitless at the sight of him. Ivan cannot help another sigh, biting his cheek painfully.

He'll be okay, Ivan thinks. What's the worse they can do? We don't die so easily.


Re: Strangle II anonymous May 24 2009, 16:25:34 UTC
Oh Ivan...don't leave him there

Love this, more please


Re: Strangle II anonymous May 24 2009, 21:19:05 UTC
Oh dear lord, poor Matthew. Great work writer!anon!

(It's always gotta be Quebec huh? /shot)


Re: Strangle II anonymous May 25 2009, 05:19:52 UTC
OP here.

OH GOD THIS IS AWESOME. I was in debate as to who you had be all abusive to Matt, and Quebec never even crossed my mind. That was really good idea!

But Ivan, don't leave Matt there. That's really NOT a good idea ;___;


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