Feb 11, 2011 00:01

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 4



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Perfect Pitch[5/6] anonymous May 20 2009, 20:14:47 UTC
But that was another time and both of them had needs that demanded immediate satiation. Teasing and leisurely explorations were for later and the thought actually cheered him, the unspoken promise and hope. She arched as he pulled down her panties, his lips kissing her lovely neck that helped produce such musical cries.

No music could match this, he thought dazedly, her husky moans and the higher-pitched gasps. Her trembling hand touched his as he guided himself into her and she was warm and wet around him. They both gasped as he thrust completely into her, their voices mingling in a perfect harmony. Her arms wrapped around his neck and her legs wrapped around his hips. He caught his breath, his mouth pressed against her neck still. His legs trembled from the sheer exquisite sensation. It really had been far too long.

Hungary mewled as he drew out before thrusting into her again. Perhaps he was not as poised, as practiced as he had been but as he started to find a rhythm, he discovered that he had not forgotten as much as he’d thought, if her gasps and moans were any indication. He groaned hoarsely, his glasses starting to fog up from the growing heat in the closet.

The two of them rutted shamelessly, their lovemaking only speaking of a shared desperation and extended distance from each other. Of course they would clash violently upon being allowed to meet again. It was not to say that it was only about desire, in that little closet, for he kissed her over and over again, upon her mouth that spouted loving endearments in both Hungarian and German.

Their pleasure spiraled and wrapped around each other and soon he found himself thrusting desperately into her one last time, as she called his name. They remained where they were, as he felt himself soften within her. Her clever hands ran through his hair, which had long lost its carefully combed coif. He in turn traced a finger along her cheek as she smiled at him.

Austria opened his mouth, suddenly reminded immediately the present, the other nations surely waiting for them, when Hungary pulled him down to kiss her again, sweetly and lovingly. And such thoughts immediately flew right from his brain.


Perfect Pitch[Epilogue/6] anonymous May 20 2009, 20:15:49 UTC
Prussia was returning from the bathroom when he heard a series of odd noises, a murmur of odd conversation. He paused, keen ears seeking the source, which turned out to be a janitor’s closet. Grinning evilly, he snuck up to the door, ready for prime blackmail material as he slid out his camera phone from his pocket (Contrary to popular belief, he knew how to use new technology very well, even if he had to replace his phones on a regular basis). It was probably UK and France and he was just itching to get some leverage on those two obnoxious assholes.

“Helloooo Lovebirds!” he sang as he yanked the door open, camera at the ready.

An incredibly disheveled Austria, pants around his ankles, and an equally disheveled Hungary, boobs hanging out of her shirt, stared at him.

Prussia stared back, his phone dropping from his limp fingers to crack on the floor.

Austria sputtered, turning bright red and occupying himself with pushing his glasses up his sweat-slick nose as though that would make him vanish.

“Uh- Ah…” Prussia said eloquently as he found his collar (not to mention his pants) getting a little too tight…

Hungary blinked several times at him before rolling her eyes and yanking him into the closet by his tie, slamming the door shut after him.


Re: Perfect Pitch[Epilogue/6] anonymous May 21 2009, 02:14:23 UTC
This is just awesome. And for some reason I really, REALLY love your description of a more mature Hungary. Businesswoman Hungary FTMFW!

Also, the France/England "foreplay" and the epilogue just makes it perfect.


Re: Perfect Pitch[Epilogue/6] anonymous May 22 2009, 18:49:29 UTC
Hungary would look drop dead gorgeous in a perfectly tailored suit. ^_^

I added the epilogue because of a friend of mine who's not very fond of the Austria/Hungary pairing. Austria/Hungary/Prussia is a barely acceptable alternative... -laugh-


Re: Perfect Pitch[Epilogue/6] anonymous May 21 2009, 15:05:12 UTC
I love you, writer!anon. This fic was absolute GENIUS. The France/England bits cracked me up, and the epilogue was just win. Overall the detail in this was excellent and hot and just...*_* ilu.


Re: Perfect Pitch[Epilogue/6] anonymous May 22 2009, 19:25:11 UTC
^_^ I'm glad you think it's hilarious. -is not used to writing humor- I tried to make it smutty... I think it took a wrong turn and became erotica somewhere along the line...


OP loves you, Writer-Anon anonymous May 21 2009, 15:49:17 UTC

And I wonder if you read my mind since when I made the request, I imagined the duo would find they're not alone in the quickie business (UK and some other country) but I couldn't put it into words?

And I'd like to know where can I deliver my first-born unto you.


Re: OP loves you, Writer-Anon anonymous May 22 2009, 17:34:22 UTC
Oh, no you don't. Anon is having MY children.


o.o anonymous May 22 2009, 18:55:09 UTC
But... but I don't like children... -flees-


Writer-Anon *hearts* anonymous May 22 2009, 18:54:00 UTC
Awww... Happy birthday then. ^___^

I couldn't help it, because I wanted there to be a line about "Use the second closet." "Why?" "Because the first one's going to be occupied."

Err... Writer!non isn't very good with children... I appreciate the thought though!


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