Feb 11, 2011 00:01

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 4



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(untitled : Fail fill T___T) anonymous May 20 2009, 20:10:42 UTC
First fill! Nervous anon is in agreement that there should be more Prussia/England, and is trying her hand at this. Also not a history major, so forgive any mistakes. Switching between human/nation names, I hope it isn't a problem. T__T

He'd first noticed the other - oh, sure Prussia had known that "England" existed, had seen him and had interacted (if shouting curses or battle-cries and sighting his opponent down the length of an arrow counted as interaction), but it had always been across a battlefield, their opposing sides during the War of Austrian Succession separating them by a gulf far wider than the disputed territory of Silesia
- but he'd first really paid attention to England only towards the end of the war - just when Austria was (getting his ass handed to him the totally awesome Prussia!) in most in need of aid, England withdrew his support and turned his attention to matters back home.

Prussia had scoffed then about British unreliability (remembered for centuries to come!), but hadn't known then what he did now: England's shifting allegiances and switches of sides was driven not by fickleness, but by an unwavering hatred for France.
(And he could totally respect that, even if he didn't really understand what drove the two to fight - still, such an absolute devotion to the total destruction of one's enemy? Awesome.)

"Gil- gil. Wha' 'n bloody hell 'r you doing?" The hand which extends over the sheets to shove at him is completely unexpected, and he starts a little, jolted out of his thoughts.

"I'm just thinking, that's all."

"No wonder. I knew you were up to something abnormal. 'm not used to that sort of behaviour from you - why don't you go back to normal, so I can sleep?"

"Oh shut up, Artie." The retort is absent, Gilbert's attention drawn by the pale sweep of a lean back, and he runs his hand up the bare skin, fingers spread wide to catch every inch of it. (It's territory hard-fought and hard-won the night before, and littered with the faint bruises and teeth-marks of his ownership, the kisses of his regard. He can't get enough of it, and just the reminder the conquest has his breath quicken-)
"Say, I was thinking-"

"-twice in one night? That's a new record." Arthur doesn't shrug off the hand as it spans the twin ridges of shoulderblades, caresses them as if exploring for wings (and once, those had appeared, and Gilbert had had close to the most awesome sex ever - AIRBORNE, beat that, Wright Brothers - second only to the time he'd challenged the Brit to show him exactly why his nation had the reputation for stupid sex acts)

"Gil-bert. I wanted to sleep." The half-hearted irritation in Arthur's voice and the token furrow of thick brows isn't enough to deter him, and Gilbert merely grins as his hand wanders lower, down to the (ticklish) small of Arthur's back (Manchester, great place to visit, awesome football).
The other man rolls over to evade the questing touch, but Gilbert shifts with him, one hand now trapped between Arthur's body and the other resting on the pillow next to his head, close enough to finger dirty-blond hair, to trace with satisfaction the darkening print of his mouth on the otherwise unmarked neck.

"Sleep," Arthur insists, but the green of his eyes is only a thin ring around the dark, dilated pupil, and he doesn't resist when Gilbert leans over to kiss those parted lips, tongue sliding into a mouth that's usually caustic or set into stubborn lines, but is now only soft and yielding.

"You're already awake now. And I know something much better we can do instead of sleep." He straightens to leer down suggestively at the other nation, already anticipating the rolled eyes and 'I-can't-believe-I'm-agreeing-to-this' put-upon expression that his lover has perfected after centuries of dealing with him (or maybe it's due to having to parent Alfred, and fend off Francis).

"You're not the one with the meeting tomorrow." But Arthur reaches up, hand firm against the nape of his neck and pulls him down again.

(And oh, how sweet it was, when all that passion and intensity and devotion was focused on you.)


[Short notes] (untitled : Fail fill T___T) anonymous May 20 2009, 20:13:50 UTC
I'm sorry I didn't manage to get around doing the other nations' reactions, and I'm not even sure I filled the request for a normal, happy relationship properly T__T

Attempting to reference: http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii127/annifiesta/mrt9.jpg
& wikipedia on the Wars of Austrian Succession!

I'm so sorry about the eyesore-inducing formatting, I think it was schizophrenic between wanting serious!fic and having humorous-Gilbert voice and it didn't really work *dies*

I hope someone else fills this!

-Anglo-Prussian imperialism = ♥


OP anonymous May 20 2009, 21:50:09 UTC
OP ABSOLUTELY LOVES THIS AUTHOR!ANON. THIS WAS AWESOME (like Gilbert would say). Don't say that, this is so, so them! It's adorable and brilliant and hot and asgjd, MANCHESTER AND BRITANNIA ANGEL 8D

And don't worry about the format, I know the pain, believe me. I myself use so many italics in Hetalia fic it gets dizzying. ;(

'Anglo-Prussian imperialism'? ♥♥♥♥♥ anooooon, marry me, dfsdf


WriterAnon anonymous May 21 2009, 03:48:33 UTC
I'm so relieved you like it! ♥ I wasn't sure how the story would go since I had a bunch of different ideas for possible scenes, but didn't know how to piece it together. It was less "normal, content relationship" than how they'd get together in the first place - I can put them up, if you like?

I would left this for someone else to claim, but I've a feeling that writers for/fans of this pair are few and fair between, and so it'd be left unfilled. Whereas if it was changed to US/UK, there'd be multiple fills. ):

Yes! I keep imagining the two going off to conquer the world together; particularly since England employed a lot of Hessian/German mercenaries to try and put down revolutions in US & Ireland.
Particularly since the Revolutionary War had Hessian mercenaries on England's side, but the defected Prussian general training US troops, and German immigrants in the US fighting for the colonists- I can't decide if
a) Prussia's "spirit" is with the troops rather than the government, and so it's Gilbert fighting alongside Arthur whereas the HRE or Ludwig (the "staid" settlers) on US side.
b) Prussia's annoyed that England's paying so much attention to the colonies, and so he's helping the US break free in order to monopolize England's attention (in the same lines as the Fr/UK fill from part two!).
c) Prussia developing some kind of schizophrenic! thing where he's simultaneously refusing to let England be defeated and yet not wanting America around.

... and I guess that was one of (or three of) the ideas for Pr/Uk that came up while brainstorming for this prompt. :)

(It's my first marriage proposal ♥ I'm so flattered!)


OP anonymous May 21 2009, 07:19:36 UTC
Of course I like it! And I would love to see more from you, author!anon ♥ Yes, the fanbase for this pairing is currently very, very small, and as much as I adore UK/US, Arthur should get around a hell of a lot more than that. ;((

I love your ideas, anon~ YES, Prussia was the most common nation England allied himself with back then (even if it was just to beat France up, even so!) And I can somehow see all of those three options play out; and Prussia does seem like the type to get incredibly jealous and sulky if someone isn't paying attention to him.



Re: (untitled : Fail fill T___T) anonymous May 21 2009, 01:10:50 UTC



Re: (untitled : Fail fill T___T) anonymous May 21 2009, 03:56:46 UTC
I'm glad you like it! ♥

...I actually went to look up if (Hapsburg) eagles mating on the wing; this might be customary for Gilbo :D

(reCaptcha: bedhead East - lol!)


Re: (untitled : Fail fill T___T) anonymous May 21 2009, 13:50:43 UTC
I don't think that was fail. Britannia Angel sex, heh.


Re: (untitled : Fail fill T___T) anonymous May 21 2009, 21:40:03 UTC


I'm totally having BritanniaAngel!sexy good dreams tonight. Thank you, anon. :D *love*


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