In order to celebrate HETALIA'S anime adaptation. AXIS POWERS HETALIA KINK MEME

Jul 25, 2008 15:44

axis powers
hetalia kink meme


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Okay, let's make history and be more epic than these people, shall we?


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anonymous February 8 2009, 00:15:45 UTC
Ohmygod. I-I fail so hard. And English isn't my first language. Yay failure! ReCaptcha: "the Mathews". Do you want me to write Canada, ReCaptcha?!


Spain entered the bathroom and ... immediately started laughing.
"You need any help?", he asked.

Romano's head shot up, water dripping down his hair. "I can wash my hair by myself. And stop laughing, bastard!!"
Spain grinned "Sorry. You know, you just looked so silly, hanging over the tub with your whole upper body."
Grumbling and some words in Italian followed - at that point, he knew Romano was calling him an idiot. … Not that he cared.
"I'd help you. It'd be much faster and we'd have pasta. Okay?"
Romano sighed. "Fine. Just don't touch the e-", he stopped, "You know."

The Spaniard nodded. "Eso esta bien~. Now bend down, Lovino."

Romano hung his upper body over the rim and gripped it to not fall over and hit his head. ... Like Veneziano sometimes did.

Spain stepped beside him, grabbed the water tap and held it over the Italian's head. After putting it back into its place, he wrung out Romano's hair once. The boy winced. "B-be careful, I said!"
Spain just laughed and grabbed the shampoo. "Sorry~"

Romano did not believe him. And he was right.

Just seconds later, Spain was shampooing his head, massaging softly. His hand brushed over the hair curl over and over again, rubbing, pulling.
Romano gripped the rim harder, trying to calm himself. ... Dammit, why didn't that work?! He covered his mouth with one hand, not wanting to let Spain know that he actually - he hated admitting it - did enjoy this.

Suddenly, Spain stopped. The Italian blinked, obviously confused.
"W-why are you ...", he breathed heavily, "I mean ... you ... W-why did you touch it anyways?!"
"I was shampooing your hair, Lovino", came the cheerful answer.
Romano did not see Spain's face - in fact, he could not see anything besides the water dripping down from his hair onto the ground of the tub - but he knew, he knew that bastard was grinning widely from ear to ear.

"We just need to wash that stuff out, and we're done!"
"Fine. But hurry a little, hanging like this isn't very comfortable!"
"Ah, sí, sí, comprendo."

Then Spain started massaging again, causing Romano to squeeze his eyes shut and shiver visibly.

Apparently, Spain did not seem to notice. Or he simply did not care. The Italian hoped for him that he just did not notice (otherwise, he would have to punch him); even though that was hard to believe. He was shivering, gripping the rim, even moaning softly.

"Finished~!", the Spaniard cheered and ot Romano a towel. "Oh, are you okay, Lovino? Your face is as red as a tomato!"
"I-I'm fine", Romano managed to say, looking away and wrapping the towel around his head.
"Shall I help you next time too? I like washing your hair!"


Spain tilted his head.

"NO!! You will not touch my hair again, bastard!"
Spain laughed and patted the boy's back, leaning in close.
Romano's "Dammit, stop laughing!" was suddenly cut off, when the Spaniard placed a kiss on his forehead.

"Well, hoping to help you out next time again~♥"
The Italian only stared at Spain, who left the room cheerfully, laughing
Romano swore to get revenge.


anonymous February 8 2009, 23:48:21 UTC
oh Romano~ ♥ Cute fic anon!


anonymous February 17 2009, 21:20:36 UTC
Thank you~ <3


anonymous February 9 2009, 00:47:32 UTC
Iiii, the tsundereness!
You captured it so damn well!


anonymous February 17 2009, 21:21:47 UTC
Really? I'm glad~!


OP almost died of JOY anonymous February 12 2009, 03:14:09 UTC
Throw that notion of fail out the DOOR - I LOVED IT~! ♥
Oh Spain, you happy tease.... You caught them both so well - just how I'd hoped for! x)



P-please don't die!! anonymous February 17 2009, 21:23:46 UTC
I'm really glad if both of them are IC~ <3

You're welcome and thank you for requesting, I had a lot of fun writing it~!


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