Jan 26, 2011 08:29

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 3



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1/2 anonymous April 9 2009, 02:54:57 UTC
He was restless. He was worried. He was even a tiny bit scared. But more than anything else, he was angry. All of these emotions were easy to see, and so Rabi knew that he was in for one hell of a lecture when he saw a rather familiar man with gigantic eyebrows storm into the room. He still tried to play it cool, though, and he offered up a friendly wave as he said, “Hey, ‘brows.”

“How many times have I told you not to call me that,” the blond snapped, and as Rabi tried to speak up again he quickly shushed him by adding, “And don’t try that innocent act on me! I trust you to take care of MY people, and THIS is what happens?”

Rabi sighed. “Look, Arthur, it’s not as simple as you think. A lot of stuff happened, and-“

“No, ‘a lot of stuff happening’ would be fighting a tough battle but succeeding. If it hadn’t been for Allen, everyone else would have been dead! And you even got yourself into a fine mess as well. What would have happened to your people if-“

Rabi quickly shushed Arthur. The last thing he needed was for everyone to find out about THAT particular bit of information about him. By now a good portion of the older members knew both who and what Arthur was, and it wouldn’t take much for them to put two and two together. He was just grateful for the fact that the few people within earshot weren’t privy to this information yet. He said, “Keep it down, we’re in an infirmary. The people here are trying to rest.”

“Well half of them wouldn’t even be here if you did your job properly,” Arthur snapped back, waving his hand around the room to illustrate his point, but he paused in his ranting when he caught sight of a certain country sitting next to one of the beds. His voice changed from anger to curiosity as he said, “Why is he here?”

“Yuu’s one of the last of his people left alive,” Rabi said simply, “He actually comes by here a lot, and he even trains with Yuu sometimes. I think he’s lonely.” And honestly, given what had happened to everyone in Japan, Rabi wasn’t surprised. Any country would feel the same way if over 90% of their population was gone.

Thankfully, Arthur had the grace to leave that topic be. Instead he turned back to Rabi, and he said, “I can forgive your actions this time, but it better not happen again. We all were concerned when you decided to take on this role.”

“It’s not like I’m the first one to take on a life like this,” Rabi said. It was vague enough that the others in the room (who, by now, were eavesdropping but pretending to do other things) would think he was just talking about being an Exorcist, which many people had done in the past. However, he was sure that Arthur would be able to tell what he actually meant.

And Arthur did understand, too. Those words struck a little too close to home, and it took him a moment to get over his irritation and be able to speak again. Once he did, though, he said, “That may be so, but what number is this for you?”

‘Forty-nine,’ Rabi said silently, but out loud he said, “That’s not important. What’s important is that everyone’s home safe and sound now, so you can quit worrying.”

Arthur seemed to puff up at that. “I’ll quit worrying when this is all over,” he said, though it was his own way of saying that he never intended to stop worrying. After all, this war had been going on for thousands of years, and it was unlikely that it would end so quickly.


Re: 1/2 anonymous April 9 2009, 02:56:59 UTC
At that point, one of the nurses came over to speak to them. “Excuse me,” she said in a timid voice, “But it’s late, and the Head Nurse will be upset if you wake up any of the other patients.”

That shut the two of them up very quickly. They were all too familiar with the wrath of the Head Nurse, and they really didn’t want to upset her. So, after a moment of pure terror at the thought of what punishments the Head Nurse could deal out, Arthur cleared his throat and said, “Then I will take my leave for now. But I will be back to talk to you in a few days.”

With that, Arthur walked out of the infirmary, muttering to himself as he left. Just moments after he stepped out, Allen came walking into the infirmary. Once again Rabi put on his cheerful façade and said, “Welcome back. Getting ready for bed?”

“Yeah,” Allen said, but he was looking back at the doorway, and he clearly had something on his mind. “Rabi, was the guy who just left a visitor for you?”

“Yep,” Rabi admitted, “That’s old ‘brows. He’s a bit of a stiff, but he’s a good guy.”

“It’s weird, something about him felt really familiar, but I’m not sure what it is.”

Truthfully, Rabi wasn’t too surprised. Allen was from England, after all, so of course he would feel that familiar feeling around his own country. The next time Arthur was around he would have to introduce him to Allen and the others, Rabi decided. Normally humans didn’t get the privilege of knowing the true identity of countries, but Exorcists were a special case. “Well you’ll have to ask him the next time you see him, right?”

Allen nodded at that, and then he turned to look at Rabi. “Say, he said something about a ‘Roma’. Is that someone the two of you know?”

Rabi grinned. ’That’d be name number one.’ But out loud, he actually said, “Yeah, something like that.”


In this case, 'Roma' is actually referring to the Romani people, not Rome. Also, this is set some time between chapter 135 and 136 of D. Gray Man. Anon plans to write a sequel where England visits again after the 5th laboratory arc.


Re: 1/2 anonymous April 9 2009, 08:38:32 UTC
Eeee! Oh man, I made some highly undignified squealy noises at this. England! Kanda and Japan! The details here are fantastic. And Rabi as Roma? Nothing less than fucking perfect.


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