Jan 26, 2011 08:29

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 3



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Twin Eagles anonymous April 5 2009, 12:42:03 UTC
Canada was slowly realizing that he was a hypocrite.

The thought sat unhappily in the back of his mind as he watched the UN speak earnestly with Russia. And - that was it. All they did was speak with him, give him disappointed looks, 'Oh Ivan we thought you were beyond this' and he gave them his sweetest smile and said that the snowy lands were of course one with Russia, da? Who else could claim them, who else would live where General Winter roamed?

(Canada, that was who. Those were Canadian lands! Not Russian! )

Canada was a hypocrite. Because Canada had always pushed for multilateral action, because Canada had always supported the UN, because Canada was the nice one, the peacekeeper, the Not-America. That's how he defined himself to the world - he wasn't America, he didn't go in guns blazing, he didn't tell the UN to fuck itself, he didn't, he _didn't_.

But oh, how he wanted to.

(Because it's you, now, your lands and your resources and your borders, and it's different now, isn't it...)

He was a Dominion of the English Crown, he still looked to Arthur for permission, even if no one noticed it, and Arthur was doing -- jackshit. He was glaring at Ivan and lecturing him but he wouldn't do anything more, it was clear, he'd abide by the EU stance and the EU didn't want to rock the boat, the EU didn't want a return to the Cold War, and....

And Canada wasn't a part of the EU.

Alfred wasn't there, Alfred was boycotting the UN again, although unlike before he didn't say that. His new Boss wanted to appear more friendly to the other countries, and America had a lot of work to do, so that's what he said. Not, "Go to hell," but "Sorry I can't make it, gotta go kick Wall Street into shape, see you at a Summit?" This was America being diplomatic.

They talked about what America's reaction would be, and Ivan shook his head and clucked sorrowfully over Alfred's warhawk-ish ways, (If I'm a hypocrite, you're more so, Ivan!) and hoped it wouldn't come to that, and it wasn't American land, it was Canadian! Why weren't they more concerned over Matthew's reaction?

But Matthew already knew what Alfred thought. Matthew had gone over to see his brother, and he hadn't told Arthur because he was getting used to not having to do that.

It had been -- strange. Not bad-strange, just, Alfred had been a bit downcast and a bit tentative regarding Matthew's friendship. It was Matthew's first interaction with his brother since Alfred's previous boss had left, and it was a bit startling to see a repentant Alfred, an Alfred who obviously cared what another Nation thought of him.

Alfred had said sorry to Matthew, had apologized for Fox News making fun of Canada's armed forces, had shown he remembered Canada at Vimy, Passchendaele, Kandahar.

Alfred had _not_ begun proclaiming he'd kick Russia's ass, had _not_ assumed that any encroachment in North America meant immediate US involvement (and leadership), had _not_ made assumptions that Matthew would follow his lead.

Matthew was flattered and happy that Alfred cared, but -- he felt a bit -- ...where was his cocky, self-confident Alfred? Where was America the Hero?

Where was his older brother to beat up the bully?

The world had spent so much time ragging on America's policeman-of-the-world behavior that the thought of America not immediately rushing to Canada's rescue and Russia's chastening had not crossed Matthew's mind. He'd been trying to formulate strategies to make America back off, a bit - and now he found his problem (was it a problem?) was from the opposite spectrum.

But he had his brother back. It was a humbled, quieter brother, reeling from economic crises and spread thin from his Middle Eastern wars, but he had him back. He'd grasped Alfred's forearm in brotherly camaraderie when it came time to leave, and then Alfred had smiled at him and Matthew pulled him into a hug.

He had his brother back. He _was_ America's brother, and they'd both been reminded of that.

They were threatening sanctions for Russia - but not too much, because then his people would suffer, and East Europe depended on Russia - and Canadians had died because Russia was trespassing on his land.

Sanctions? Sanctions? Fuck that.


AN: oh, recaptcha. GILBERT The? Are you hinting something?


Twin Eagles II anonymous April 5 2009, 12:46:30 UTC
"No," Canada said, and visibly startling the other Nations. They'd obviously expected him to stay quiet while Arthur spoke for him.

"Matthew, what..."

"I said no," Matthew cut Arthur off without looking at him. "We're not playing this waiting game while Russia camps out on Canadian land." Not Crown land. Canadian. "You will remove your troops, Ivan, or I will remove them for you."

Jaws all around the room dropped, and several Nations squinted, wanting to make sure they were looking at Canada and not at America.

Arthur stared at his young Dominion, and gaped, and sputtered, and tried not to think of a rain-soaked day two hundred years ago. "Matthew! What do you think you're..."

Matthew was polite, but that was it. "It needs to be said, Arthur, and I just want to ensure there's no misunderstandings about what I mean." He locked eyes with the Russian. Vimy and Passchendaele. Alfred had remembered. Others would too. "I will _not_ stand for your presence in _my_ lands, I will _not_ just sit around and wait for you to spontaneously realize how not to be a dick, and I will _do something about it_."

Russia stared at Canada, and he felt a thrill shiver up his spine - the long-lost thrill of facing a true enemy, the adrenaline-fast knife-edge of fencing with America, and Canada looked _just like his brother_. Only America's eyes were full of fire, blue flames and heat like the sun, and Canada's were blue _ice_, snow and frost and the killing cold both he and Russia walked with, the quiet death that took a man without his knowing.

Then he stared some more, and amended his thoughts. It wasn't opposites - it was two sides of the same coin, America and Canada, two Nations so alike that not even their beloved England could tell them apart sometimes. And behind Canada's ice was a banked fire, flaring now, and behind America's fire had always been that cool core of ruthlessness, one he'd always been ashamed of, and sought to hide behind pretty words, but America hadn't become the only superpower to rival Russia by being as stupid as he acted. And America held Alaska, did he not, he had walked with General Winter as well. He knew the North, he knew the ice.

And Canada hadn't been England's shock-trooper, stood beside an empire and an empire-in-all-but-name, by being as doormattish as he acted, either, Russia was slowly finding out.

He threw back his head and laughed, a deep belly-laugh, and as he did he saw someone standing in the back, unnoticed, a tall shadow with light glinting off its glasses.

Canada was America's brother - and America was Canada's.

He locked eyes with Canada again, and smiled a wide beaming smile at all of the UN. "We shall see," he promised Canada, and the brother who stood behind him, always right there, entwined so in Canada's history and life. Ice behind the fire. Fire behind the ice.

"Perhaps," he mused, gazing at Canada, "We should exchange our coats of arms."

France, who'd been dumbstruck since Canada had interrupted England, demanded, "And what does that mean?"

"Oh," Russia said, his eyes flickering back and forth between angry Canada in front of him and quiet, watching America in the back, America who was humbler but not humbled, America who was learning to be subtle as his brother learned how to be assertive, America who had let his brother stand up to Russia by himself but was waiting, straining, to back Canada's stance up.

"I just thought that twin eagles would suit these eager North Americans wonderfully," he purred, and laughed again.


AN: Loosely, loooooosely based on the recent "We won't let Russia bully us" remark from Canada. http://www.cbc.ca/world/story/2009/03/30/russia-canada-arctic-bully.html

I'm not Canadian but I'm studying in Canada so I hope I got the stuff about Canada right - this is much more Hetalia-fic than based-in-RL-fic, obviously, playing up the Alfred-and-Matthew-are-twins angle because I looove twin-stories. Hope you guys enjoyed it even with me playing fast and loose with actual events.


Re: Twin Eagles II anonymous April 5 2009, 13:09:55 UTC
Fuck yes, anon--that was absolutely delicious, and note-perfect--you've pulled off badass Canada within the demands of his character. I loved the contrasts with Alfred, and the differences in Alfred himself, and YES YES YES I love this dynamic between the two of them and between them and Russia. Fantastic fill. ♥


Re: Twin Eagles II anonymous April 5 2009, 13:15:45 UTC
....that's maybe one of the nicest comments to a fill I've ever gotten... made the whole thing worthwhile. Thank you~


Re: Twin Eagles II anonymous April 5 2009, 13:16:48 UTC
♥ Glad to hear that; s'what I'm here for (besides the awesome reads). ;) Keep writing!


Re: Twin Eagles II anonymous April 5 2009, 13:27:51 UTC
Hahaha, thanks, I will. *bustles off to finish the US/still-dunno fill she was working on before America+Canada!twins ficbunnies hijacked her brain*


Re: Twin Eagles II anonymous April 5 2009, 15:38:36 UTC

Sorry I am. Dying from. How much I love this.


reCATCHA: an Honor - woah


Re: Twin Eagles II anonymous April 5 2009, 15:38:46 UTC
I've written so, so much Canada for this meme and this fandom, but I have just been utterly put to shame.

You OWNED this. Absolutely, 110% got Canada RIGHT. The steel, the cold, solid solidarity, and yet that twinge of sweetness and diplomacy and reluctance for conflict.

Just because we don't like to fight, doesn't mean we can't. And oh, being a Canadian studying in America (your polar opposite, haha), reaffirming the beautiful solidarity and the potential of the Can/US bond warms the cockles of my cynical little heart.

Utter win. (LOL@the best representation of Canada coming from an American. *happy tear*)


Re: Twin Eagles II anonymous April 5 2009, 17:24:07 UTC
The reviewers for this piece are being really nice to me, which is a relief AND a joy because I'd worried more about flames. So thank you. Coming from a Canadian, I really am glad to hear you say that.

Heh. Minor note, I'm actually a Filipino...i'm not offended at being called American, but I thought I'd put that in. Actually I've wondered if not being from America has made me write him a little too glowingly, since I don't know th bad parts as much.


lol anonymous June 13 2010, 06:40:01 UTC
...completely off topic, but you're the second misplaced Filipino author I've seen on the kink meme, anon. The other was mistaken for Spanish.

This amuses me greatly.

recaptch is 'gags in' my how appropriate


Re: Twin Eagles II anonymous April 6 2009, 02:02:27 UTC
ahhh! This is amazing! I just love their relationship. Brotherly bonds and all that. Great Work.


Re: Twin Eagles II anonymous April 6 2009, 02:18:50 UTC
i really really really LOVE this piece!

i love how you have canada down pat. and i love the fact america is slowly learning and being more humble and less of the I AM A FUCKING HERO!! stuff.

this is absolutely amazing. i especially loved the metaphors and imagery you put into this fic... it's absolutely great. and no distracting errors of any sort-- every flowed so smoothly.

GUH i am absolutely flailing over this fic. you have to write more about america/canada too. dkjhfskef your take on their relationship is fantabulous


FUCKIN' EHHHHHHH anonymous April 6 2009, 02:20:42 UTC
Jesus. This was amazing. I love your depiction of the two North American brothers as like... the Dynamic Duo. The Gruesome Twosome. Kickers of asses and takers of names. That one bit with the fire and ice... goddamn. Also, nice!America was a refreshing change... and strangely endearing.

I tip my hat to you, good anon! Excellent work! :D


Re: Twin Eagles II anonymous April 6 2009, 16:42:11 UTC
First of all I have to say that this just blew me away. Your writing is so strong.

When I got to "and Canada looked just like his brother. Only America's eyes were full of fire, blue flames and heat like the sun, and Canada's were blue ice, snow and frost and the killing cold both he and Russia walked with," I actually had to get up from my chair and go into the other room. It was because of the pacing, I think -- the gradual crescendo of emotions -- that would probably be why this line hit me so hard.

The only thing that bothered me a bit is what came after that. I love how you gave Matthew a backbone. I love how you made Canada and America newly-reconciled brothers. The only thing is when you're talking about the fire and ice in their eyes, it feels like you're saying that they are the same. And it's such a large part of Canadian identity to deny that.

...then again, maybe that's what makes this story so powerful.


Re: Twin Eagles II anonymous April 6 2009, 17:03:49 UTC
*wibbles* I can't believe how much love this piece is getting from people, and how awesome it feels to read comments like yours. To know something _I_ wrote affected people like that? Headrush. Thank you, thank you, thank you for that comment. ♥

As to the fire and ice, it's a bit hard to articulate my thoughts on it, but it's not so much that they're the same as they're ...linked? They're not all one or the other, America's not all hot-headed and Canada's not all cool politeness, they're both more nuanced than that. I get what you're saying, though.

Another thing I'd love to write is how easy it would be for Canada to lose himself in his brother, because I think it would be? And I kind of wanted to show that. But he walks that line, and America (Hetalia-wise especially) is so eager to be closer to his brother...lots of thoughts swirling around in my head, making for perhaps not so clear writngs, but I`m so thrilled you liked it enough to leave a long comment.


Re: Twin Eagles II anonymous April 7 2009, 07:17:32 UTC
Ah this knocks the socks off this Canadanon <3

Thank you for making my country look so fucking awesome. (It's time to stand up Canada, we're not taking this crap anymore)


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