Jan 26, 2011 08:29

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 3



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Gordian Knot 2/3 anonymous April 2 2009, 05:27:52 UTC
"So angry," he replied, as he leaned down, reaching for the boy. He stroke the bloodied face with a surprisingly soft caress. "You really shouldn't be. I don't hate you, you know, or any of those that I've battled, conquered or held down." Greece blinked at that and turned his eyes curiously towards the masked man. Turkey nodded.

"There's no loathing from my part," he reassured. "The lion doesn't hate the prey it hunts. I didn't hate Russia whenever I clashed with him, or Hungary when I brought her down to her knees, or Bulgaria when I had to discipline him. Not even the Holy League that stopped my way. Win or lose, they all were my opponents. And you," Turkey emphasized in a soft tone, his voice consoling, "all I want from you, my most cherished one, is to live and to prosper under my wing. So stop seeing me as someone who wants to harm you, see me as your patron. Do so, and everything will be safe and sound for you. It's still not too late to understand that."

Turkey didn't notice the gradual effect that his soothing words, his fatherly voice had on Greece.

He realised it when he felt a pang of pain on his hand. He yelled and jerked the bitten arm back as he pulled himself upright in alarm.

"Sneaky little shit," Turkey snarled, clutching his now bleeding hand. Greece was bearing his teeth, with a glare more wrathful than any time before.
While he had been caressing his face so tenderly, the boy had found that only as a chance to attack him. No wonder he likes cats so much, Turkey thought in spite; he and them are one of a kind.

He yanked the rope with no restrain this time. The knot mercilessly clenched around the neck, forcing Greece to let out gurgling sounds and being unable to mutter a word or gasp a single breath anymore.

"Really, what do you expect to accomplish on your own, kid? Have you forgotten that Egypt and Albania, who have actually learned their place, are ready to aid me whenever I command them to? After all, as you've already been informed, Austria, England -and your last resort, Russia- consider your little rebellion troublesome and they want nothing to do with it. They only wish for their peace. Wise decision, that."

Greece had his mouth open by instinct despite it being useless for breathing, and his aching chest was risen off the floor in despair. A powerful stomp on it by Turkey, and it was crushed back on the ground, captured.

"Indeed, why would anyone waste their energy for you? You are but a pathetic relic of someone far greater than you. She's long dead and yet still glorious. But you are nothing like that, isn't that right, you rayah?" The expected whimpering sound made Turkey smirk.

"You sure hate it when I call you that. Maybe because it's meaning is spot-on about what you are: an animal. Livestock to be pastured by it's master."

Greece struggles were getting visibly weaker. He was under ultimate defeat and it seemed as if energy was completely draining off him. Noticing this, Turkey understood that even releasing him, the boy would now be incapable of doing anything against him no matter how much he'd long to.

He bowed to loosen the vicious comb only enough to keep the young one conscious. Deciding to have him remain this way, laying broken on the battle-torn soil of his defeat, legs humiliatingly lifted on the plank, Turkey turned his back and started taking his leave.

"This was my warning. Once more. I hope that this time you'll be smart enough to be a good boy and heed it."

He moved away, to let Greece lay on the field at this state for as long he'd see fit, before ordering for his release.

His pace halted at a mild cracking sound behind him. A louder one made him turn around. He saw Greece stabbing the bindings on his feet with a broken sword's shard again and again. Unknowingly to Turkey, he had been untying the rope on his wrists all along.

Sneaky. Typical, Turkey thought.


Gordian Knot 3/3 anonymous April 2 2009, 05:42:41 UTC
A last strike strong enough to break the wooden plank in two and injuring his own flesh, completely cut the ties off. Behind the mask, Turkey's eyes momentarily widened.

Greece's legs were freed, he grounded their bruised heels down and lifted his body straight up. With one hard move of the sharp steel in his bleeding hand, he slashed the noose off his neck. The cut rope fell and sprawled on the ground.

Turkey stood there, observing the feat before him with honest curiosity and amazement. For all his experience, he had seldom witnessed stubbornness so fevered from the weak. And this small one, nation acknowledged by none but himself alone, appeared determined to bring that to a whole new level.

Greece, looking and being past his limit of endurance, was standing up, commanding his legs to carry him, all his might to force himself awake.

"Listen to me Turkey and listen well," he spoke once he steadied his breath and found his voice again. "You have been honest and have given me your warnings. Now I'm returning the favor and am giving you mine."

Turkey stared in an unpleasant wonder at his subservient's green eyes. There was nothing noble there; no higher cause found, no virtuous dreams flickering.

They were all clouded by raw malice.

"I am going to make you hate me." A callous, non-threatening voice. A cold statement of a fact. "You may indeed have never felt that way for anyone before, but I will make sure that you'll be given enough reasons to despise me, the animal as you like calling me. I'll plant in you a hatred so deeply rooted that you won't let it go at any waking hour for the centuries to come."

He paused and smiled wryly at his next words. "Most likely I'm going to die, attempting to kick you, an Empire, out of my mother's ruined home. But I hardly care. Until then, though," he affirmed, "I will be only giving you pain to remember me by."

It felt as if once Greece would let the brimming wrath shatter it's cage, it would ruthlessly destroy everything before it's path; and then no longer finding any more foes to wreck, he'd turn it against himself just to quench it.

Turkey for a moment found himself not liking this at all.

Heading Southwards, Greece began walking away, too weak to attack, yet right now too dangerous to be confronted. Under the crescent moon, he to addressed his emperor one final time.

"I'm not your opponent, Turkey. I am your enemy."


- The first Greek uprising of 1821 took place in Wallahia (Romania). Despite it's complete annihilation, it sparked the massive and ultimately official outbreak of the War of Independence in Ottoman Greece.
- The French Revolution and the Enlightenment were major influences for the Greek rebellion.
- During the first years of the rebellion, unruly Greek revolutionaries committed massacres against the Turkish and Turk-allied populations living in Ottoman Greece.
- The title of 'rayah' (arabic for flock, cattle, subject) was used by the Ottoman Turks for the majority of the non-muslim subjects of the Empire. Even today, Greeks consider the word as a heavily derogatory term.

not the first potential!anon either btw


Re: Gordian Knot 3/3 anonymous April 2 2009, 06:13:23 UTC
Wow... I know that Turkey/Greece is NOT a fluffy pairing. It is a pairing made of violence and hate and something complicated but almost completely antagonistic. And I think you captured that here, in stark, eloquent brutality. Both nations are well-dimensioned and flawed, beyond the stereotypes/archetypes they've been given by a majority of the fandom. Turkey is matter-of-fact, even kindly in a warped sort of way.

"There's no loathing from my part," he reassured. "The lion doesn't hate the prey it hunts."

This sums it all up... and yet, he shows an absolutely bestial, cruel, wrathful part of himself too.

And Greece... stubborn as hell, idealistic, blindly going forward, and utterly desperate.

Oh god these fills are GOOD.


Re: Gordian Knot 3/3 anonymous April 2 2009, 15:29:55 UTC
Thank you for the great feedback!
I was pretty nervous about describing these two during that period of time, when their circle of hate began peaking. Glad you liked it.

Thanks for taking time to reply.


Re: Gordian Knot 3/3 anonymous May 1 2010, 14:06:10 UTC
Wow, this was fantastic! I love these two characters, but I don't like them as a pairing because I see them too much like this. I see too much of this lingering to enjoy them written as a some kind of cute romantic pairings.

But like this... like this I very much approve. Go Greece!


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