Jan 26, 2011 08:29

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 3



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Envious (6/6) anonymous April 1 2009, 08:14:46 UTC
When he looks back they’ve changed position. Lithuania is above them, hips bucking non-too-gracefully into Estonia’s. He rears back every few thrusts; hair mussed from the experience, before he’s leant over Estonia again, his forehead against the blonde’s back, his arms locked straight and planted on either side of Latvia’s waist. Latvia is on the bed, under Estonia, his back arching and his legs curled around Estonia’s waist. He cries out with every one of Lithuania’s thrusts, as they drive Estonia onto him. Their cocks are squeezed together between them, along with Latvia’s hand. Estonia’s are clenching the midnight duvet next to the boy’s shoulders.

“I’m - I’m going to,” Latvia stammers, his free arm wrapping around Estonia.

“Yes, same, oh,” Estonia answers, “Toris, h-harder. Please, just a bit more.”

“Faster, Raivis,” Lithuania clasps Estonia’s hips, I’m not going to l-aaaah!”

Ivan chokes back his own cry, his hand moving madly over himself. The boys are cumming. They’re beautiful, gorgeous, hot, lovely, all three of them, Lithuania first, he can’t tell who’s cum is splattering itself all over Latvia’s stomach - but, yes!

They’re faces tighten, teeth biting over lips, mouths gasping, eyes shut tight or opened wide as they release their own form of cry - Latvia’s a series of whimpers, Estonia’s a long groan and Lithuania’s loud wails, highlighted by a few last, shaky thrusts.

Ivan’s gasps and grasps the sill with such a tight grip it makes it creak as he cums, his seed splattering over the stone wall and grass beneath him and his violet eyes clenched shut. It’s with practise that he’s learnt how to not get his clothes dirty during it.

The Russia’s forehead rests against the sill, the cool wood frigid against his burning forehead, much like the wind that’s swirling around him - it’s slightly uncomfortable to pleasure yourself when you’re swaddled in several layers of clothes, he’s realised. He pants, careful that he remains quiet, so as not to alert the boys.

He needs to leave before they spot him - as soon as he regains a bit more of his breath.

Ivan allows himself one last lingering look into the bedroom, his cheeks flushed.

They’re lying beside each other, chests rising and falling calmer than they had all night. Their arms and legs are splayed everywhere, sometimes over and under each other, holding them together.

It’s with a persistent ache in his chest that Ivan tucks himself into his clothes again, and leaves the boys be, sneaking through the gardens and jumping the fence as he did when he came in.

His mind dwells on them as he heads home. Spinning between appreciation - they are delectable when they’re wrapped around each other tighter than one of Japan’s sushi rolls - and utter loathing. He needs to punish them tomorrow for this betrayal; just as he always does - if they have problems they should come to him for help; he doesn’t think he’s forgotten how to comfort someone.

But he knows the truth behind his reasoning isn’t purely anger at their dependence one on another. Rather, there’s a burning jealously boiling within him that leaves him surprised his skin hasn’t turned green yet.

He hates to admit it - it's like a punch to the gut every time - but they have each other, whilst he, Russia, has no one.

Sorry it's not fantastic and has little plot, OP, but I hope you enjoyed it to some extent. Even if it's just an ickle bit.


Not OP But... anonymous April 1 2009, 20:45:21 UTC
I was wondering when someone was going to fill this! Good job!


Re: Envious (6/6) anonymous April 2 2009, 02:26:10 UTC
Oh my gosh. This is wonderful!


Re: Envious (6/6) anonymous April 2 2009, 04:03:46 UTC
Anon this is amazing


Re: Envious (6/6) anonymous April 2 2009, 04:21:37 UTC
I'm not OP nor did I ever see the original request for this before, but WOW. Anon, that was amazing. I'm awed at how perfectly you captured the relationship between the brothers themselves, as well as Ivan's feelings about that relationship -- and kept Ivan both a pitiable character and really creepy. Just... you have such a good handle on that entire situation, wow, I'm trying not to cry. ♥ Poor Baltics, yes, but poor Russia too...


Re: Envious (6/6) anonymous April 2 2009, 10:20:04 UTC
I love everything about this, but most of all how Ivan was. I don't know how else to say it, I just think you've done it just right.


Re: Envious (6/6) anonymous April 2 2009, 20:19:08 UTC
Not OP. Oh-oh God, this was beautiful and sexy, and most of all, painful at Russia's cost. ;_;

Loved it. ♥


Re: Envious (6/6) anonymous April 2 2009, 23:07:44 UTC
This did not need a plot to do a brilliant job to convey the love and intimacy between the Baltics, and Russia's... well. I thought it was beautiful - and also, hot :)


Re: Envious (6/6) anonymous April 3 2009, 03:07:30 UTC
That was amazing! I feel bad for everyone in this story, somehow! I mean... the boys, obviously, because of their physical and mental abuse at the hands of Ivan, but also for Ivan himself, with his delusions that the boys somehow love him, even as they betray him.

Makes me want to read some Russia fluff, you know? Just to let him have some real love too... but it never'll happen, 'cause that's REALLY OOC. XD


Re: Envious (6/6) anonymous April 4 2009, 16:40:10 UTC
Oh, anon. Lovely, lovely job. My heart aches for everyone, and that... that really takes some work. This fic is beautiful and touching, and, I think, much more powerful because Russia doesn't stop them- maybe because he knows that if he did, they wouldn't have that safety that makes it possible any more.

Love for this, and for you.


Writer!Anon's feeling overwhelmed... anonymous April 6 2009, 12:33:05 UTC
It sounds pathetic, but it took me several tries to post this. Mostly because I was stuck between: "THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! *glomp*" and "Holy Hell... They all sound so serious and, and honest... *tear*"

But, really, you guys are just so freakin' awesome. Thank you all so much. <3 Now I'm off to contribute more. Because this meme's addicting like that.


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