Jan 26, 2011 08:29

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 3



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Romano On Romance [3/3] anonymous March 8 2009, 17:24:47 UTC
Dear Romano,

This might be a long letter, please forgive me.

There was a young man who came to work for me years ago. We didn't get along for a long time. He never wanted to work, or talk to me, or spend time with me, and I thought that meant he hated me. He kept getting into fights that I would have to rescue him from, and for a while I honestly wondered if he was trying to kill me. Sometimes, I thought, there were glimmers of affection…but they went by so fast I assumed that I had imagined them.

I think I must have been very harsh with him, although not in the way one might expect; I never forced him to work when he didn't want to, and I never raised my voice to him. But, I also made no effort to understand him. Even though it was obvious that he didn't like being picked up, or hugged, or cuddled, I kept trying to do it anyway. I'm ashamed to say that I treated this poor young man a bit like a pet cat, always trying to stroke him when he didn't want it, and then being disappointed in the cat when he scratched my hand and ran away.

I made him learn my language, but I never tried to learn his. I thought, so long as he can understand me, what does it matter? Maybe that would be okay if I only ever wanted to be his employer, but I wanted his feelings. Why should I have expected that from him when I couldn't even wish him a good morning in his own language? It was the same with cooking, dancing, everything. I selfishly thought that if he knew me better, he would have to love me. Of course, it didn't work that way.

Worst of all, though, is that I constantly compared him to his younger brother. His brother was sweet-tempered and obedient, and a talented artist besides, and at the time, I thought I would be happier having someone like that live in my house. I cringe when I think of how many times that young man must have heard me sigh or complain about him, and then praise his brother, who lived not too far away. And then this young man moved away, and I never even made a proper goodbye.

I want to tell him that I would not trade the memory of him for his brother or anyone. I want to tell him that the years he spent working in my house were the happiest of my life. I want to tell him that I do not resent him for all the fights and expense he sometimes brought me, and that his occasional smiles meant more to me than a hundred hugs and besos from anyone else. Most of all, I want to tell him that I think I've finally got the order sorted out: and that I don't mind anymore if he does not love me--I just want him to know that I love him. But it is never the right time to say these things.

He lives far away, now, with his brother, and I think that he is content. I would like to renew our acquaintance, but I don't want to make him feel like I am chasing him for attention he does not want to give. I just want to spend time with him. Life is brighter with him in it.

My question to you, Romano, is: do you think he would be happy to see me? Or should I keep my distance?

"Buongiorno" is right, si?

Dear That's A Good Start,

I think he'd be happy to see you. Although from the sound of it, he'd never admit it.

Just don't say any of that stuff you talked about wanting to say, damn it. You'll just embarrass the guy.

Good luck: you'll need it,


Re: Romano On Romance [3/3] anonymous March 8 2009, 17:28:53 UTC
oh, anon, this is adorable. great job ♥

I, ah, suppose it'd be too much to ask for more...?


Re: Romano On Romance [3/3] anonymous March 8 2009, 17:52:59 UTC
*claps* Absolutely amazing, anon


Re: Romano On Romance [3/3] anonymous March 8 2009, 18:00:23 UTC
Anon. ANON. I LOVE YOU, HAVE ALL THE INTERNETS IN THE WORLD. I was kind of hoping on the side when I... seconded? Thirded? this that somebody would do it with Romano--

Was SO HAPPY TO SEE THIS. And you pulled this off amazingly and hilariously. I seriously want more of this, homg. XD The only one I couldn't guess was 'Bride to Be', actually. And lfjlskjsjjkdksl Spain's letter made me tear up. SO ADORABLE LSKJLAKJSLALSJ;;;

And yes, I join anon above in hoping for a continuation. 8D ♥♥♥


Re: Romano On Romance [3/3] anonymous March 8 2009, 18:10:36 UTC

Just realized, but Bride to Be is BELARUS, isn't it? How did I miss that AHAHA XD


Re: Romano On Romance [3/3] anonymous March 8 2009, 18:02:19 UTC

also lol Germany.


Re: Romano On Romance [3/3] anonymous March 8 2009, 18:16:26 UTC
anon this is fucking amazing!!

one moment I was laughing my ass off and the next I almost teared up at Spain's letter~

you did a great job anon♥


Re: Romano On Romance [3/3] anonymous March 8 2009, 18:49:40 UTC
Oh god, I've never laughed so hard in my life. That was absolutley brilliant. Oh, Germany and Finland's were awesome. Um, you should write more. Preferably Italy and Russia's.


Re: Romano On Romance [3/3] anonymous March 8 2009, 19:38:39 UTC
Spain's letter was just so...I LOVE YOU FOREVER ANON!
and lol Germany

Moar please please please?


Re: Romano On Romance [3/3] anonymous March 8 2009, 20:18:28 UTC
Anon, this was really really lovely. Amusing, in character and unexpectedly cute.
Another anon here is hoping you'll continue this.


Re: Romano On Romance [3/3] anonymous March 8 2009, 22:18:42 UTC
Dear Romano, I have read the writing of an anon!author and now I desperately wish to marry, and give gifts of millions upon millions of internets to them. Do you have any advice?


Re: Romano On Romance [3/3] anonymous March 8 2009, 22:46:56 UTC
LOLLLL. this killed me, anon. ilu forever


Re: Romano On Romance [3/3] anonymous March 8 2009, 23:27:22 UTC
You had me in tickles from the very beginning.

But: 'Bad to Wurst' actually, physically crippled me.

Marry me Anon, or I'll go Belarus on you and force it anyway


Re: Romano On Romance [3/3] anonymous March 9 2009, 00:29:56 UTC
s-so cute

thank you, anon

thank you so much


OP IS TERRIBLY AMUSED anonymous March 9 2009, 03:06:11 UTC
Good job. I actually requested with N Italy in mind... but S Italy flirts with the ladies as well so any Italy would do :DDD Thanks for the excellent writing, esp the end XDDD

the Germany part is my fave btw lololol


~Writer! anonymous March 9 2009, 05:57:18 UTC
Glad you're not disappointed, OP!


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