Jan 03, 2009 03:13

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part 2



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Adventure in America's King of ME Mall (1/1) anonymous April 21 2011, 15:21:40 UTC
Blog of the Awesome Me: Day 173,137
Adventure in America's King of ME Mall

Yo, readers! There was an AWESOME adventure to be had today. Apparently, America fell love with me. Heh, I know. That's not hard to do. I'm that awesome. He named an area in Pennsylvania after Old Fritz then made the biggest mall in him there! Why the hell didn't I know about this until now!? It was my favorite king! And America really should have told the awesome me how enamored he was with me. We could have-

...shut up, I'm still on topic, assholes! TOTALLY. ON. TOPIC! Hmph. Ungrateful readers.

So, America being so in love with me, he decided since it was his turn to host the world meeting would have it in a newly vacated space in the King of Prussia court. He was obviously finally professing his love for me! Heh, he even knew I'd crash the meeting. He's cute like that.

Then some shit happened. Booooring. Well, other than West pitching a magnificent fit. He found out the space we were using used to be some bookstore, and now that it had closed, there were no more bookstores in the mall. Pfffft, West and his books. It's the computer age! Books are obsolete. Even the awesome me has converted all my journals into blogs! He needs to get with the times. ...and read my blog, like all you almost-as-awesome-as-me people! He'd pitch fits more often, and I have some quality entertainment around here!

Oh yeah, then America started talking to Italy and mentioned there was a 'Tuscany' restaurant and gelato downstairs, so the whole meeting went to hell. It was great! West's face was turning colors 'cause little Ita was all: “Paaaaaaaaasta~” and “Gelaaaaaaaaato~” West can't so no to Ita! Kesesese...

Then meeting was definitely over because we all ended up wandering the two malls. Yeah, you heard me, TWO. The awesome me said the court was tiny, and that it was no way awesome enough to be named after MY Old Fritz. That got America all riled up. It's definitely a sight to see. He grabbed my hand, and the awesome me LET him drag me along outside then across the walkway to this HUGE mall.

That was the plaza. Heh, I bet Austria'd get his pansy ass lost in a mall this big, but not the awesome me! ...hey, whaddya mean I had America with me so I couldn't get lost? No! Liars! Slanderers! Get off my blog!

Anyway! Before we left, I could hear Ita wailing. Something like 'che schifo!' I think that means nasty or some shit, so I figure the Italian food wasn't all that Italian. America completely ignored and babbled on as we went into the plaza. Something about some department store. The awesome me decided to tune him out and watch his ass. Great plan!

And you know what? This GREAT PLAN got me laid and fulfilled all of America's 'American Dreams,' if you know what I mean. Where did we do it, you ask? Ha! I don't fuck and tell. ...except there was this store called Spencer's, and America totally called rank, so we got the whole store to ourselves. Heh, there were some fun toys and handcuffs and books. Maybe I should bring West one of the ones I got... Bet he'd like to spice things up with Ita. Kesesese...

The awesome me is logging off to bring West the 'Position Sex Bible'! I'll blog tomorrow about what colors West turns!

~The Awesome Prussia

Gilbert hit post with a grin of satisfaction before grabbing the aforementioned dirty book and bounded up the stairs. “Oi, West! I've got a present for you!”


A/N: I live near the KoP mall, so here's a few references. One, as of about a week ago, there are no longer any bookstores in the KoP mall. It's saddening that BOTH Borders closed, and the big one in the court is going to be an Old Navy now. (That's where they had their world meeting, by the way.) Two, there's a place called Tuscany something. I like the food and gelato okay, but it's been years since I last had real from Italy Italian food and gelato, so I'm guessing it wouldn't be up to snuff.

Also, I looked it up. The King of Prussia area (where the KoP mall is located) WAS named after Old Fritz. XD Learned something new. Also, KoP IS the biggest mall in America; the Mall of America cheats with an amusement park, while KoP has more retail space. XD (And 'che schifo' is essentially 'disgusting' or 'yuck' in Italian. <3)


Re: Adventure in America's King of ME Mall (1/1) anonymous April 22 2011, 07:55:31 UTC
Wow!! This was an interesting prompt, and a very funny fill!

It's awesome that you live near it too, the little details made it more real, as well as the little interactions between the characters and the mall. Had no clue it was that big though.

I totally agree that Italy would disapprove of 'Americanized' Italian food. Though I personally think German Italian food is the best, orz.


Author!anon anonymous April 22 2011, 16:42:52 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad someone read it, considering how old the prompt is. <3

I know it so well that it doesn't seem big, but it kinda really is. XD Sooooo many stores. They're even doing renovations soon.

Italy would cry. >>;; Again, thanks for reading! <3


Re: Adventure in America's King of ME Mall (1/1) anonymous April 23 2011, 19:01:37 UTC
There are no more bookstores there?! NOOOOOOO!!!!! D= I live about half an hour away and while I usually go to my local mall, I sometimes get to go to this one. I love bookstores! (Germany, I feel your pain....)

Anyway, Prussia would really think America's in love with him because of the name XD What he doesn't realize is that America names lots of places after various countries. And America so would have a world meeting in a mall of all places.

I actually thought the King of Prussia area was named for a really old inn that was named after Old Fritz.... but I guess it doesn't matter considering it's still referring to our favorite king


Author!anon anonymous April 26 2011, 04:46:13 UTC
Yeah. Even the big one in the court closed. I can't believe it either. D: (Haha, Germany's pain is my pain, but I picked up some history books 70% off.)

Hehe, of course he would. It's all about HIM after all. There are no other countries as awesome as him. XD

It could be? I know the area is called KoP, but that's all I got. I didn't do too much in depth searching. XD Thank you for reading!


Re: Adventure in America's King of ME Mall (1/1) anonymous August 20 2011, 02:07:27 UTC
Late comment is late, but another anon from around the KOP area here! You did the mall justice. I was so excited to see this story! Every time I go I think of Prussia (which hasn't been much lately since Borders closed, but there's still DSW, Haagen Daz, Macy*s, Betsey Johnson... now I wanna go!). Anyway, thanks for the story!


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