May 17 2010, 22:51:24 UTC
"Hey, Ivan, have I ever thanked you for standing by me during the Civil War?"
Ivan's cocks his head, a twinge of curiosity and confusion lighting up his face. "My friend, there is nothing to thank me for."
Alfred remembers the nights they spent together, in the darkness, breathing hard, biting and scratching every bit of exposed skin, drawing blood, the gleaming red drops slipping into one. His first time, and it was beautiful and passionate and perfect.
"There's no need to be humble, Ivan."
Ivan remembers an annoying, persistent itch. The night after he positioned his ships in Alfred's harbor, he wakes in the middle of the night to find the young nation in his room. It is a welcome surprise, and he can finally soothe his irritation.
A slow, wicked smile pulls at the corners of Ivan's mouth as he understands the situation.
"My friend," he murmurs slowly, sweetly, "have I ever told you how cold the winters are in Russia? The ice in the harbors freeze solid, you see, and the ships are stuck... but America is amazing. Incredible, really."
Flickers of comprehension dance across the smaller nation's face.
"No such cold. Even in the winters, the harbors.... they don't freeze, yes?"
Alfred's eyes widen in disbelief.
"It's very..."
His smile widens.
this was definitely not the fill you wanted.... i'm sorry, i left so much of your prompt out... please forgive!
Re: Fail!Microfill
May 18 2010, 05:55:44 UTC
<33! This is exactly what I zoomed in off the link- that it was all a one sided fantasy of a young and admiring nation. You captured the exact moment Alfred's and my heart goes "craCK".
I love love this micro goodness too much- insanly hot and vivid for being so short. Please feel free to take any unborn children I may bear as incentive to flesh this out :D
Ivan's cocks his head, a twinge of curiosity and confusion lighting up his face. "My friend, there is nothing to thank me for."
Alfred remembers the nights they spent together, in the darkness, breathing hard, biting and scratching every bit of exposed skin, drawing blood, the gleaming red drops slipping into one. His first time, and it was beautiful and passionate and perfect.
"There's no need to be humble, Ivan."
Ivan remembers an annoying, persistent itch. The night after he positioned his ships in Alfred's harbor, he wakes in the middle of the night to find the young nation in his room. It is a welcome surprise, and he can finally soothe his irritation.
A slow, wicked smile pulls at the corners of Ivan's mouth as he understands the situation.
"My friend," he murmurs slowly, sweetly, "have I ever told you how cold the winters are in Russia? The ice in the harbors freeze solid, you see, and the ships are stuck... but America is amazing. Incredible, really."
Flickers of comprehension dance across the smaller nation's face.
"No such cold. Even in the winters, the harbors.... they don't freeze, yes?"
Alfred's eyes widen in disbelief.
"It's very..."
His smile widens.
this was definitely not the fill you wanted.... i'm sorry, i left so much of your prompt out... please forgive!
This is exactly what I zoomed in off the link- that it was all a one sided fantasy of a young and admiring nation. You captured the exact moment Alfred's and my heart goes "craCK".
I love love this micro goodness too much- insanly hot and vivid for being so short. Please feel free to take any unborn children I may bear as incentive to flesh this out :D
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