Jan 03, 2009 03:13

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 2



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This is not the tentacle rape you are looking for. anonymous January 3 2009, 23:06:25 UTC
Apologies in advance for the silliness.


He tittered and waved one tentacle at Ludwig, enjoying the look of fascinated disgust on the blond man's face. When Germany admitted to having never seen a squid, much less dined on one, Feliciano had dragged him down to the docks, head bobbing as he searched for the creature.

"Isn't it oddly cute? And quite yummy." He held one hand to his face, hiding his mouth from the squid as if it could read his lips. "However, I must admit I enjoy octopus more, Romano has a wonderful recipe for it."

"Octopus?" If possible, Ludwig looked even more nonplussed.

"Yes! When you fry it up, it's sooo tasty." He smiled at the squirming squid in his hand, tapping it with one finger before placing it back in the tank the fisherman had to store his daily catches. "But don't you worry, we have other things to cook today."

He crouched to look into the tank, smiling as the squid darted close when he drummed his fingers against the glass.

"Keep in touch, hm? And make sure to bring some of your yummy friends with you if you visit me. Maybe tomorrow?"

He blinked as he felt something damp slide along the top of his head. Feliciano's face flushed as it stopped at the ever-present curl in his hair. He moaned softly as it drug the curl down with its weight.


"What now."

He glanced up at his companion, wondering who was touching that particular part of his hair if it wasn't Ludwig, and looked back at the tank. The squid was next to the glass wall of its tank, one tentacle slowly sliding back into the water of the tank, another...

"Get off of me!" Feliciano's yell turned into a cry as he lost his balance and fell backwards. The squid's grip on his hair vanished, flung aloft by the Italian's clumsiness. He stood up with a wobble, his face bright red and an apology on his lips as he turned to face Ludwig. Feliciano fell silent for a moment, his mouth agape at the sight of the squid clinging to the blond man's hair.

"Oh no, he‘s trying to rape you too!"


Re: This is not the tentacle rape you are looking for. anonymous January 3 2009, 23:24:21 UTC
Not OP but this absurdly cute. <3


Not OP. anonymous January 4 2009, 00:17:41 UTC
Oh, God, that was hilarious XDDD. I ♥ you so much!


Re: This is not the tentacle rape you are looking for. anonymous January 4 2009, 01:17:28 UTC
This fic is win.


Re: This is not the tentacle rape you are looking for. anonymous January 4 2009, 02:47:05 UTC
Oh, Italy.... You never cease to amuse me.

Thanks, writer!anon!


OP says anonymous January 4 2009, 04:15:26 UTC
Haha, this is so hilarious yet so cute! Poor Italy XD

Thanks so much anon!


Re: OP says anonymous January 4 2009, 06:48:55 UTC
I'm so glad you like it! :D


Re: This is not the tentacle rape you are looking for. anonymous January 4 2009, 11:45:37 UTC
Definitely bonus for including ludwig!
I almost forgot to log out, haha~


Re: This is not the tentacle rape you are looking for. anonymous January 7 2009, 09:59:34 UTC
This is so adorable.


Re: This is not the tentacle rape you are looking for. anonymous January 28 2009, 00:03:33 UTC
Yum, squid~ The last line especially made me laugh.


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