Jan 03, 2009 03:13

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 2



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Somebody to Love Part 1/? anonymous June 10 2009, 18:54:06 UTC
>> Lame title is lame. Disclaimer: author!anon does not own Hetalia or Queen. But damn if I did, those two would intersect a lot more often! Thanks OP!anon for the awesome prompt! This was hella fun! I hope it is to your liking!

Somebody to Love

Alfred stepped back from the large oak double doors of Arthur’s enormous house. He’d just spent the last five minutes banging on the door and was now contemplating where it’s weak points might lie. It was unlike Arthur to answer the door... okay so maybe not THAT unlike him, but even so! He usually answered if he knew it was Alfred. He was about to kick it down, but then his ears perked up when he heard something that sounded a bit like music. It didn’t sound like the stuffy classical music England listened to in order to relax.

America walked toward the place he thought he heard the sound coming from, one hand cupped behind his ear in order to see if he could catch more of it. He could now make out that it was an electric guitar?

Alfred peeked into the window of England’s expansive living room, noticing that all the furniture had been pushed out of the middle of the room. The window was open just a bit and he could now clearly recognize the song as something by Queen.

He giggled a bit at this. Arthur was listening to Queen? Queen of all things? Of course, they were a British band, but it seemed so unlike Arthur. When he went through his occasional punk phase, he would blast the Sex Pistols until the neighbors complained, and when he felt a bit nostalgic, he’d crank up the Beatles, but Alfred couldn’t quite recall a time he knew of England listening to Queen.

Odd though, Arthur was nowhere to be see-

He’d thought too soon.

Alfred didn’t think he could have been any LESS prepared for the sight that suddenly burst into his view from the other room.

Oh it was Arthur alright, at least, it looked like Arthur. He momentarily considered a body-snatchers type situation, but Alfred always carefully monitored extra-terrestrial activity, with the help of Tony, of course.

Arthur’s dusty blond hair was gelled and spiked to within an inch of his life and he wore black leather, studded wrist bands... and.... no shirt. Alfred blinked. It only got better. Arthur had somehow managed to squeeze himself into the absolute tightest pair of black leather pants Alfred had ever seen. “That cannot be comfortable,” he muttered. And to top it all off... blue and gray argyle socks, all while playing a very fierce air-guitar.

Alfred blinked again before his jaw hit the floor. He rubbed his eyes and pinched himself.

This could not be real and yet... it was. Alfred felt his face beginning to flush as he continued to stare at Arthur. He mentally slapped himself. No. No! No way in hell did he think Arthur looked hot, there was just no way. It was a complete and utter impossibility.

At that moment, Arthur turned around so that he was fully facing away from Alfred. Alfred’s appraisal was abruptly halted at the sight of Arthur’s leather-clad buttocks. His nose bled and he blamed the pants. It had to be the pants.


Re: Somebody to Love Part 2/3 anonymous June 10 2009, 18:58:59 UTC
The track switched over and the opening a cappella of “Somebody to Love” was suddenly hurled through the large speakers of Arthur’s bitchin’ (in America’s opinion) stereo system.

Was that a hairbrush Arthur was holding in is hand?

Alfred watched, totally transfixed as Arthur jumped up on the coffee table and began singing into the hairbrush at some imaginary audience. Probably his faeries and unicorns, Alfred scoffed.

And he would NEVER admit that maybe, just maybe, Arthur had a pretty decent voice. However, the older country did fail miserably in his attempt to four-part harmonize with himself.

“Each morning I get up I die a little,” Arthur crooned, totally unaware of his accidental audience, “Can barely stand on my feet, take a look in the mirror and cry!” at this point he pretended to wipe a tear away from his eye, “Lord what you're doing to me,” raised his hand to the sky as if to reach out to God himself, jumped down from his perch on the table and pranced around the living room floor as if it were a stage, “I have spent all my years in believing you!” pointed at an imaginary member of his invisible audience, “But I just can't get no relief, Lord! Somebody, somebody~! Can anybody find me somebody to love?” belted it nice and sweet and loud as if the Almighty Father might actually take pity on him.

Alfred found himself wanting so badly to laugh, but a few things prevented him. The first being that he had not brought with him any kind of video equipment with him. It was such a waste to not be able to post this... this... GOLD all over teh great grand interwebz. The second was guilt. He felt a bit like a voyeur and not in a good way and this partially came from the third reason why he couldn’t bring himself to laugh.

Arthur actually sounded... honest, like his heart might actually be in those words he was singing.

“. . . I get down on my knees,” Arthur fell to his knees at this juncture, “And I start to pray,” clasped his hands together, while still keeping the hairbrush close to his mouth, “Till the tears run down from my eyes~! Lord - somebody - somebody! Can anybody find me” arms in a wide expanse now, “somebody to love!?”

He sounded almost heartbroken to Alfred, so it was then that the young nation made what a decision that could very probably get him killed. When England turned his back to the window again, Alfred pushed it up a bit and quietly wiggled his way inside. Like hell he couldn’t be stealthy if he wanted to. Just because he usually liked to make an entrance didn’t mean that he couldn’t be sneaky.

He quickly ducked behind England’s couch and continued to watch and DEAR GOD did the man have to swing his hips like that?! He didn’t know Arthur was even capable of swinging his hips at all, let alone in such a way that Alfred could feel his body reacting to it.

Oh sure, he’d been attracted to Arthur for... for as long as he could remember, really, but this... this was almost too much. Surely, he’d have to get the older nation back for this.

A smirk played on Alfred’s lips as he watched Arthur beg one last time for anybody to find him somebody to looo~ove? and collapse on himself in the big finish.

In yet another damning move, Alfred popped up from behind the couch and let out a loud whistle as he clapped. The moment Arthur whirled around to face the sudden intrusion, Alfred ducked back behind the couch, knowing he was cornered.

“YOU BLOODY WANKER!” Arthur screamed, trying his best to sound angry and not ashamed. “Get the fuck out from behind my damn sofa!”

Alfred complied, the smirk now plastered firmly on his face, “Language, Arthur, language,” he chided mockingly, “I have young ears!”


Re: Somebody to Love Part 3/3 anonymous June 10 2009, 19:02:18 UTC
“You won’t have any ears at all when I’m done with you!” Arthur lunged at the bespectacled man, but Alfred easily side stepped him, which sent Arthur crashing into the couch cushions.

He tried his best to recover, standing and poking Alfred’s chest. “Well where is it?” He demanded.

“Where’s what?”

“C’mon then, don’t play stupid. What’ve you got? A camera? A cellphone? What?”

Again, Alfred wanted to laugh, but the homicidal gleam in Arthur’s eyes had him on the run. He backed up, trying to escape, but England followed him step for step. “I don’t have anything, Arthur, I swear.”

“Of course you have! You’ve always got some trick going!”

“Really, Iggy, I swear! I just came over to see if you wanted to hang out on your day off! How was I supposed to know that you’d be doing... dressed like...” Alfred fumbled when he realized just how close he was to Arthur- shirtless Arthur. Jeez, who knew he was actually... HOT under those sweater vests?! He forced his eyes back up to Arthur’s.

Arthur stared at him long and hard, realizing he was telling the truth. “Alright, go ahead then. You caught me. Have your laugh already and then go away. Just don’t tell anyone about this or I swear I’ll kill you.”

“I’m not going to laugh at you, Iggy,” Alfred replied, the affection in his voice apparent despite himself.

“I’d laugh if it was you,” Arthur muttered, his face turning red.

“Did you mean it?”

“Yes of course, I’d laugh! It’d be bloody hilarious!” He snapped.

“No, did you mean... those lyrics?”

“You stupid git. It’s just a song,” he averted his eyes.

“Sounded like... there was actually some feeling it from where I was standing.”

“Which was behind my couch like a creeper!” Arthur asserted indignantly and he damn well did NOT sound like a little girl.

“Actually, I was outside the window for most of it,” Alfred admitted with a sheepish smile and a hand on the back of his neck.

Arthur lunged at him again. “What the bloody hell do you think you’re doing stalking about my house then, eh!?

Alfred wasn’t as good at dodging this time and found himself being pulled closer by the lapels of his bomber jacket. “Iggy, you might wanna... uh...” if they were any closer Alfred’s loose jeans and t-shirt weren’t going to hide his reaction to Arthur’s little performance.

But no, he just had to step closer, didn’t he? Arthur blinked and then stepped back, blushing more furiously than before. He took a deep breath as he analyzed the situation and then it was his turn to smirk. “That’s why you’re not laughing then.”



“Sorr-” Alfred’s apology was cut off by Arthur’s lips crushing against his. His bright blue eyes flew wide open when he realized that Arthur had started gyrating again, this time to the beat of “I Want to Break Free.” Ironic, he thought, but he smiled and pushed the both of them down onto the couch, working as quickly as possible to... ah... break Arthur free of those tight leather pants.

Arthur broke the kiss. “Just so we’re still straight-”

“Oh it’s way too late for that,” Alfred smirked.

Arthur coughed authoritatively, of course the end of it got a bit strangled when Alfred finally got a firm grasp on his vital regions. “Just so we-” pant, “we’re c-clear, you tell anyone about this and you’re still dead.”

“What? And risk France seeing you like this? Hell to the no!”

heh. Cheesy ending is cheesy. I hope the OP enjoyed! Sorry I couldn't quite fit the song you wanted in...


Re: Somebody to Love Part 3/3 anonymous June 10 2009, 22:40:29 UTC
Anon feels genuine pity for Arthur. I rock out to Queen pretty much daily, and it is impossible -- IMPOSSIBLE -- to listen to Freddie's sweet, sexy crooning without having to belt it yourself. And yeah, I have been walked in on while air-rocking.

And Brian May~ Ngh! Talk about CHOPS!

I been singin' with my band, cross the wire, cross the land, I seen every blue-eyed floozy on the way -- but their beauty and their style ran kinda smooth after a while, take me to them dirty ladies every time -- HEY

no I'm not singing it right now, don't be silly. Basically, authoranon, I want you to know that I love this and I love you. Almost as much as I love Queen themselves.


Re: Somebody to Love Part 3/3 anonymous June 10 2009, 23:08:20 UTC
Author!anon is thrilled that you enjoyed it!

captcha: Spaniards agenda. Does that mean I should write something with Spain next?


Re: Somebody to Love Part 3/3 anonymous June 11 2009, 01:32:57 UTC
Damn, man. Both sexy and hilarious. I can tell that you had lots of fun with this thing.

And dear God, the mental image of England in that outfit is HOT. And I'm lesbian. Makes me want to draw it, but there's no way I could do it justice. Curses.


Re: Somebody to Love Part 3/3 anonymous June 11 2009, 02:08:58 UTC
Review!Anon would gladly have Writer!Anon's children.

This was...oh, there aren't enough words to describe! Hot, adorable, sexy, crazy, hilarious, and...

I need to go listen to Queen RIGHT NOW. There isn't enough of Rocker!England. *bows to you*


Re: Somebody to Love Part 3/3 anonymous June 11 2009, 04:16:10 UTC
writer!Anon will gladly take review!Anon's children and corrupt them by making them wear leather pants and listen to Queen.

And you're right. There could NEVER be enough Rocker!England


Re: Somebody to Love Part 3/3 anonymous June 12 2009, 13:53:12 UTC
Rocker!England is so fucking HOT.


Re: Somebody to Love Part 3/3 anonymous June 12 2009, 14:24:12 UTC

alkjfdlkjlkjfdsfffffff author!anon, I seriously have no words right now! I love you so much for writing this! I cannot tell you how much I want to have internet children with you! OK, I don't really know how that would work, but you have definitely found yourself somebody to love! Lol, bad pun.

Guh, the Best of Queen never leaves my car, and "Somebody to Love." Swear, I could listen to that song and no other for the rest of my life and die a happy anon. Though, I think "Don't Stop Me Now" takes a close second. Been caught rocking out to both on more than one occasion. XD

You win a million internets.


Author!anon anonymous June 12 2009, 15:00:28 UTC
Author!anon will gladly have internet babies with whoever draws Rocker!England (argyle socks must be included)!!!!!!! PLEEEEEEEEEASE! THIS BEGS AN ART FILL!!!!

>> I mean, only if you wanna, of course! XD


Re: Somebody to Love Part 3/3 anonymous June 13 2009, 05:14:30 UTC
er... is it too wrong that I keep picturing Anna Hathaway singing this?

Great, great fill! It was fun and sweet and very hot. I loved it!


LOL I MADE A FLASH OF THIS anonymous June 13 2009, 21:28:23 UTC
It had to be done..... IT JUST HAD TO.

That fanfic was just so brilliant ;w;
I made a super short animation of it. You can watch here: http://sheezyart.com/art/view/2086554/

And by that this anon has failed at being anonymous.


Re: LOL I MADE A FLASH OF THIS anonymous June 13 2009, 21:37:03 UTC
Author!anon does not care that animator!anon isn't anon anymore! Author!anon wants your babies SO FREAKIN' BAD!!!!!!!!

*loves on you for this*


Re: LOL I MADE A FLASH OF THIS anonymous June 13 2009, 23:03:40 UTC
Animator!anon is very happy Author!anon likes it :'D

*hands over imaginary babies*


recaptcha:$2.1-billion groping anonymous June 13 2009, 23:42:21 UTC
A bit pricey for just one grope D;

aAJDHFBIDSASASASASDAKJLKN....definately nummy and makes me want to draw some more Arthur

Seriously Freddie!Arthur oh ffff---fff-ff---f......lol im listening to Under Pressure.....David Bowie and Queen...>.> can't listen to it properly cause i hear 'Pressure' as 'Prussia' and also OH ALFRED....you and your peeping tom instincts


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