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part 24
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The problem is that whenever the subject of romance is broached it seems most people only assume there is only one type, the romance which spans a wide range of emotions, social conventions and… ‘Implications for reproduction’.
There is a single symbol which we associate with roomace:
But truthfully there is more to it than that.
The romance we know of is the ‘True Love’ type, denoting a root of extremely positive emotions and the subject of many of our literature, music and art. This is one people rarely find, if at all, and is said to happen once in every person’s lifetime. When two people find themselves in this type they are normally referred to as a ‘couple’ or, if reproduction rituals have been performed, ‘lovers’.
An example of this would be the relationship between Italy and Germany, though both seem to be too embarrassed to really act on it yet.
Then you have the lesser form of this, the ‘Bro-love’ type. This type is used to denote a strong, yet more platonic, love type in which two people seem to be drawn together by some imaginary tie and develop a strong ‘friendship’ with no sexual implications and/or an eternally running competition of ‘one-up-man/girl-ship’.
On the rare occasion this does lead to sexual activities however, the polite and dignified terms of ‘having a mistress/sir’ is used, though, in less polite society, ‘fuck-buddy’ is the common lingo.
An example of this type is the heavily denied ‘bro-love’ of France and England - seriously, if they weren’t drawn to each other why would they keep meeting up!
Then you have the more negative love types.
The most recognizable, though not in a romantic sense, is the ‘Love to Hate’ type. This type is deeply rooted in negative emotions, or at least what we see as negative. This type is similar to its polar opposite, the ‘True-love’ type, in the way that this pure kind of hatred or rivalry can only be sparked once in a person’s lifetime and will stay with them both forever, even if the two parties are forcibly separated.
Most people in this type are referred to, depending on the severity of it, are called either ‘rivals’ if more platonic and flirtatious, ‘enemies’ if fairly serious or ‘worst enemies’ if it is to the extent of wishing to kill the other and/or cause them great pain.
An example of this is the dislike and rivalry between America and Russia.
In all these love types there are misunderstandings, infidelities and uneasiness. Two people in one type or relationship could think they are in another, a couple could have one person with ‘true love’ feelings while the other has ‘love to hate’ or ‘bro-love’ feelings and then you have the relationships that go completely out of control, flipping from ‘true love’ to ‘love to hate’ in seemingly a matter of seconds and then switching back again.
This leads on to the final main type of relationship, known as the ‘threesome’ or ‘counselling’ type. This, while not always having prominent romantic implications, is an important part of the relationship types.
This is the type of relationship in which two people with a particularly unstable relationship are monitored by someone known as a ‘peace-keeper’ or ‘councillor’ who works to stabilise the relationship to ideally fit and stay in one of the other types or, less ideally but more commonly, stay in a kind of limbo where either the two are separated without knowing how they feel or simply don’t know how to interact with each other and lose interest.
To explain this relationship, which is probably one of the most interesting and complex of all of them; it seems better to me to tell you of one in more detail.
Let me tell you about Greece, Turkey and Japan.
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