Between Sleeping and Waking 1/?
August 23 2011, 03:07:39 UTC
Anon would like to apologize because she wrote this all in one go (wanted to get it done before getting ready for bed) and also, she sucks at writing smut :-\ I hope the OP enjoys this anyway
Most people tended to assume that Greece -- who had always been prone to nod off at the drop of a hat -- was a heavy sleeper and, for the most part, they were right. As far as noise was concerned, Greece had discovered over the centuries that he could sleep through anything. Once his eyes were shut, his ears turned off and Greece was trapped in a void of complete and utter silence.
Many would say that this was not a good thing, with various reasons to back them up. After all there were several situations that this feature would cause more harm than good. Imagine that he drifted off to sleep while danger crept ever closer, alarms sound, voices cry out in panic and Greece would sleep peacefully through it all, snoring soft and easy as if there wasn't a care in the world. Yes, this was a dangerously possible scenario.
Yet all the same, for a man who lived in a world of noise, it was more of a blessing than a potential hazard. Frequently there was a festival down the street, a riot a bit too close to home, or a furious storm just outside the window -- laughter, music, screaming, crashing, banging, booms -- and none of it would disturb him.
This was also a Godsend when one took the World Conferences into consideration. For as far back as he could recall, every single one would feature some variation of this scenario: discussions would begin and one nation, either one in an irritable mood or who had been feeling cheated from a prior event, would choose the gathering to air out frustrations with another nation either through a snide remark or a physical assault. The two nations would either enter into a shouting match or come to blows. Screams will fill the room, others will try to step in to defend a friend or try to pull the warring nations apart, but in the end only add to the noise.
While all this was happening, Greece would just lean back in his chair, close his eyes and escape from it all into a realm of peaceful slumber.
Now what most did not realize was that while Greece's sleeping state would be completely oblivious to all the noise that surrounded him, his body would be very much aware of any physical contact. His skin had always been quite sensitive and the gentlest touch, the stroke of his hair, or a delicate brush of fabric against his skin would cause his eyes to flutter open in an instant.
This was why it was the caress of sleep fingers against his side that had stirred him awake and not the breathy moans and mewls of pleasure emitting from the other occupant of the room. Greece breathed a gentle sigh -- his eyes fluttering while his mind struggled to drift off once more -- as the fingers that had brushed against his moved closer, questing onward from his clothed side to the warm flesh peeking out from underneath his sleeping clothes.
It wasn't unusual for him to be awoken in such a manner -- he was, of course, the nation with the most active sex life -- but it wasn't something he had been expecting tonight. Usually, when he spent the night in Japan as the nation's guest, he was treated to a calm, uninterrupted evening of sleep, resting side by side with Japan in the futon beside him.
He had never understood why Japan would set out Greece's futon in his own bedroom. After all, Japan's home was quite sizable with many available guest rooms for him to occupy, yet whenever Greece spent the night, Japan would always set up his reserved futon next to his own. For such a private man, it was quite unusual for him to willingly give up his own personal space.
Between Sleeping and Waking 2/?
August 23 2011, 03:09:06 UTC
Greece shuddered when he felt Japan crawl closer to him, the small body pressing flat against his own and pulling him out of his musings and into the waking world. He knew right away that Japan was still asleep. It was not just the gentle, even breath now puffing against his bare neck that gave Japan away, but the fact that Greece knew full and well that Japan would not do such a thing if he were conscious. Japan did not like to be touched and he was not one for intimate acts, yet here he was, head tucked under Greece's chin, body pressed flat against him, and fingers alternating between a possessive clutch and a tender rub.
A tired smile tugged at the corner of his lips as Greece wrapped an arm around Japan's form, enjoying this uncharacteristic act. He had always been fond of Japan, in ways that one should not be fond of a friend, and this chance to pretend that Japan returned his affections, that they were a romantic couple who slept in this manner all the time was one he could not pass up (even if a twang of guilt filled his stomach at the knowledge that he might be taking advantage of his sleeping friend).
What are you dreaming of, Japan? Greece wondered to himself, running his fingers through Japan's smooth black hair. Who are you imaging in my place?
At that moment, as if to answer his silent question, Japan let out a long sigh as he breathed out a single name "Greece-san."
Greece felt his eyes widen and his ears perk up at the very instant that Japan's hips began to twitch and the fingers on Greece's side gripped him, possessive and firm. "Ja...Japan?" he stuttered, testing the waters hesitantly.
Although he could only see the top of Japan's head, Greece knew that he was not awake, yet the firm, hard length pressing itself into his body made him wonder. He trembled as the sleeping Japan continued to caress his side and thrust against him, his heated length quickly lighting a fire inside of Greece that caused his own body to awaken.
This was certainly an unexpected situation. To have Japan in his arms ready and wanting was like a dream come true. Yet that was the very problem facing him. It was a dream that Japan was doing this with, a dream that he was caressing and holding and pressing himself into, not the flesh and blood Greece before him. Would it be a violation of their friendship to do anything while Japan was trapped in this state? To do nothing and allow this to continue?
Greece knew the answer to that, although it was not the one he wanted, so he did what he thought was right and grabbed Japan's shoulder in order to gently push him away. The result this had was completely unexpected. Instead of Japan turning away from him -- curling onto his side and nestling back into his own futon to continue his dream in peace -- Japan stiffened, his hips stilling for just a moment before his head slowly turned upward to face Greece. Japan's dark eyes were blurry for a split second, but when he blinked the sleep out of his vision there was only a pleased grin upon his features. He gave out another sigh before pressing himself against Greece's broad chest once more.
"Greece-san," he breathed out once more, no less sleepy than before, as his hips once again continued their steady twitch.
Greece felt his body relax and stiffen all at once. Japan had seen him, had awoken to his presence and felt enough comfort to continue. As far as he was concerned, it meant that everything was alright between them.
He smiled, snaking his hand between their bodies so that he could make the situation a bit more pleasurable. Japan did not mind at all as Greece pulled himself out and then unwrapped Japan's own length from beneath the fabric of his yukata. Greece moaned in delight as Japan arched his back with a pleasurable hiss and he wrapped both of their cocks in his hand, rubbing them against each other. The wonderful friction created a sensation like electricity that ran through his body, charging through his vines. Perhaps this wasn't exactly what he had wanted for more than a century now, but it was late and they were tired and it would be enough for now.
Between Sleeping and Waking 3/3
August 23 2011, 03:10:25 UTC
Japan seemed to agree, as he responded to Greece's touches - which alternated between gentle and firm -- by thrusting into Greece's palm and mewling wantonly. "Greece-san! Greece-san!" he chanted, voice far more boisterous than before.
"Japan," Greece returned in kind, seeing his own release approaching quickly.
It was with a firm squeeze of his hand that they came together, moaning and writhing, as they rode the waves of pleasure and slowly fell back down to Earth. There was stickiness between them, coating his hand and their bellies, but Greece was far too tired, too comfortable to even think to move.
He was surprised to find that Japan felt much the same way, choosing to settle against his side instead of rolling away to return to his futon or perhaps retrieve a damp cloth. A content sigh escaped him as he rested his head against Greece and whispered softly "A good dream."
Greece chuckled softly at that, wrapping his clean hand around Japan's shoulders and drawing him closer. "Is it a dream you have often?" he joked, but Japan did not seem to find it funny.
His back arched and for a full minute Japan was completely ridged. "Gre... Greece-san?" he asked carefully, his voice laced with dread. It was at that moment that Greece realized that Japan hadn't been awake. Not fully, at least.
In an instant they were detangled and Japan was not only out of his grasp, but huddle in the corner of the room, pressing himself flat against the wall.
Greece felt quite foolish, in more ways than one. It had been silly of him to think that Japan had been fully awake then, not when he had looked and acted so strangely, had moved so sluggishly and spoke in only mumbled half words. Yet now that they were on the other side of it all, Greece couldn't see why they had to feel remorseful, why they couldn't just continue this way and embrace the change that had taken place between them. He already knew, however, that Japan would not reflect this thought.
"I'm sorry," Japan said, and then he said it again and again and again in a trembling, embarrassed voice. "I don't know what came over me... I wouldn't... I didn't... I'm so very sorry."
Greece sat up, because having this conversation while lying down seemed a bit silly, and turned towards Japan. "It's alright," he said, cutting into Japan's seemingly endless flood of apologizes. "I probably should have known better… Sorry." Even in the darkness Greece could make out the redness spread across Japan's face, the way he trembled with humiliation, and that his eyes were fixed miserably on the floor. "Do you... want to pretend this never happened?" he offered.
He had expected Japan to give him a grateful nod, but again Japan surprised him. Instead Japan shook his head, slow and stubbornly quiet, but continued to avert his gaze.
Greece felt his heart fill with hope. "Do you want to talk about this?"
Again, Japan shook his head, and Greece was not surprised.
"Well... would you like to come back to bed?"
Japan responded by crawling calmly and quietly back towards the set of futons. Greece settled himself back into his own spot, knowing that there would not be much else to do that night, and was pleased when Japan, hesitantly, pressed himself against Greece's body. Greece smiled, deciding not to over step his bounds by reaching out to his bedmate, and instead merely closed his eyes. Japan was stiff for several minutes, but as sleep pulled at both of them, Greece eventually found his body relaxing into the warmth.
Be still, my heart. ♥ I didn't see any problem with the smut, aside from a few grammar errors here and there, and I loved the ending where Japan doesn't want to pretend it never happened even if he doesn't want to talk about it either. That little move of him pressing up against Greece's body even after his realization and subsequent embarrassment also spoke volumes. ♥ Greece's thoughts were also very IC; I especially liked how he was afraid that Japan was just grinding against his dream self and not his flesh-and-blood self.
You did a great job, author!anon, and I'm delighted that I got such a good fill.
August 23 2011, 16:58:18 UTC
Ugh, sorry about the grammar errors. It's always been my weakness (and being in a bit of a rush certainly didn't help). I'm glad you enjoyed my fill anyway. This was a really cute prompt that I wanted to see completed :D
Re: Between Sleeping and Waking 3/3
August 23 2011, 21:00:55 UTC
It makes sense that Greece would be sensitive to physical touch, not sound. The smut was hot, and Japan's tacit gesture about how he really didn't mind it was sweet.
Most people tended to assume that Greece -- who had always been prone to nod off at the drop of a hat -- was a heavy sleeper and, for the most part, they were right. As far as noise was concerned, Greece had discovered over the centuries that he could sleep through anything. Once his eyes were shut, his ears turned off and Greece was trapped in a void of complete and utter silence.
Many would say that this was not a good thing, with various reasons to back them up. After all there were several situations that this feature would cause more harm than good. Imagine that he drifted off to sleep while danger crept ever closer, alarms sound, voices cry out in panic and Greece would sleep peacefully through it all, snoring soft and easy as if there wasn't a care in the world. Yes, this was a dangerously possible scenario.
Yet all the same, for a man who lived in a world of noise, it was more of a blessing than a potential hazard. Frequently there was a festival down the street, a riot a bit too close to home, or a furious storm just outside the window -- laughter, music, screaming, crashing, banging, booms -- and none of it would disturb him.
This was also a Godsend when one took the World Conferences into consideration. For as far back as he could recall, every single one would feature some variation of this scenario: discussions would begin and one nation, either one in an irritable mood or who had been feeling cheated from a prior event, would choose the gathering to air out frustrations with another nation either through a snide remark or a physical assault. The two nations would either enter into a shouting match or come to blows. Screams will fill the room, others will try to step in to defend a friend or try to pull the warring nations apart, but in the end only add to the noise.
While all this was happening, Greece would just lean back in his chair, close his eyes and escape from it all into a realm of peaceful slumber.
Now what most did not realize was that while Greece's sleeping state would be completely oblivious to all the noise that surrounded him, his body would be very much aware of any physical contact. His skin had always been quite sensitive and the gentlest touch, the stroke of his hair, or a delicate brush of fabric against his skin would cause his eyes to flutter open in an instant.
This was why it was the caress of sleep fingers against his side that had stirred him awake and not the breathy moans and mewls of pleasure emitting from the other occupant of the room. Greece breathed a gentle sigh -- his eyes fluttering while his mind struggled to drift off once more -- as the fingers that had brushed against his moved closer, questing onward from his clothed side to the warm flesh peeking out from underneath his sleeping clothes.
It wasn't unusual for him to be awoken in such a manner -- he was, of course, the nation with the most active sex life -- but it wasn't something he had been expecting tonight. Usually, when he spent the night in Japan as the nation's guest, he was treated to a calm, uninterrupted evening of sleep, resting side by side with Japan in the futon beside him.
He had never understood why Japan would set out Greece's futon in his own bedroom. After all, Japan's home was quite sizable with many available guest rooms for him to occupy, yet whenever Greece spent the night, Japan would always set up his reserved futon next to his own. For such a private man, it was quite unusual for him to willingly give up his own personal space.
A tired smile tugged at the corner of his lips as Greece wrapped an arm around Japan's form, enjoying this uncharacteristic act. He had always been fond of Japan, in ways that one should not be fond of a friend, and this chance to pretend that Japan returned his affections, that they were a romantic couple who slept in this manner all the time was one he could not pass up (even if a twang of guilt filled his stomach at the knowledge that he might be taking advantage of his sleeping friend).
What are you dreaming of, Japan? Greece wondered to himself, running his fingers through Japan's smooth black hair. Who are you imaging in my place?
At that moment, as if to answer his silent question, Japan let out a long sigh as he breathed out a single name "Greece-san."
Greece felt his eyes widen and his ears perk up at the very instant that Japan's hips began to twitch and the fingers on Greece's side gripped him, possessive and firm. "Ja...Japan?" he stuttered, testing the waters hesitantly.
Although he could only see the top of Japan's head, Greece knew that he was not awake, yet the firm, hard length pressing itself into his body made him wonder. He trembled as the sleeping Japan continued to caress his side and thrust against him, his heated length quickly lighting a fire inside of Greece that caused his own body to awaken.
This was certainly an unexpected situation. To have Japan in his arms ready and wanting was like a dream come true. Yet that was the very problem facing him. It was a dream that Japan was doing this with, a dream that he was caressing and holding and pressing himself into, not the flesh and blood Greece before him. Would it be a violation of their friendship to do anything while Japan was trapped in this state? To do nothing and allow this to continue?
Greece knew the answer to that, although it was not the one he wanted, so he did what he thought was right and grabbed Japan's shoulder in order to gently push him away. The result this had was completely unexpected. Instead of Japan turning away from him -- curling onto his side and nestling back into his own futon to continue his dream in peace -- Japan stiffened, his hips stilling for just a moment before his head slowly turned upward to face Greece. Japan's dark eyes were blurry for a split second, but when he blinked the sleep out of his vision there was only a pleased grin upon his features. He gave out another sigh before pressing himself against Greece's broad chest once more.
"Greece-san," he breathed out once more, no less sleepy than before, as his hips once again continued their steady twitch.
Greece felt his body relax and stiffen all at once. Japan had seen him, had awoken to his presence and felt enough comfort to continue. As far as he was concerned, it meant that everything was alright between them.
He smiled, snaking his hand between their bodies so that he could make the situation a bit more pleasurable. Japan did not mind at all as Greece pulled himself out and then unwrapped Japan's own length from beneath the fabric of his yukata. Greece moaned in delight as Japan arched his back with a pleasurable hiss and he wrapped both of their cocks in his hand, rubbing them against each other. The wonderful friction created a sensation like electricity that ran through his body, charging through his vines. Perhaps this wasn't exactly what he had wanted for more than a century now, but it was late and they were tired and it would be enough for now.
"Japan," Greece returned in kind, seeing his own release approaching quickly.
It was with a firm squeeze of his hand that they came together, moaning and writhing, as they rode the waves of pleasure and slowly fell back down to Earth. There was stickiness between them, coating his hand and their bellies, but Greece was far too tired, too comfortable to even think to move.
He was surprised to find that Japan felt much the same way, choosing to settle against his side instead of rolling away to return to his futon or perhaps retrieve a damp cloth. A content sigh escaped him as he rested his head against Greece and whispered softly "A good dream."
Greece chuckled softly at that, wrapping his clean hand around Japan's shoulders and drawing him closer. "Is it a dream you have often?" he joked, but Japan did not seem to find it funny.
His back arched and for a full minute Japan was completely ridged. "Gre... Greece-san?" he asked carefully, his voice laced with dread. It was at that moment that Greece realized that Japan hadn't been awake. Not fully, at least.
In an instant they were detangled and Japan was not only out of his grasp, but huddle in the corner of the room, pressing himself flat against the wall.
Greece felt quite foolish, in more ways than one. It had been silly of him to think that Japan had been fully awake then, not when he had looked and acted so strangely, had moved so sluggishly and spoke in only mumbled half words. Yet now that they were on the other side of it all, Greece couldn't see why they had to feel remorseful, why they couldn't just continue this way and embrace the change that had taken place between them. He already knew, however, that Japan would not reflect this thought.
"I'm sorry," Japan said, and then he said it again and again and again in a trembling, embarrassed voice. "I don't know what came over me... I wouldn't... I didn't... I'm so very sorry."
Greece sat up, because having this conversation while lying down seemed a bit silly, and turned towards Japan. "It's alright," he said, cutting into Japan's seemingly endless flood of apologizes. "I probably should have known better… Sorry." Even in the darkness Greece could make out the redness spread across Japan's face, the way he trembled with humiliation, and that his eyes were fixed miserably on the floor. "Do you... want to pretend this never happened?" he offered.
He had expected Japan to give him a grateful nod, but again Japan surprised him. Instead Japan shook his head, slow and stubbornly quiet, but continued to avert his gaze.
Greece felt his heart fill with hope. "Do you want to talk about this?"
Again, Japan shook his head, and Greece was not surprised.
"Well... would you like to come back to bed?"
Japan responded by crawling calmly and quietly back towards the set of futons. Greece settled himself back into his own spot, knowing that there would not be much else to do that night, and was pleased when Japan, hesitantly, pressed himself against Greece's body. Greece smiled, deciding not to over step his bounds by reaching out to his bedmate, and instead merely closed his eyes. Japan was stiff for several minutes, but as sleep pulled at both of them, Greece eventually found his body relaxing into the warmth.
You did a great job, author!anon, and I'm delighted that I got such a good fill.
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