Alfred Jones Must Die Part 14
February 25 2011, 12:14:24 UTC
"Hello Arthur." Natalia smiled at Arthur and thoughts of running crossed his mind along with how fast she was and whether she had the knife on her now. "Can I come in?"
"Have fun you two!" Belinda said as she rushed off to the waiting car. Arthur waved goodbye absently as he watched Natalia walk in as if she had every right to be there. As soon as Arthur closed the door, it rang again. And again.
"What are you three doing here? How did you get my address?"
"I, like, found your address in the student files." Feliks answered cheerfully.
"Asked around. Antonio had dropped Francis off earlier this evening and I know Feliciano, the brother of the boy he's dating." Elizabeta explained.
"Had you followed." Was Natalia's short answer which disturbed Arthur considerably.
"The point is that we want to destroy Alfred Jones. Get revenge like you said." Elizabeta said, casting a look at Natalia as well which filled Arthur with relief. He was not the only one who found Natalia slightly creepy.
"We need you because, like, if we worked together without a peacemaker...." Feliks started and Natalia finished.
"....we would kill each other. You're neutral."
"Like Switzerland. Or that Swiss kid in the year below." Feliks added, glaring slightly at Natalia.
"I can't believe I'm being lauded as a peacemaker." Arthur muttered, focusing on the non-creepy or strange part. But even that was quite strange.
"The point is that we all have something in common. And my guess is from the way you talked you have the same goal." Elizabeta said confidently, which confused Arthur.
"We all want to kill Alfred F. Jones." Natalia stated. "And you're going to help us do it."
"Shit." Was the only way Arthur knew how to summarise things.
First all, stupid wretched character limits. Second of all, I'm so sorry this update was so late. Thanks for your comments, if you haven't seen the film then a lot of this is going to be new to you. But I am changing quite a bit. I do love awkward!thrown-into-the-middle!Arthur.
Re: Alfred Jones Must Die Part 14
February 27 2011, 13:22:00 UTC
...I'm...I don't...XD I'm not sure how I missed the first parts of this fill, but I'm so glad I found it. *flails* I love this movie and can't wait to see it play out with the Hetalia cast~ *camps out for more squeegiggles*
...I keep getting the scene where Kate says "Mom, there's something wrong with the frosting! There's a cake under it!" in my head and I just...die at the thought of Arthur doing that. <3 *squee; shuts up now*
Alfred Jones Must Die Part 15
June 12 2011, 18:46:02 UTC
How on earth has it been over three months since I updated this? I'm really sorry, I do love your comments.
The next day at school Arthur was carrying on as normal, trying out the idea that last night when three scorned dates of Alfred Jones banded together to get revenge, and wanted him as a peacemaker was all just a dream that came with the weird food Belinda had cooked last night. He was interrupted out of his thoughts by the arrival of Matthew who ran straight down the hall to tackle him in a hug.
"Thank you Arthur!" He said enthusiastically while Arthur froze. He would not have pegged Matthew for a hugger. Luckily he let go before Arthur could feel too uncomfortable.
"Not that it isn't great Matthew but why so happy?" Arthur asked curiously as he slammed his locker door shut.
"You know how Francis drove me home yesterday?" Arthur nodded. Francis had come around this morning to drop the car off, or rather to drive Arthur and Peter to school, annoying them all the way. "We just talked all the way to my house and it was so easy Arthur. I thought I would be all clumsy and embarrassing but Francis was just so kind and then he asked me out to dinner to quake on Friday night. I know you dislike him Arthur but he's a different person when he's with me," Matthew said quickly, sounding more like a twelve year old girl who had just been on her first date.
"Well I'll be able to see this 'different Francis' because I'm working at that restaurant on Friday." Matthew's eyes widened in shock and Arthur held back from saying that this could be an attempt by Francis to rub in Arthur's face that he was dating his friend. Or Francis did not care that he was working that night and that was the only night free.
For Matthew's sake he hoped it was the latter.
"Arthur!" The two boys turned to see Elizabeta approaching with single minded intent. "Come with me, Nat has something she wants to show us. Hi..." Elizabeta said to Matthew, blanking on his name.
"Matthew," he supplied and Elizabeta nodded, smiling.
"Nice to meet you. Come on Arthur. Sorry Matthew, this is urgent," Elizabeta said, still smiling as she pulled Arthur away. He made an apologetic face at Matthew as he disappeared behind the crowds of people.
"That was rude Elizabeta," Arthur said angrily as she pulled him up the stairs.
"I know but Natalia is getting seriously pissed especially after she couldn't find you," Elizabeta said in a low tone back.
"I don't care how pissed off she is, I'm not at her beck and call," Arthur continued and Elizabeta nodded, looking sympathetic.
"I just thought to spare you from the attentions of her brother, Ivan?" Arthur paled as he connected a face with the name. Ivan was the tallest person in school and went around with a soft smile on his face even as he punched someone through a door for staring too long at his older sister's chest. "So you know him. I was just saving you." No more complaints came from Arthur, he just followed her past the rows of computers and people through a metal cage door. They arrived in a large room which would have looked like a store room if it did not have all the media equipment. Feliks and Natalia were already there.
"Don't touch anything." Natalia's tone was sharp showing that she was nearing the end of her temper. She was typing away at a computer that had a large picture of Alfred with pie charts and bar graphs surrounding him.
"I totally never knew this was in here," Feliks said, staring around in wonderment. "Do you, like, have this all to yourself Natalia?"
"I prefer working alone and since I'm the leader of all the media clubs, I commandeered use of this room," she answered as a few more keys were typed and what was on her computer screen was projected onto the big screen at the end. "Elizabeta can you get the lights? It's the remote that says 'lights' on it." With a roll of her eyes Elizabeta found the remote and the lights dimmed. Arthur sat down in a chair, feeling like he could do nothing else.
Re: Alfred Jones Must Die Part 15
June 12 2011, 18:57:44 UTC
"What's all this?" Feliks asked, waving his hand at the screen.
"I was getting to that. Arthur, do your thing." Arthur's eyes snapped to Natalia from where they had been looking around at the boxes and electrical equipment piled up around the room.
"My thing?" Elizabeta nodded encouragingly and Feliks smiled. "Oh my thing. Okay." Arthur stood up, careful not to get in the way of the projector. "So what attracted you to Alfred Jones in the first place?"
"I like where you're going with this Arthur. What was it with you two? Was it the looks, the charm, the intelligence? Was it the thought of the fact that you could be top of the school if it came out that you were dating him? That perfect all over tan?" Natalia questioned, stunning Arthur into silence.
"How do you know it's all over? I thought you, like, hadn't hooked up?" Feliks asked angrily and Natalia looked smug.
"Just because we hadn't gone all the way doesn't mean that we haven't done other stuff."
"Cut it out you two, save it for Alfred okay?" Elizabeta stepped in. "I think the thing that attracted me to Alfred Jones in the first place was that he was a gentleman. He came to get me at my door, he asked my opinion on the important things and yet showed he knew me really well. He did the whole opening doors, pulling out chairs, lending me his jacket when I was cold. Of course no gentleman strings along three girls at once," Elizabeta finished with the last part, somewhat bitterly.
"It's the way he'll listen to your views and take you seriously for having them," Feliks said wistfully with Natalia nodding along with him.
"The way he makes you feel like you don't have to dumb yourself down for him and that you shouldn't dumb yourself down for anyone," Natalia finished with and Arthur felt strangely envious. Alfred definitely seemed like the perfect guy apart from the whole lying and cheating part.
"So Alfred's thing is that he always has a date," Arthur said with a smirk on his face, drawing the three others' attention to him. "The way you deal with a guy like that is to make him undateable." The other three shared his smirk as Natalia hit a button on her computer, making a big red cross appear over Alfred's face.
I really haven't abandoned this, I swear. It just went on a tiny, unintentional hiatus. But now it's back! Enjoy.
Alfred Jones Must Die Part 17
August 13 2011, 10:43:37 UTC
Slowly but surely I am working myself through this story. Slightly different pranks to the movie in this. Thanks to anons for your comments, knowing people are reading this is keeping my interest alive.
"Got the flyers?" Elizabeta asked as Feliks and Arthur crept up with the large cardboard box.
"Like, yeah." Feliks answered, his heels clapping against the floor.
"Hey Feliks, stop the noise. Do you want everyone to know we're up here?" Elizabeta hissed, peeking over the edge of the balcony where the main hall of the school was. Feliks slipped off his shoes and held them in his hand.
"Why isn't Natalia like up here as well?" He whined, albeit quietly, to Arthur.
"She's going to distract Alfred so he doesn't come in until everyone has seen the flyers." Arthur whispered back and Feliks grumbled again.
"Like give her the good job."
"Well she was the one that came up with the idea." Elizabeta added, peeking over the balcony again. "Right Natalia and Alfred have just left through the front doors. All his friends, including most of the girls and known gay guys in school are there. They always gather where Alfred goes, hoping that he'll notice them." Elizabeta explained to the confused Arthur. Feliks snorted and Arthur agreed with the sentiment. "Now we dump the flyers over the balcony, then run to the stairwell, going up not down until we get back to the media room. Ready?" Arthur and Feliks nodded and opened up the box, showcasing the flyers which had Alfred's picture displayed like a wanted poster with 'CHEATER - WANTED BY THE WOMEN AND MEN HE SCORNED' below it as well as some more choice words by Natalia.
"One, two, three, tip!" Arthur whispered and Feliks and him tipped the box up with Elizabeta hitting the bottom to get all the flyers out. When they were descending like a bizarre snowstorm, Arthur, Feliks and Elizabeta ran towards the stairwell with Feliks dropping the box beside the door as he went. They ran up the stairwell until they came out onto one of the corridors with some other kids milling around. Along this stretch they walked calmly, chatting normally and trying to hide their panting breaths. When they came back to Natalia's room however, they immediately burst into laughter. Arthur clutched his stomach and Feliks collapsed into a chair.
"Like, I can't, like, breathe!" Feliks gasped out, causing the other two to laugh harder. This was the picture Natalia walked in on. Unexpectedly, she smiled as she saw the three of them laughing.
"The flyers are already being talked about." Natalia announced when the laughter started to die down and Elizabeta was wiping her eyes on Arthur's handkerchief. "The last I saw of Alfred was him going to question his friends who were all clutching a bunch of the papers."
"Oh man, I wish I could, like, see that." Natalia gave Feliks a mysterious smile.
"Who says you can't?" She switched the projector on and typed away at her computer. What came through on the big screen was a live feed of the hall below where they had just dropped all the flyers. "This is the CCTV camera in the hall. And there," she pointed with her laser pointer, "is Alfred."
"You do realise this is very creepy Natalia." Elizabeta said factually as they watch Alfred turn pale and laugh nervously especially as a nearby boy went up to Alfred to berate him. They all laughed but Arthur caught Toris, Feliks' friend, glaring at Alfred as he looked between the flyer and him. Maybe Feliks should have told him before he had to find out in that way.
"There's no way he can get out of this one." Natalia said in satisfaction.
Alfred Jones Must Die Part 18
August 13 2011, 10:49:15 UTC
Of course she was wrong. Alfred Jones did not manage to become king of the school and a dating god by rolling over and taking the blows. He used them to his advantage.
"Like I was saying to my friends, it must be the work of one of my ex-girlfriends. I had tried to let her down as gently as possible but she must have forgotten to take her medication when she made these." Arthur heard Alfred explaining to a girl by the water fountain. The girl seemed ready and willing to believe it as well as all the people nearby listening. On the bright side, Toris looked slightly happier which meant he either believed Alfred or he had talked to Feliks. On the other hand, Natalia was not going to be happy about the medication quip.
When Arthur made his way up to Natalia's room, he found her ranting to a yawning Feliks and a bored looking Elizabeta.
"How can he do that? I'm not the crazy one, he's just a slimy manipulative bug!" Arthur heard as he came in.
"So I guess you heard," he said calmly and Natalia turned to him. The cool stare he gave her dampened her anger and she crossed her arms huffily.
"That should have worked." Was all Natalia said to Arthur. Elizabeta and Feliks brightened up as they realised that Natalia had stopped talking.
"I know it should have. We underestimated Alfred," Arthur replied as he dumped his bag on the chair.
"Either that or the people in the school have less self-respect than we thought to date a known cheater," Elizabeta commented cynically.
"I know, like the whole school has, bought his story about the posters being fake," Feliks said in disgust and the four of them brooded silently over their plan failing.
"Well we're just going to have to come up with a new plan. Tonight, after school at Arthur's house?" Natalia said firmly and the other two nodded while Arthur protested.
"Why my house?"
"Cause you're neutral remember?" Feliks reminded him as the three of them packed up their stuff.
"Ah of course," Arthur muttered. He really was stuck in the middle of it. As Elizabeta and Natalia walked out, Arthur touched Feliks on the shoulder to get his attention.
"Yeah Arthur?" Feliks asked as he gathered his files together.
"'ve talked to Toris right?" Feliks halted for a minute to stare at Arthur who elaborated, "about the whole cheater thing?"
"How did you know about that?" Feliks asked in surprise and a hint of suspicion.
"On the camera he seemed angry at Alfred when he looked at the flyer but later he seemed much happier. I was thinking that he actually bought the story Alfred told or you had talked to him." Feliks nodded at Arthur's explanation.
"I said that I, like, already knew about Alfred's cheating and that I was planning on totally telling him when I dumped him. He seemed to accept that and was, like, really happy. I thought that he would be sad since Alfred is his friend." Feliks said honestly and Arthur shook his head.
"It couldn't be because you're his best friend and so his loyalties lie with you first? Or the fact that he likes you and wants to date you himself but feels like he'll never be able to measure up to Alfred Jones?" Arthur suggested as he started towards the door. He heard the clap of Feliks' shoes against the wooden floor.
"Wait Tor likes me? Arthur, wait!" Feliks caught up to Arthur and immediately started to question him and continued to do so all the way to Arthur's house.
Re: Alfred Jones Must Die Part 18
November 8 2011, 05:04:39 UTC
Yes! This hasn't been abandoned ^~^ I love you for writing this, everyone's so in character and your Arthur's so awesome. I really like that you inserted Franada and PoLiet in there, they're so hard to find in fics and I love them so much <3
"Have fun you two!" Belinda said as she rushed off to the waiting car. Arthur waved goodbye absently as he watched Natalia walk in as if she had every right to be there. As soon as Arthur closed the door, it rang again. And again.
"What are you three doing here? How did you get my address?"
"I, like, found your address in the student files." Feliks answered cheerfully.
"Asked around. Antonio had dropped Francis off earlier this evening and I know Feliciano, the brother of the boy he's dating." Elizabeta explained.
"Had you followed." Was Natalia's short answer which disturbed Arthur considerably.
"The point is that we want to destroy Alfred Jones. Get revenge like you said." Elizabeta said, casting a look at Natalia as well which filled Arthur with relief. He was not the only one who found Natalia slightly creepy.
"We need you because, like, if we worked together without a peacemaker...." Feliks started and Natalia finished.
"....we would kill each other. You're neutral."
"Like Switzerland. Or that Swiss kid in the year below." Feliks added, glaring slightly at Natalia.
"I can't believe I'm being lauded as a peacemaker." Arthur muttered, focusing on the non-creepy or strange part. But even that was quite strange.
"The point is that we all have something in common. And my guess is from the way you talked you have the same goal." Elizabeta said confidently, which confused Arthur.
"We all want to kill Alfred F. Jones." Natalia stated. "And you're going to help us do it."
"Shit." Was the only way Arthur knew how to summarise things.
First all, stupid wretched character limits. Second of all, I'm so sorry this update was so late. Thanks for your comments, if you haven't seen the film then a lot of this is going to be new to you. But I am changing quite a bit. I do love awkward!thrown-into-the-middle!Arthur.
...I keep getting the scene where Kate says "Mom, there's something wrong with the frosting! There's a cake under it!" in my head and I just...die at the thought of Arthur doing that. <3 *squee; shuts up now*
The next day at school Arthur was carrying on as normal, trying out the idea that last night when three scorned dates of Alfred Jones banded together to get revenge, and wanted him as a peacemaker was all just a dream that came with the weird food Belinda had cooked last night. He was interrupted out of his thoughts by the arrival of Matthew who ran straight down the hall to tackle him in a hug.
"Thank you Arthur!" He said enthusiastically while Arthur froze. He would not have pegged Matthew for a hugger. Luckily he let go before Arthur could feel too uncomfortable.
"Not that it isn't great Matthew but why so happy?" Arthur asked curiously as he slammed his locker door shut.
"You know how Francis drove me home yesterday?" Arthur nodded. Francis had come around this morning to drop the car off, or rather to drive Arthur and Peter to school, annoying them all the way. "We just talked all the way to my house and it was so easy Arthur. I thought I would be all clumsy and embarrassing but Francis was just so kind and then he asked me out to dinner to quake on Friday night. I know you dislike him Arthur but he's a different person when he's with me," Matthew said quickly, sounding more like a twelve year old girl who had just been on her first date.
"Well I'll be able to see this 'different Francis' because I'm working at that restaurant on Friday." Matthew's eyes widened in shock and Arthur held back from saying that this could be an attempt by Francis to rub in Arthur's face that he was dating his friend. Or Francis did not care that he was working that night and that was the only night free.
For Matthew's sake he hoped it was the latter.
"Arthur!" The two boys turned to see Elizabeta approaching with single minded intent. "Come with me, Nat has something she wants to show us. Hi..." Elizabeta said to Matthew, blanking on his name.
"Matthew," he supplied and Elizabeta nodded, smiling.
"Nice to meet you. Come on Arthur. Sorry Matthew, this is urgent," Elizabeta said, still smiling as she pulled Arthur away. He made an apologetic face at Matthew as he disappeared behind the crowds of people.
"That was rude Elizabeta," Arthur said angrily as she pulled him up the stairs.
"I know but Natalia is getting seriously pissed especially after she couldn't find you," Elizabeta said in a low tone back.
"I don't care how pissed off she is, I'm not at her beck and call," Arthur continued and Elizabeta nodded, looking sympathetic.
"I just thought to spare you from the attentions of her brother, Ivan?" Arthur paled as he connected a face with the name. Ivan was the tallest person in school and went around with a soft smile on his face even as he punched someone through a door for staring too long at his older sister's chest. "So you know him. I was just saving you." No more complaints came from Arthur, he just followed her past the rows of computers and people through a metal cage door. They arrived in a large room which would have looked like a store room if it did not have all the media equipment. Feliks and Natalia were already there.
"Don't touch anything." Natalia's tone was sharp showing that she was nearing the end of her temper. She was typing away at a computer that had a large picture of Alfred with pie charts and bar graphs surrounding him.
"I totally never knew this was in here," Feliks said, staring around in wonderment. "Do you, like, have this all to yourself Natalia?"
"I prefer working alone and since I'm the leader of all the media clubs, I commandeered use of this room," she answered as a few more keys were typed and what was on her computer screen was projected onto the big screen at the end. "Elizabeta can you get the lights? It's the remote that says 'lights' on it." With a roll of her eyes Elizabeta found the remote and the lights dimmed. Arthur sat down in a chair, feeling like he could do nothing else.
"I was getting to that. Arthur, do your thing." Arthur's eyes snapped to Natalia from where they had been looking around at the boxes and electrical equipment piled up around the room.
"My thing?" Elizabeta nodded encouragingly and Feliks smiled. "Oh my thing. Okay." Arthur stood up, careful not to get in the way of the projector. "So what attracted you to Alfred Jones in the first place?"
"I like where you're going with this Arthur. What was it with you two? Was it the looks, the charm, the intelligence? Was it the thought of the fact that you could be top of the school if it came out that you were dating him? That perfect all over tan?" Natalia questioned, stunning Arthur into silence.
"How do you know it's all over? I thought you, like, hadn't hooked up?" Feliks asked angrily and Natalia looked smug.
"Just because we hadn't gone all the way doesn't mean that we haven't done other stuff."
"Cut it out you two, save it for Alfred okay?" Elizabeta stepped in. "I think the thing that attracted me to Alfred Jones in the first place was that he was a gentleman. He came to get me at my door, he asked my opinion on the important things and yet showed he knew me really well. He did the whole opening doors, pulling out chairs, lending me his jacket when I was cold. Of course no gentleman strings along three girls at once," Elizabeta finished with the last part, somewhat bitterly.
"It's the way he'll listen to your views and take you seriously for having them," Feliks said wistfully with Natalia nodding along with him.
"The way he makes you feel like you don't have to dumb yourself down for him and that you shouldn't dumb yourself down for anyone," Natalia finished with and Arthur felt strangely envious. Alfred definitely seemed like the perfect guy apart from the whole lying and cheating part.
"So Alfred's thing is that he always has a date," Arthur said with a smirk on his face, drawing the three others' attention to him. "The way you deal with a guy like that is to make him undateable." The other three shared his smirk as Natalia hit a button on her computer, making a big red cross appear over Alfred's face.
I really haven't abandoned this, I swear. It just went on a tiny, unintentional hiatus. But now it's back! Enjoy.
"Got the flyers?" Elizabeta asked as Feliks and Arthur crept up with the large cardboard box.
"Like, yeah." Feliks answered, his heels clapping against the floor.
"Hey Feliks, stop the noise. Do you want everyone to know we're up here?" Elizabeta hissed, peeking over the edge of the balcony where the main hall of the school was. Feliks slipped off his shoes and held them in his hand.
"Why isn't Natalia like up here as well?" He whined, albeit quietly, to Arthur.
"She's going to distract Alfred so he doesn't come in until everyone has seen the flyers." Arthur whispered back and Feliks grumbled again.
"Like give her the good job."
"Well she was the one that came up with the idea." Elizabeta added, peeking over the balcony again. "Right Natalia and Alfred have just left through the front doors. All his friends, including most of the girls and known gay guys in school are there. They always gather where Alfred goes, hoping that he'll notice them." Elizabeta explained to the confused Arthur. Feliks snorted and Arthur agreed with the sentiment. "Now we dump the flyers over the balcony, then run to the stairwell, going up not down until we get back to the media room. Ready?" Arthur and Feliks nodded and opened up the box, showcasing the flyers which had Alfred's picture displayed like a wanted poster with 'CHEATER - WANTED BY THE WOMEN AND MEN HE SCORNED' below it as well as some more choice words by Natalia.
"One, two, three, tip!" Arthur whispered and Feliks and him tipped the box up with Elizabeta hitting the bottom to get all the flyers out. When they were descending like a bizarre snowstorm, Arthur, Feliks and Elizabeta ran towards the stairwell with Feliks dropping the box beside the door as he went. They ran up the stairwell until they came out onto one of the corridors with some other kids milling around. Along this stretch they walked calmly, chatting normally and trying to hide their panting breaths. When they came back to Natalia's room however, they immediately burst into laughter. Arthur clutched his stomach and Feliks collapsed into a chair.
"Like, I can't, like, breathe!" Feliks gasped out, causing the other two to laugh harder. This was the picture Natalia walked in on. Unexpectedly, she smiled as she saw the three of them laughing.
"The flyers are already being talked about." Natalia announced when the laughter started to die down and Elizabeta was wiping her eyes on Arthur's handkerchief. "The last I saw of Alfred was him going to question his friends who were all clutching a bunch of the papers."
"Oh man, I wish I could, like, see that." Natalia gave Feliks a mysterious smile.
"Who says you can't?" She switched the projector on and typed away at her computer. What came through on the big screen was a live feed of the hall below where they had just dropped all the flyers. "This is the CCTV camera in the hall. And there," she pointed with her laser pointer, "is Alfred."
"You do realise this is very creepy Natalia." Elizabeta said factually as they watch Alfred turn pale and laugh nervously especially as a nearby boy went up to Alfred to berate him. They all laughed but Arthur caught Toris, Feliks' friend, glaring at Alfred as he looked between the flyer and him. Maybe Feliks should have told him before he had to find out in that way.
"There's no way he can get out of this one." Natalia said in satisfaction.
"Like I was saying to my friends, it must be the work of one of my ex-girlfriends. I had tried to let her down as gently as possible but she must have forgotten to take her medication when she made these." Arthur heard Alfred explaining to a girl by the water fountain. The girl seemed ready and willing to believe it as well as all the people nearby listening. On the bright side, Toris looked slightly happier which meant he either believed Alfred or he had talked to Feliks. On the other hand, Natalia was not going to be happy about the medication quip.
When Arthur made his way up to Natalia's room, he found her ranting to a yawning Feliks and a bored looking Elizabeta.
"How can he do that? I'm not the crazy one, he's just a slimy manipulative bug!" Arthur heard as he came in.
"So I guess you heard," he said calmly and Natalia turned to him. The cool stare he gave her dampened her anger and she crossed her arms huffily.
"That should have worked." Was all Natalia said to Arthur. Elizabeta and Feliks brightened up as they realised that Natalia had stopped talking.
"I know it should have. We underestimated Alfred," Arthur replied as he dumped his bag on the chair.
"Either that or the people in the school have less self-respect than we thought to date a known cheater," Elizabeta commented cynically.
"I know, like the whole school has, bought his story about the posters being fake," Feliks said in disgust and the four of them brooded silently over their plan failing.
"Well we're just going to have to come up with a new plan. Tonight, after school at Arthur's house?" Natalia said firmly and the other two nodded while Arthur protested.
"Why my house?"
"Cause you're neutral remember?" Feliks reminded him as the three of them packed up their stuff.
"Ah of course," Arthur muttered. He really was stuck in the middle of it. As Elizabeta and Natalia walked out, Arthur touched Feliks on the shoulder to get his attention.
"Yeah Arthur?" Feliks asked as he gathered his files together.
"'ve talked to Toris right?" Feliks halted for a minute to stare at Arthur who elaborated, "about the whole cheater thing?"
"How did you know about that?" Feliks asked in surprise and a hint of suspicion.
"On the camera he seemed angry at Alfred when he looked at the flyer but later he seemed much happier. I was thinking that he actually bought the story Alfred told or you had talked to him." Feliks nodded at Arthur's explanation.
"I said that I, like, already knew about Alfred's cheating and that I was planning on totally telling him when I dumped him. He seemed to accept that and was, like, really happy. I thought that he would be sad since Alfred is his friend." Feliks said honestly and Arthur shook his head.
"It couldn't be because you're his best friend and so his loyalties lie with you first? Or the fact that he likes you and wants to date you himself but feels like he'll never be able to measure up to Alfred Jones?" Arthur suggested as he started towards the door. He heard the clap of Feliks' shoes against the wooden floor.
"Wait Tor likes me? Arthur, wait!" Feliks caught up to Arthur and immediately started to question him and continued to do so all the way to Arthur's house.
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