Hetalia Kink meme part 14 -- CLOSED

Jun 03, 2012 14:46

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 14



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Look at this Fucking Fill [2e/?] anonymous August 28 2010, 11:15:19 UTC
She gave him a very flat look; that smile hardly flickered. “Natalia.”

“Yeah, so Natalia, you like anything other than noise?”

Her look plainly read “are you a fucking idiot?”

“That’s where you’re supposed to talk about the genres you like,” Gilbert pointed at her and huffed.

She sniffed. “I don’t really care what you think about what I listen to, and I sure as hell don’t want to hear about yours.”

“Aw, I just wanted to say you should check out my band! Hjortdonner!”

“Nice name.”

The sarcasm sailed right over his head. “I know, right!? It’s the name of this super badass deer head we have in our living room. My rooms, Nils, helped name it - he’s that scrawny guy over there -” he pointed, Natalia looked only slightly more interested than normal. “The pretty one, he kind of looks like a girl. Anyway, we’re like, punkish kraut-noise - come check us out.”


Eirik was glaring something fierce at the obnoxious freak standing way too close to his pal.

Tina giggled. “I think it’s cute, Eirik.”

He scowled. “That guy’s a loud weirdo. Natalia’s a sophisticated woman. It’s not cute.”

An arm was looped around his shoulders and that girl who lived here leered at him. “Got a crush, little man?”

He sighed. “No. Could you please stop hanging all over me? You’re worse than that guy.”

That got her off immediately. He looked over. “Thank you. I’m Eirik by the way.”

“Elizabeta. I take it we both know Tina then.”

“Yep,” the girl in question interjected for them. “He’s the little freshman at the University I told you about. That’s into performance art? You should let him do something here, Eliza.”


Berwald and Jens were having a quiet discussion about the website of the bar Berwald worked at when Mathias came up and shattered it with a loud, drunken “You two! Gallery hop Friday! You guys can pick up art, I can pick up girls, we can all get smashed on free wine. And the tattoo parlor on 5th is having an open studio kinda thing, so we can watch people get stabbed with needles repeatedly.”

“I don’ work Fr’day,” Berwald shrugged to Jens.

Jens nodded his agreement, so Mathias rambled on some more about how they should invite “the gang” and make a night of it before talking about the evening’s show and how they were “dumbasses” if they didn’t like it.

They just let him be, used to it by now.


Jens looked over at the laughing man across the table. “Why do we know him again?” he asked Alonzo, sitting right beside him.

Alonzo snapped a few pictures. “He’s entertaining. And girls love him. Makes for great party pics.”

“Yeah, but -” Jens looked again. Sadiq was wearing a fucking mask that covered the upper portion of his face for no reason other than because he could. And then he had thrown some feathers in the mix (and into his hair) for good measure. He already had some crazy piercings and Jens thought the whole thing looked odd.

“He makes it work,” Francis interjected.

Berwald grunted a reluctant agreement. On the other side of the table Mathias, Heracles, and Sadiq were embroiled in a heated debate over whether Peaches Geldof was hot or not.

The four looked over to the debating trio. “Francis, you just switch with Mathias and we’ll have the most oversexed group in the city, right there,” Alonzo said out of nowhere.

“Hey!” Sadiq cut in. “That guy -” he pointed to Alonzo “- gets laid way more than I do. Got a fucking ‘party blog’, what kind of shit job is that?”

“A great one,” Alonzo flippantly replied.

Sadiq flipped him off before continuing.

“Yeah, all you do is surround yourself with babes and take pictures of them. And then get your web-designer friend to post pictures of them. And somehow you make money. Fuck you. Some people have to work, here.”

“Sadiq, you work in a bookstore and spend the entire time writing nutjob poetry.”

“Heracles I can see,” Francis said to Jens, “but I don’t know about my inclusion. Do you really think I get around that much?” The entire table gave him a flat look.

“Y’ve got th’ advantage of bein’ bisexual,” Berwald pointed out.


Look at this Fucking Fill [2f/?] anonymous August 28 2010, 11:16:54 UTC
Sadiq laughed and spilled his drink while throwing his arm toward Berwald. “You’re gay, aren’t you supposed to be getting tail like no one’s business? Thought that’s how the gays rolled.” He picked up his bottle, drew a hand through the beer on the table, and shook it out all over Mathias who whacked him upside the head in retaliation.

“He probably does,” Heracles lazily agreed. “Good at keeping a low profile, I guess?”

Berwald shifted in his seat. “Been single fer a’while.”

“High five!” Mathias shot at him.

Berwald smacked the hand in the air, but let out a “Not r’ly.”

Alonzo clapped him on the back. “You’re 21, my man. Get around a little!”

Berwald just shrugged.

“Okay, back to the original discussion ya dipshits,” Sadiq shouted. “Francis,” he pointed, “you’re saying you don’t sleep with someone new every week.”

Francis huffed and leaned back in his seat, supporting his elbow with his other hand. “No, do you think I’m a freshman in college, darling?”

“So then,” Alanzo smirked, “you like that Antonio guy a lot, huh?”

“He’s nice,” Francis agreed, tapping his bottle against the table, “though a bit uncultured.”

Mathias snorted. “I regret to inform you that you routinely hang out with the likes of us.” This earned a round of laughter from the table and a high-five from Sadiq.

“So is he your boyfriend?” Heracles asked.

Francis merely shrugged. “We haven’t discussed it.”

Mathias elbowed Sadiq; Sadiq threw a balled-up napkin at Francis and asked where Elizabeta was. “That woman is a badass,” was his only response to Alonzo’s laughing inquiry as to why it mattered.

“Three guesses: Arthur, Kiku, or Ludwig.”

“Ludwig?” Jens inquired.

Francis tilted his head toward him. “Just a university kid she’s taken a liking to.” There was a mutter from somewhere about how impossible it was that Francis knew so many people.

“And where’s your little lackey?” Mathias asked. Jens sighed.

“Roderich, you mean?” Francis asked.

“Yep, that one. Prissy shy one?”

“He has his own life you know. You just want to make the poor man as uncomfortable as utterly possible, anyway.”

“I like Roderich just fine,” Jens said, placing his head in his hand.

“Whoopie,” Sadiq twirled a finger, “the prissy dude. Get Eliza here, man.”

“Yeah,” Alonzo agreed.

“Okay, okay,” Francis dug out his phone, “but surely you know by now that none of you are likely to get in her pants.”


Antonio hit the sidewalk hard. Alfred laughed from his perch atop the half-pipe and moved his skateboard around with one foot. Gilbert yanked on a rollerblade and yelled “You’re getting rusty, old man! If you came to the skate park with us more often we wouldn’t have to laugh at your sorry ass every three minutes.”

Antonio smiled from the ground and laughingly replied “At least I don’t rollerblade!”

Alfred joined in “Yeah, better a terrible skateboarder than a great rollerblader,” and stuck his tongue out at Gilbert. He slid his oversize glasses up his sweaty nose and dropped down.

Gilbert frowned. “Ugh, fuck you guys.”


France. He knows eeeeveryone. So October will probably be similarly long (I mean, it’s Halloween, come on), and then things should calm down it should get shorter.


OP anonymous August 28 2010, 18:08:25 UTC
I feel like a lamer for always catching this so soon after you update, but I don't care ahhaha

Ace update, anon, I'm really loving this. Your dialogue flows very naturally and you actually keep them in character while making them gd hipsters at the same time -- which may or may not be difficult, I don't know, but either way its DEFINITELY appreciated.

It's hard to pick out my favorite bits, since I honestly love them all. The rollerskating/skateboarding part is definitely up there though. As for the characters, Belarus is completely fabulous and your France is totally spot on, which can be hard to do, evidently, as most write him over the top, or too stoic.

In the end, keep doing what you're doing, and you'll be sure to have won my heart by the end of this < 3


Sketchies! anonymous August 28 2010, 21:16:29 UTC
Eep OP you are awesome and I love comments and especially detailed comments and please continue to stalk and lrg[bhqrgo;a’ba SQUEE HERE HAVE SOME CRAPPY SKETCHES

Prussia: http://tinypic.com/r/2412o9k/4
Why yes that is a tattoo of the Prussian eagle, what?

Poland: http://tinypic.com/r/2pq6yjd/4
Feliks is totally ready to take on Rocky Horror. Hey dude, just FYI, your tank top? It’s kinda see-through.

America: http://tinypic.com/r/33mn9rn/4
He has tattoos of whales. Very cute whales. Gil totally attempted to put an Iron Cross on his skateboard, too.

Ahahah I love Belarus. What a fierce bitch. And France - can I keep one in my closet, please? I'll take care of him, promise.

Question though - anyone in particular you'd like to see together? I should know before people start hooking up all over the place. O.o


Re: Sketchies! anonymous August 28 2010, 22:46:53 UTC
not op.

fuck you keep writing kick ass stuff like this here and I'll let you keep like six Francis....es...

Seriously everything that OP said is so true... but i want to add you are even more awesome because of Smart Poland... anything with Math smart Poland is amazing...


OPOPOP anonymous August 29 2010, 16:05:24 UTC



Author!anon anonymous August 30 2010, 02:06:02 UTC
To first!anon: Six Francis...es?! OMG BRAIN ASPLODE. Also, goodness I love myself some Smart!Poland. No one says you can't be smart and fabulous.

OP: :D :D :D :D WHAI SO AWESOME OP?! I'm kinda pumped to draw Austria and Norway now.

Though I'm afraid to say, Spain and France have some rocky times ahead. Just warning you. (BUT THEY ARE HOT, LIKE A BILLION DEGREES KELVIN HOT, THE HOTNESS CANNOT LEAVE FOR TOO LONG :D)

Hahaha well in that case...screwy scene-incest complicated relationships, go!


Re: Look at this Fucking Fill [2f/?] anonymous August 29 2010, 02:27:31 UTC
This fill is sensational.

There are so many lines that I love but I can't pick out properly because I have been awake the whole night.

Ahhh lot of this feels so familiar, how did I get so ooooold.


I need this fill like air so don't you think of stoppping it.
Everyone is very fab.

And boards are cool but blades are too, sadly by now I look like grandma trying to drive a mountainbike on them. It takes me ages alone to get them on. My skate skills have reverted back to NON EXISTENT.


author!anon anonymous August 30 2010, 01:56:28 UTC
:D thanks for the comment! I'm always all "are people even reading this?!" during fills >.>

AHAHAHAH STOPPING WUT AHAHAHAHA. I've got this thing lined out to NYE and then beyond that there's just a "Later" pile of stuff that will happen. A non-spoilery sample: Sweden shaves his beard and all of the sudden the entire world wants in his pants; Hjortdonner looks for a drummer; Alfred legally changes his name to Alfred Fucking Jones.

Man I was totally a rollerblader kid. Feel you on that one.


Re: Look at this Fucking Fill [2f/?] anonymous September 6 2010, 19:14:05 UTC
I love this! But I'm getting so confused; who are Jens, Nils and Tina? They seem kind of important but I have no clue who they're meant to be!


author!anon anonymous September 9 2010, 04:41:35 UTC
Meep so - Jens is Germania, Nils is Norway, and Tina is fem!Finland - I put it at the author's notes at the top of the chapters they first appeared in (so Nils is at the top of the first; Jens and Tina are at the top of this one).

Hmm, maybe I should announce those all big and bold and shiny instead of in a tiny A/N at the beginning.



Sorry for the confusion! And thanks for commenting :D


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