Perception [2/?]
August 2 2010, 06:29:46 UTC
“It’s probably just the jacket.” Prussia noted, making his presence known again as he also poked the leather bomber jacket. “It looks bigger on you.”
“No it doesn’t.” America insisted. That was another thing, his clothes seemed bigger and he didn’t know why. He was also colder so he took to wearing layers. He almost never wore his bomber jacket to meetings anymore and had recently broke it out again because he was just so cold during these things! And under that he was also wearing his suit jacket, dress shirt, a white t-shirt, an undershirt, and his gloves.
“Enough of that.” Germany suddenly said, coming up to them as he finally made it out of the stairwell because he walked. “The meeting is about to start.”
They headed to their seats but not before America caught a glance at Russia, he smiled and waved discretely at the older nation who nodded back in greeting. America was kind of hoping that he could get a quickie with him after the meeting in a janitor’s closet or something. That was the good thing about meetings, they gave him a good excuse to be around Russia and they would have to have sex somewhere cramped, dark, and it would be nearly impossible for them to get all their clothes off which meant that Russia wouldn’t have to see how fat America had gotten.
Germany took the podium at the front and after everybody had settled in recounted what happened before the lunch break for those who couldn’t remember and then explained what they would be going over now. He also announced that it was America’s turn on the floor. There was groaning from some nations who didn’t want to hear about his new awesome idea for a giant robot something or other that cured cancer or world hunger. America was still tired from his run but he got up anyway and made his way to the podium.
He was well into his presentation, and he thought it was going rather well until a sudden wave of dizziness over took him. He stumbled a bit, his gesturing at the diagrams behind him throwing him off balance. It must have been that run, he wouldn’t be so tired if it wasn’t for that. He tried to steady himself but his knees just buckled, his stomach felt empty, full of nothing and his torso just couldn’t support itself. He collapsed into a heap on the floor, the world blacking out as exhaustion and hunger claimed him.
England was the closest and the first by his side, Canada was second although no one really noticed. There was some commotion, a little panic, some nations asking if he’d had a heart attack or a stroke, or if there had just been a terrorist attack, or an assassination, or a natural disaster. Some nations started to look up the news on their laptops using the building’s wireless internet, to see if there had been some kind of attack but they came up with nothing.
Meanwhile England was trying not to panic and to get America to wake up when he felt a looming presence behind him. It was Russia.
Re: Perception [2/?]
August 2 2010, 06:46:44 UTC
Wow this is great so far! I've been hoping for an Anorexic!America fic almost since I first read the diet strips. The way the America is ignoring the obvious hints of being under weight are perfect,. I can't wait for more!
Re: Perception [2/?]
August 2 2010, 15:26:45 UTC
It's kind of sad how much I wanted to see an eating disorder fic but I can't help but want to see the recovery part. Too many people I know are or have gone through issues.
Re: Perception [2/?]
August 2 2010, 16:11:12 UTC
it just turned into more fat or something because it was gone
America you silly goose, muscle can't turn to fat. Your body is just directing all it's energy to keeping you functioning.
This is a good fill so far! I can't wait to see more. You do a great job of showing America's destructive mindset. It'll be interesting when Russia and England find out.
“No it doesn’t.” America insisted. That was another thing, his clothes seemed bigger and he didn’t know why. He was also colder so he took to wearing layers. He almost never wore his bomber jacket to meetings anymore and had recently broke it out again because he was just so cold during these things! And under that he was also wearing his suit jacket, dress shirt, a white t-shirt, an undershirt, and his gloves.
“Enough of that.” Germany suddenly said, coming up to them as he finally made it out of the stairwell because he walked. “The meeting is about to start.”
They headed to their seats but not before America caught a glance at Russia, he smiled and waved discretely at the older nation who nodded back in greeting. America was kind of hoping that he could get a quickie with him after the meeting in a janitor’s closet or something. That was the good thing about meetings, they gave him a good excuse to be around Russia and they would have to have sex somewhere cramped, dark, and it would be nearly impossible for them to get all their clothes off which meant that Russia wouldn’t have to see how fat America had gotten.
Germany took the podium at the front and after everybody had settled in recounted what happened before the lunch break for those who couldn’t remember and then explained what they would be going over now. He also announced that it was America’s turn on the floor. There was groaning from some nations who didn’t want to hear about his new awesome idea for a giant robot something or other that cured cancer or world hunger. America was still tired from his run but he got up anyway and made his way to the podium.
He was well into his presentation, and he thought it was going rather well until a sudden wave of dizziness over took him. He stumbled a bit, his gesturing at the diagrams behind him throwing him off balance. It must have been that run, he wouldn’t be so tired if it wasn’t for that. He tried to steady himself but his knees just buckled, his stomach felt empty, full of nothing and his torso just couldn’t support itself. He collapsed into a heap on the floor, the world blacking out as exhaustion and hunger claimed him.
England was the closest and the first by his side, Canada was second although no one really noticed. There was some commotion, a little panic, some nations asking if he’d had a heart attack or a stroke, or if there had just been a terrorist attack, or an assassination, or a natural disaster. Some nations started to look up the news on their laptops using the building’s wireless internet, to see if there had been some kind of attack but they came up with nothing.
Meanwhile England was trying not to panic and to get America to wake up when he felt a looming presence behind him. It was Russia.
and now I want to give America a ginormous hug. :( poor guy.
recap: Briton left. no he didn't, he's right there! *points* XD
Great job so far. Can't wait to see more.
America you silly goose, muscle can't turn to fat. Your body is just directing all it's energy to keeping you functioning.
This is a good fill so far! I can't wait to see more. You do a great job of showing America's destructive mindset. It'll be interesting when Russia and England find out.
I'm already hoked, anon!
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