Fountain of Fire & Ice -- Part 16a
August 15 2010, 03:20:18 UTC
Author's Note: Oh gods...I am so, so, so sorry for the length of time it's taken me to get back to this. Thank you to anyone who has stuck by this fic as it nears its years anniversary. There is probably only going to be one more part after this one...two if I need to stretch it to an epilogue (which I'm hoping to avoid) hopefully it won't take me another 3 months to get the next part out... *hangs head*
Also there is some implied Switzerland/America in this part...I have no idea where it came from but...well...
* * *
America's brow creased in confusion and uncertainty as he stared at the rusty, unmarked door in front of them. He glanced over at the device in Russia's hand and confirmed that Sasha's dot was supposedly someplace behind that barrier but he couldn't being to fathom why his son would be down here in the sub-basement level of the complex. Or even how he would have gotten here. They'd had to switch to a service elevator in the lobby to gain access to it. That didn't seem like it would be something that Sasha would have thought to have done even if he was scared enough to run that far.
"Are you sure that thing is accurate?" America asked after a few more moment contemplating the closed door in front of them.
"It is very accurate," Russia answered simply.
"Are you sure?" America repeated.
"Two weeks ago it showed that you spent many hours in Switzerland's bedroom at his house..." Russia said in a voice that folded down and tightened around the edges. "And that was not the first time that it has shown that...was that not accurate information?"
"Ah..." America flushed slightly that Russia's little machine could be so accurate and then he felt the buzz of anger filtering up through the embarrassment when he realized that Russia would have had to have been following him, or had someone following him, to know his exact location in the house otherwise it would have just registered as Switzerland's house. He took a deep breath and pushed that anger away. This was not the time or place for that particular argument. "Yes..." he muttered.
Russia's eyes seemed to tighten for a brief moment and then the edges of his lips quirked upwards in a slight smirk. "Then it is proven that it is accurate, da?"
" he's in there then..." America answered.
He reached forward and opened the door. It creaked as it moved forward and revealed a dusty, mostly dark room, crammed full of boxes and supplies. He took another step into the room squinting against the dark trying to find any sign of life amongst the clutter. Russia's presence filled the door frame behind him. He took comfort in that presence. He was about to turn to him and ask him what the display was giving for Sasha's exact location when he heard a soft muffled sound coming from a corner of the room. It took him only a heartbeat to recognize it as the snuffling sound of Sasha's crying.
"Sasha!" he called sharply images of all the ways his son could have been hurt since he'd last seen him fluttered across his brain.
"Aleksandr!" Russia called at the same time as he too recognized the sound echoing through the otherwise quiet room.
The snuffling stopped and there was the sound of boxes being pushed apart and then running feet. "Dad? Papa?" Sasha cried as he rounded a corner and threw himself at America. "Don't let the door shut!" he said sharply as Russia started to move out of the doorway to join them. "It locks."
Russia stopped but America didn't he pulled Sasha up into his arms and squeezed him so tightly that Sasha started squirming in his arms. Then with Sasha still in his arms he walked them back out towards the hall and set him down so that Russia could have a chance to look him over. Russia set Sasha down after an intense hug of his own and then straightened out the clothing, running his thick hands over limbs to check for any sings of injury. America shoved his hands into his pocket and brought out a couple of unused tissues and started rubbing at the dust and tear streaks on Sasha's face. For once Sasha didn't complain about the attention.
"I thought no one would find me," he admitted quietly after a long moment. "I was so scared."
Fountain of Fire & Ice -- Part 16b
August 15 2010, 03:21:49 UTC
America pulled Sasha into his arms again and squeezed him tightly. He glanced up at Russia who was wearing an equally relieved expression though there was a sternness to him that America had learned long ago usually came with a lecture. Though he wanted to stop it he knew that it was important that Sasha know that he had done something he shouldn't even if it was provoked by the fight he had witnessed. Russia met his eyes in a questioning manner and America was momentarily surprised that the other nation was asking his permission before launching into the lecture. He inclined his head slightly in agreement but hoped that Russia would be a little more gentle with Sasha then he had been with America in the past.
"You should not have run off like that," Russia said and despite the sternness his voice held no real anger.
Sasha's head drooped and he scuffed the toes of his shoes against the dirty floor. "I know, Papa," he said in a very small voice. "You were fighting though and I got scared..."
"We were fighting," America interjected in an easy voice. "I wish you hadn't see us doing that but still...Russia is shouldn't have run off so far when you didn't know the building you were in or the people that were in it." "I didn't mean to come so far," Sasha insisted looking up at them. "I was trying to find the lounge that Italy showed me but I couldn't find it and then I couldn't find my way back and there was a stairwell so I went down trying to find the lobby so that someone could call you but then I didn't know where I was and I found an didn't have any buttons only used the badge you gave me..." he said showing them America's security badge which America had given him to look at during the meeting. "I though I could maybe find your office with it but...I ended up down here and then I went through this door and it locked behind me and I couldn't get out..."
"Why didn't you use the phone when you realized you were trapped?" America asked.
"Phone?" Sasha asked.
Slowly realization seemed to hit him and he shoved his hands into the pocket of the suit coat he was still wearing and rummaged around in it. He produced a few rubber bands, a couple of slightly bent paper clips, two pens, a pad of paper with United Nations printed on the top, an eraser, several crumpled business cards that probably belonged to the other G8 members, a candy bar, and a couple of pieces of chewing gum before finally producing the phone. America lifted his hand to cover his grin because the situation was supposed to be serious but he was still amused how much stuff Sasha had picked up throughout the day since America knew the pockets had been empty when Sasha had gotten dressed that morning. Sasha was definitely a pack rat and tended to pick things up without even realizing he was doing it.
"I forgot I had it," Sasha finally admitted woefully as he glanced sheepishly back up at them.
"Oh Sash..." America murmured with a slight grin and pulled the boy into his arms for another hug. "It's okay."
"He really is a lot like you, isn't he?" Russia murmured in an amused tone.
America wasn't sure if that comment was meant for the long rambling explanation, the junk that had accumulated in the pockets, or the comedy of errors that had happened to land Sasha trapped in the basement. Any of them really could be applied to America under the right circumstances. Not wanting to start another fight he just settled for glaring at Russia over the top of Sasha's head and then turned his attention back to his son.
"Are you alright?" he asked.
"Yeah," Sasha said with a slight snuffle, his nose was runny and his face was still a mess.
Fountain of Fire & Ice -- Part 16c
August 15 2010, 03:23:35 UTC
America reached into his own pockets but only found the now dirty tissues that he'd shoved back in there from cleaning Sasha's face earlier. He frowned trying to think of an alternative when Russia let out a suffering sigh and reached into his own jacket and pulled out a white handkerchief. Sasha took it with a doubtful look, then glanced over at America who nodded reassuringly. Sasha used it and then handed it back to Russia when he held out his hand for it. America continued to fuss over his son for a moment though it was clear that Sasha was becoming irritated with it.
"We should go back upstairs," Russia said. "The others will be waiting for news."
"Yeah," America nodded. "I'll call England in the elevator let him know we found him."
"Is everyone...looking for me?" Sasha said in a nervous voice.
"Of course," America answered softly. "We were all very worried about you."
"Are they going to be mad at me?" Sasha asked tentatively. "For causing so much trouble?"
"No...of course not," America reassured him gently. "They will be relieved that we've found you and that you're alright. No one will be angry with you, I promise."
"You will apologize to them though," Russia interjected in a voice that left little room for argument. "Your actions interrupted the meeting and made everyone very worried. No one is angry but you will still apologize."
Russia met America's gaze as if expecting him to object. But America didn't have one. They both looked down at Sasha who sagged a little bit but after a moment he nodded his head.
"Yes, Papa," he mumbled in a very small voice.
"We're not mad at you," America reassured him with a hand on his shoulder. "We know you were scared by what you saw...but you still do owe everyone an apology for worrying them, okay?"
"Okay," Sasha said with another nod of his head. His voice growing a little stronger.
"After that we can go home if you want to," America said with a smile.
Sasha's headed jerked up and he looked more then a little relieved at the prospect. "Really?" he asked hopefully.
"I think we've reached our allowed quota for trouble being cause in the building," America said with a grin. "I think this might be a record for us least for a time when Switzerland isn't trying to smuggle in his guns or Prussia trying to grope Austria while Hungary is two feet away from them..."
Sasha looked up at him with wide eyes so like Russia's. America reached over and ruffled the fine silky hair and grinned.
"Trust me Sash," he said with a laugh. "This isn't even close to being the worst thing that's ever happened with us involved. Just ask Russia about the Sunflower Incident of 1972 one day when you're a little older...okay?"
"There no need for him to hear about that," Russia muttered in irritation.
America chuckled and wasn't at all surprised when Russia reached up and softly swatted him upside the head. There was no malice in the action though and the fingers may have lingered a bit longer in America's hair then they should have. Sasha regarded them quietly as Russia's hand slowly drifted away and shoved themselves back into his pockets.
"Let us go back upstairs," he said in a quiet voice and then stalked away from them back towards the elevator.
America watched him go for a long moment and then startled a bit when Sasha took his hand. "Come on kiddo," America said with a smile he hoped wasn't strained. "The sooner we go upstairs the sooner we can go."
Sasha nodded his head but didn't let go of America's hand as they joined Russia in the elevator. The group was silent until America used the phone that Sasha had handed to him and called England to let him know that they'd found Sasha and were on their way back up to the conference room but weren't going to be staying any longer then it took to get their stuff together. England told him it was already the general consensus that the rest of the meeting would be postponed until the following day. They reached their floor as America finished up the call.
Fountain of Fire & Ice -- Part 16d
August 15 2010, 03:24:45 UTC
"He's going to get the word out and have everyone meet back up in the room," America said by way of an explanation. He glanced down at Sasha who was gnawing on his bottom lip. "You ready?"
"Yeah," Sasha said and he didn't seem overly worried. He appeared to have something else on his mind which he shared a few seconds later. "Hey dad when we leave can Papa come with us?"
"With us?" America asked in a surprised voice.
"Yeah, back home with us," Sasha said his voice brightening with excitement. "He's never seen my room here or the building or anything like that."
"You want him to come home with us?" America reiterated in a slightly strangled voice. "But...I mean..." he trailed off helplessly with a glance in Russia's direction. Russia looked impassively back at him. He didn't seem like he was going to get any help from that direction.
"I don't get to see him that often and he's probably leaving tomorrow and I want to spend some time with him," Sasha said quickly in a sad voice that America was sure was mostly an act. "If...if he wants to I mean..." the worry filling that sentence was the real thing though.
"Of course I do," Russia said with a slight dip of his lips into a frown. "I would like that very much."
"You can spend time with him if you want to," America said. "Or stay over with him at his hotel..."
"No," Sasha said shaking his head. "I want him to come home with us."
"But..." America trailed off not wanting to upset Sasha and unable to come up with a good excuse as to why Russia could not come over.
"It is alright Aleksandr," Russia said gently, though there was a stony quality layered underneath. "If America does not wish for me to be in his home we will go to the hotel. It is a very fine room and it has a very nice pool..."
"No it's not that I don't want you there..." America said hurriedly not wanting to be cast in the bad guy role even in such a minor way. "It's just's a mess...I haven't had much time to clean it lately..."
Sasha's forehead crinkled because in truth the apartment was actually fairly clean for a change. The expression on Russia's face showed that he clearly didn't buy that reasoning either. Then a smirk flickered across his face.
"I have seen many of your messes in the past," Russia said, there was a mischievous glint in his eye. "I have cleaned up many of them myself. So if you do not want me there just say it there is no reason to lie. Aleksandr will understand."
America let out an exasperated breath of air and narrowed his eyes. Then he turned to look at Sasha who was regarding him with wide pleading eyes.
"Please Dad," he pleaded softly.
"Oh alright...fine..." America said with a sigh. "Just don't freak out if we start to argue again because it's bound to happen.
"I am sure we should be able to keep ourselves from arguing for one evening, America," Russia said good naturedly. "I will agree to behave myself if you will."
"Whatever..." America muttered not believing for a second that they could make it through a whole night without arguing. But he would try for. It would only be for a few hours at any rate.
"Thank you dad!" Sasha said bouncing on his heels a little. "Maybe you can even stay over, Papa...we have a guest room...we can stop and get your stuff from the hotel..."
America groaned as Sasha's excited chatterer trailed off as they walked away from him down the hall. He should have known better then to think that Sasha would settled for only a few hours. Now he was planning a sleepover. He snorted at the thought of Russia and him braiding each others hair and gossiping about the other nations. Yeah...that was probably not going to be happening any time soon. He sighed and rubbed at his forehead for a moment before hurrying after the other two down the hall.
Re: Fountain of Fire & Ice -- Part 16d
August 15 2010, 04:19:32 UTC
you updated. YOU UPDATED ♥♥♥♥
I about squealed with incoherent glee when I saw this. I'm so happy they found Sasha, and I'm dying to know what happens with them when they get back home. GAH I just love this SO. FREAKING. MUCH. :D
Re: Fountain of Fire & Ice -- Part 16d
August 16 2010, 23:11:17 UTC
...I want to hear about the sunflower incident of 1972!!!! *ahem* Anyway, great chapter! I can't wait to see how this is going to continue and I can't wait until you de-anon. Are you going to post this on your lj or do you have a account? I'd love to favorite this <3
Re: Fountain of Fire & Ice -- Part 16d
August 17 2010, 02:03:02 UTC and me both!
Glad you're still enjoying the fic!
Well...I've technically already de-anoned this on my own journal...I just have no plans to link to it other places at the present time like the main com or
God, I love this fill too much, it's not healthy <3<3<3<3<3
Very believable resolution to Alaska lost. I like how America and Russia united as parents in front of him (asking the other with their eyes if it's ok to scold the kid, if they're doing it right, etc). Poor Alaska! I hope we get his apology...and then, Russia at America's! My, but that kid is an excellent manipulator, eh? The way he forced the situation so that America had to accept...and Russia certainly didn't protest, that makes me wonder if this particular trait isn't his ;)
"I have seen many of your messes in the past," Russia said, there was a mischievous glint in his eye. "I have cleaned up many of them myself. So if you do not want me there just say it there is no reason to lie. Aleksandr will understand."
Oh, Russia <3 He built a bridge, America! Will you cross? (I love how evident it is that Russia wants it hard)
"I will agree to behave myself if you will."
Yeah, right *snort* ...right? He's lying, right? I want some serious sexy times between them. Please (perhaps he's not lying because it's America who initiates it?)
He snorted at the thought of Russia and him braiding each others hair and gossiping about the other nations. Yeah...that was probably not going to be happening any time soon
Aw, man. Now I want thatXD
I'm so so sad this fic is nearing its end...I really hope you write lots and lots and lots of side-stories!
Yeah I'm a little sad it's coming to an end myself but after almost a year it's time for it to end. Not sure about lots of side stories it might be fun but it would probably be a while as I've got so many other things I want to start when this one is finished...
Re: Fountain of Fire & Ice -- Part 16d
August 21 2010, 16:40:04 UTC
Much love. MUCH LOVE!
I am so happy you updated! I almost missed this in the fill, and when I backtracked, man, I almost had a heart attack, thinking I would miss out on this awesome update!
Just much love for your Sasha. State OCs are always fun, and I really gravitate towards Alaska OC. And you, you just make Alaska even that more interesting and adorable.
I really hope for a happy ending for Sasha, to see both of his parents get together. Not only because I'm a big RxA fan, but I really want something good for the little guy. :)
I will work extra hard to keep an eye out for your next update, so I won't miss out on anything!
Also there is some implied Switzerland/America in this part...I have no idea where it came from but...well...
* * *
America's brow creased in confusion and uncertainty as he stared at the rusty, unmarked door in front of them. He glanced over at the device in Russia's hand and confirmed that Sasha's dot was supposedly someplace behind that barrier but he couldn't being to fathom why his son would be down here in the sub-basement level of the complex. Or even how he would have gotten here. They'd had to switch to a service elevator in the lobby to gain access to it. That didn't seem like it would be something that Sasha would have thought to have done even if he was scared enough to run that far.
"Are you sure that thing is accurate?" America asked after a few more moment contemplating the closed door in front of them.
"It is very accurate," Russia answered simply.
"Are you sure?" America repeated.
"Two weeks ago it showed that you spent many hours in Switzerland's bedroom at his house..." Russia said in a voice that folded down and tightened around the edges. "And that was not the first time that it has shown that...was that not accurate information?"
"Ah..." America flushed slightly that Russia's little machine could be so accurate and then he felt the buzz of anger filtering up through the embarrassment when he realized that Russia would have had to have been following him, or had someone following him, to know his exact location in the house otherwise it would have just registered as Switzerland's house. He took a deep breath and pushed that anger away. This was not the time or place for that particular argument. "Yes..." he muttered.
Russia's eyes seemed to tighten for a brief moment and then the edges of his lips quirked upwards in a slight smirk. "Then it is proven that it is accurate, da?"
" he's in there then..." America answered.
He reached forward and opened the door. It creaked as it moved forward and revealed a dusty, mostly dark room, crammed full of boxes and supplies. He took another step into the room squinting against the dark trying to find any sign of life amongst the clutter. Russia's presence filled the door frame behind him. He took comfort in that presence. He was about to turn to him and ask him what the display was giving for Sasha's exact location when he heard a soft muffled sound coming from a corner of the room. It took him only a heartbeat to recognize it as the snuffling sound of Sasha's crying.
"Sasha!" he called sharply images of all the ways his son could have been hurt since he'd last seen him fluttered across his brain.
"Aleksandr!" Russia called at the same time as he too recognized the sound echoing through the otherwise quiet room.
The snuffling stopped and there was the sound of boxes being pushed apart and then running feet. "Dad? Papa?" Sasha cried as he rounded a corner and threw himself at America. "Don't let the door shut!" he said sharply as Russia started to move out of the doorway to join them. "It locks."
Russia stopped but America didn't he pulled Sasha up into his arms and squeezed him so tightly that Sasha started squirming in his arms. Then with Sasha still in his arms he walked them back out towards the hall and set him down so that Russia could have a chance to look him over. Russia set Sasha down after an intense hug of his own and then straightened out the clothing, running his thick hands over limbs to check for any sings of injury. America shoved his hands into his pocket and brought out a couple of unused tissues and started rubbing at the dust and tear streaks on Sasha's face. For once Sasha didn't complain about the attention.
"I thought no one would find me," he admitted quietly after a long moment. "I was so scared."
"You should not have run off like that," Russia said and despite the sternness his voice held no real anger.
Sasha's head drooped and he scuffed the toes of his shoes against the dirty floor. "I know, Papa," he said in a very small voice. "You were fighting though and I got scared..."
"We were fighting," America interjected in an easy voice. "I wish you hadn't see us doing that but still...Russia is shouldn't have run off so far when you didn't know the building you were in or the people that were in it."
"I didn't mean to come so far," Sasha insisted looking up at them. "I was trying to find the lounge that Italy showed me but I couldn't find it and then I couldn't find my way back and there was a stairwell so I went down trying to find the lobby so that someone could call you but then I didn't know where I was and I found an didn't have any buttons only used the badge you gave me..." he said showing them America's security badge which America had given him to look at during the meeting. "I though I could maybe find your office with it but...I ended up down here and then I went through this door and it locked behind me and I couldn't get out..."
"Why didn't you use the phone when you realized you were trapped?" America asked.
"Phone?" Sasha asked.
Slowly realization seemed to hit him and he shoved his hands into the pocket of the suit coat he was still wearing and rummaged around in it. He produced a few rubber bands, a couple of slightly bent paper clips, two pens, a pad of paper with United Nations printed on the top, an eraser, several crumpled business cards that probably belonged to the other G8 members, a candy bar, and a couple of pieces of chewing gum before finally producing the phone. America lifted his hand to cover his grin because the situation was supposed to be serious but he was still amused how much stuff Sasha had picked up throughout the day since America knew the pockets had been empty when Sasha had gotten dressed that morning. Sasha was definitely a pack rat and tended to pick things up without even realizing he was doing it.
"I forgot I had it," Sasha finally admitted woefully as he glanced sheepishly back up at them.
"Oh Sash..." America murmured with a slight grin and pulled the boy into his arms for another hug. "It's okay."
"He really is a lot like you, isn't he?" Russia murmured in an amused tone.
America wasn't sure if that comment was meant for the long rambling explanation, the junk that had accumulated in the pockets, or the comedy of errors that had happened to land Sasha trapped in the basement. Any of them really could be applied to America under the right circumstances. Not wanting to start another fight he just settled for glaring at Russia over the top of Sasha's head and then turned his attention back to his son.
"Are you alright?" he asked.
"Yeah," Sasha said with a slight snuffle, his nose was runny and his face was still a mess.
"We should go back upstairs," Russia said. "The others will be waiting for news."
"Yeah," America nodded. "I'll call England in the elevator let him know we found him."
"Is everyone...looking for me?" Sasha said in a nervous voice.
"Of course," America answered softly. "We were all very worried about you."
"Are they going to be mad at me?" Sasha asked tentatively. "For causing so much trouble?"
"No...of course not," America reassured him gently. "They will be relieved that we've found you and that you're alright. No one will be angry with you, I promise."
"You will apologize to them though," Russia interjected in a voice that left little room for argument. "Your actions interrupted the meeting and made everyone very worried. No one is angry but you will still apologize."
Russia met America's gaze as if expecting him to object. But America didn't have one. They both looked down at Sasha who sagged a little bit but after a moment he nodded his head.
"Yes, Papa," he mumbled in a very small voice.
"We're not mad at you," America reassured him with a hand on his shoulder. "We know you were scared by what you saw...but you still do owe everyone an apology for worrying them, okay?"
"Okay," Sasha said with another nod of his head. His voice growing a little stronger.
"After that we can go home if you want to," America said with a smile.
Sasha's headed jerked up and he looked more then a little relieved at the prospect. "Really?" he asked hopefully.
"I think we've reached our allowed quota for trouble being cause in the building," America said with a grin. "I think this might be a record for us least for a time when Switzerland isn't trying to smuggle in his guns or Prussia trying to grope Austria while Hungary is two feet away from them..."
Sasha looked up at him with wide eyes so like Russia's. America reached over and ruffled the fine silky hair and grinned.
"Trust me Sash," he said with a laugh. "This isn't even close to being the worst thing that's ever happened with us involved. Just ask Russia about the Sunflower Incident of 1972 one day when you're a little older...okay?"
"There no need for him to hear about that," Russia muttered in irritation.
America chuckled and wasn't at all surprised when Russia reached up and softly swatted him upside the head. There was no malice in the action though and the fingers may have lingered a bit longer in America's hair then they should have. Sasha regarded them quietly as Russia's hand slowly drifted away and shoved themselves back into his pockets.
"Let us go back upstairs," he said in a quiet voice and then stalked away from them back towards the elevator.
America watched him go for a long moment and then startled a bit when Sasha took his hand. "Come on kiddo," America said with a smile he hoped wasn't strained. "The sooner we go upstairs the sooner we can go."
Sasha nodded his head but didn't let go of America's hand as they joined Russia in the elevator. The group was silent until America used the phone that Sasha had handed to him and called England to let him know that they'd found Sasha and were on their way back up to the conference room but weren't going to be staying any longer then it took to get their stuff together. England told him it was already the general consensus that the rest of the meeting would be postponed until the following day. They reached their floor as America finished up the call.
"Yeah," Sasha said and he didn't seem overly worried. He appeared to have something else on his mind which he shared a few seconds later. "Hey dad when we leave can Papa come with us?"
"With us?" America asked in a surprised voice.
"Yeah, back home with us," Sasha said his voice brightening with excitement. "He's never seen my room here or the building or anything like that."
"You want him to come home with us?" America reiterated in a slightly strangled voice. "But...I mean..." he trailed off helplessly with a glance in Russia's direction. Russia looked impassively back at him. He didn't seem like he was going to get any help from that direction.
"I don't get to see him that often and he's probably leaving tomorrow and I want to spend some time with him," Sasha said quickly in a sad voice that America was sure was mostly an act. "If...if he wants to I mean..." the worry filling that sentence was the real thing though.
"Of course I do," Russia said with a slight dip of his lips into a frown. "I would like that very much."
"You can spend time with him if you want to," America said. "Or stay over with him at his hotel..."
"No," Sasha said shaking his head. "I want him to come home with us."
"But..." America trailed off not wanting to upset Sasha and unable to come up with a good excuse as to why Russia could not come over.
"It is alright Aleksandr," Russia said gently, though there was a stony quality layered underneath. "If America does not wish for me to be in his home we will go to the hotel. It is a very fine room and it has a very nice pool..."
"No it's not that I don't want you there..." America said hurriedly not wanting to be cast in the bad guy role even in such a minor way. "It's just's a mess...I haven't had much time to clean it lately..."
Sasha's forehead crinkled because in truth the apartment was actually fairly clean for a change. The expression on Russia's face showed that he clearly didn't buy that reasoning either. Then a smirk flickered across his face.
"I have seen many of your messes in the past," Russia said, there was a mischievous glint in his eye. "I have cleaned up many of them myself. So if you do not want me there just say it there is no reason to lie. Aleksandr will understand."
America let out an exasperated breath of air and narrowed his eyes. Then he turned to look at Sasha who was regarding him with wide pleading eyes.
"Please Dad," he pleaded softly.
"Oh alright...fine..." America said with a sigh. "Just don't freak out if we start to argue again because it's bound to happen.
"I am sure we should be able to keep ourselves from arguing for one evening, America," Russia said good naturedly. "I will agree to behave myself if you will."
"Whatever..." America muttered not believing for a second that they could make it through a whole night without arguing. But he would try for. It would only be for a few hours at any rate.
"Thank you dad!" Sasha said bouncing on his heels a little. "Maybe you can even stay over, Papa...we have a guest room...we can stop and get your stuff from the hotel..."
America groaned as Sasha's excited chatterer trailed off as they walked away from him down the hall. He should have known better then to think that Sasha would settled for only a few hours. Now he was planning a sleepover. He snorted at the thought of Russia and him braiding each others hair and gossiping about the other nations. Yeah...that was probably not going to be happening any time soon. He sighed and rubbed at his forehead for a moment before hurrying after the other two down the hall.
It was going to be a very long night.
* * *
I about squealed with incoherent glee when I saw this. I'm so happy they found Sasha, and I'm dying to know what happens with them when they get back home. GAH I just love this SO. FREAKING. MUCH. :D
And you don't know how happy and excited I was seeing this on the fill list. Still excited but also sad that it's ending so soon.
Switzerland/America doesn't get enough love. And Sasha is just bundles of cute and awesome!
*ahem* Anyway, great chapter! I can't wait to see how this is going to continue and I can't wait until you de-anon. Are you going to post this on your lj or do you have a account? I'd love to favorite this <3
Glad you're still enjoying the fic!
Well...I've technically already de-anoned this on my own journal...I just have no
plans to link to it other places at the present time like the main com or
Very believable resolution to Alaska lost. I like how America and Russia united as parents in front of him (asking the other with their eyes if it's ok to scold the kid, if they're doing it right, etc). Poor Alaska! I hope we get his apology...and then, Russia at America's! My, but that kid is an excellent manipulator, eh? The way he forced the situation so that America had to accept...and Russia certainly didn't protest, that makes me wonder if this particular trait isn't his ;)
"I have seen many of your messes in the past," Russia said, there was a mischievous glint in his eye. "I have cleaned up many of them myself. So if you do not want me there just say it there is no reason to lie. Aleksandr will understand."
Oh, Russia <3
He built a bridge, America! Will you cross?
(I love how evident it is that Russia wants it hard)
"I will agree to behave myself if you will."
Yeah, right *snort*
...right? He's lying, right? I want some serious sexy times between them. Please
(perhaps he's not lying because it's America who initiates it?)
He snorted at the thought of Russia and him braiding each others hair and gossiping about the other nations. Yeah...that was probably not going to be happening any time soon
Aw, man. Now I want thatXD
I'm so so sad this fic is nearing its end...I really hope you write lots and lots and lots of side-stories!
Yeah I'm a little sad it's coming to an end myself but after almost a year it's time for it to end. Not sure about lots of side stories it might be fun but it would probably be a while as I've got so many other things I want to start when this one is finished...
Thanks again glad you've enjoyed the fic!
I am so happy you updated! I almost missed this in the fill, and when I backtracked, man, I almost had a heart attack, thinking I would miss out on this awesome update!
Just much love for your Sasha. State OCs are always fun, and I really gravitate towards Alaska OC. And you, you just make Alaska even that more interesting and adorable.
I really hope for a happy ending for Sasha, to see both of his parents get together. Not only because I'm a big RxA fan, but I really want something good for the little guy. :)
I will work extra hard to keep an eye out for your next update, so I won't miss out on anything!
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