Thanks a lot for your comments, everyone! Let's start this story ------------------ England hadn’t been worried at all on the first day. He knew it was only a matter of time -hours- before America acted on his impulses.
Once inside the conference room it had been hilarious to see America frowning at his own hand every time he was about to reach for some kind of distraction as if it had a mind of its own. After the nth time the poor guy just kept glancing at the clock every two minutes while England didn’t bother hiding just how much he was enjoying it, a mischievous aura radiated from him.
Others noticed this as well but most of them knew better than to get involved in their weird games plus it seemed there wasn’t any collateral damage yet so they let them be.
“So America, are you ready to concede defeat?” England asked smirking as he inspected the other’s notes looking for evidence. He couldn’t find any.
“Dream on! I’m just getting started” America replied with a smirk of his own
“Very well, see you tomorrow then. Remember the conference starts promptly at 8 o’ clock”
“Okay, I’ll be here”
On the second day England was waiting just outside the double doors of the room, pocket watch in hand. He saw how nations entered little by little into the room but none of them had that peculiar cowlick in their heads among other things.
“What are you waiting for?” France asked intrigued, suddenly standing by his side
“Victory” England said casually, his eyes never leaving the watch. Just two minutes to go now.
“I’m here!!” a yell came from the other side of the room.
The shorter man’s smirk waned just a little but that was enough to bring satisfaction to the American. England inspected him from head to toe but again he found nothing objectionable enough to claim himself victorious yet, not even the usual crooked tie.
“Indeed, you are…”
The rest of the day went by in very much the same way than the previous, the only difference was America being a little louder during breaks, making the most out of them since his restrain was only expected inside the conference room. At least he didn’t mention the bet which gave England some confidence that America was not so confident on being able to win if that made sense at all.
However when there were no changes on the third and fourth day, said confidence started to turn into paranoia to the point of asking France to confirm America had not switched places with Canada.
“Are you completely sure?” England asked for the fourth time, grabbing France by the collar.
“I am. Dear Canada is over there, see?” France pointed to a seat nearby where after some moments his occupant became visible just to disappear again.
“Ah! You are right”
“Are you nervous Amérique will win your little bet? You should be” France said, an amused smile on his lips.
“Of course I am not, shut up!”
‘I still have tomorrow’
England then started devising a plan that at first sight could be confused with a shopping list. No one said anything about scattering temptation not being allowed after all.
Let's start this story
England hadn’t been worried at all on the first day. He knew it was only a matter of time -hours- before America acted on his impulses.
Once inside the conference room it had been hilarious to see America frowning at his own hand every time he was about to reach for some kind of distraction as if it had a mind of its own. After the nth time the poor guy just kept glancing at the clock every two minutes while England didn’t bother hiding just how much he was enjoying it, a mischievous aura radiated from him.
Others noticed this as well but most of them knew better than to get involved in their weird games plus it seemed there wasn’t any collateral damage yet so they let them be.
“So America, are you ready to concede defeat?” England asked smirking as he inspected the other’s notes looking for evidence. He couldn’t find any.
“Dream on! I’m just getting started” America replied with a smirk of his own
“Very well, see you tomorrow then. Remember the conference starts promptly at 8 o’ clock”
“Okay, I’ll be here”
On the second day England was waiting just outside the double doors of the room, pocket watch in hand. He saw how nations entered little by little into the room but none of them had that peculiar cowlick in their heads among other things.
“What are you waiting for?” France asked intrigued, suddenly standing by his side
“Victory” England said casually, his eyes never leaving the watch. Just two minutes to go now.
“I’m here!!” a yell came from the other side of the room.
The shorter man’s smirk waned just a little but that was enough to bring satisfaction to the American. England inspected him from head to toe but again he found nothing objectionable enough to claim himself victorious yet, not even the usual crooked tie.
“Indeed, you are…”
The rest of the day went by in very much the same way than the previous, the only difference was America being a little louder during breaks, making the most out of them since his restrain was only expected inside the conference room. At least he didn’t mention the bet which gave England some confidence that America was not so confident on being able to win if that made sense at all.
However when there were no changes on the third and fourth day, said confidence started to turn into paranoia to the point of asking France to confirm America had not switched places with Canada.
“Are you completely sure?” England asked for the fourth time, grabbing France by the collar.
“I am. Dear Canada is over there, see?” France pointed to a seat nearby where after some moments his occupant became visible just to disappear again.
“Ah! You are right”
“Are you nervous Amérique will win your little bet? You should be” France said, an amused smile on his lips.
“Of course I am not, shut up!”
‘I still have tomorrow’
England then started devising a plan that at first sight could be confused with a shopping list. No one said anything about scattering temptation not being allowed after all.
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