Past-Part Fills Part 3 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 13:34

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Hetalia Royale (Notes) anonymous May 7 2010, 01:38:15 UTC
-Egypt's birthday on the Hetalia wiki is listed as the date Egypt became independent from the UK. As far as I'm aware, that was in 1922, while Australia became independent in 1901. So as far as Hetalia personifications go, Aussie would be the older one.
-First death wasn't so gorey (my apologies), but the rest of the fic will definitely be. That's a promise!
-All the characters and their respective weapons have already been picked out, but specific deaths/pairings are still up for debate. If you want to see a certain pairing or something like that, be sure to let me know! I'll see what I can do.
-The Nation Roster will be added at the end of every chapter to help you keep track of who's still alive. I wanted to give it a similar feel to the manga, which is why I included that.
-Australia's category is "Down Under" because I wanted to avoid being redundant, and Egypt was listed as Mediterranean on the Hetalia wiki. Hope you guys don't mind that... ^^;
-Napoleon lead to the HRE dissolving, as far as I'm aware, so that translates in my headcanon to France killing HRE.
-When I'm nervous, I write lots of notes. -blush- Umm, that's all! The next chapter will be out soon!


Re: Hetalia Royale (Notes) anonymous May 7 2010, 03:23:09 UTC
Promising anon! I've got the felling I'm going to cry while reading this! Keep it coming! ;A;


Re: Hetalia Royale (Notes) anonymous May 7 2010, 03:54:19 UTC
Very nice Anon, thought I am not one for death fics I have to admit the idea intrigued me. The writing even more so.

Please do continue.

Pairings you ask for. Well I am a CanAmerica gal but I am not sure I want to mix pairings with murder.


Re: Hetalia Royale (Notes) anonymous May 7 2010, 18:31:51 UTC
THAT WAS AWESOME! I requested something similar in a later part, and it got filled twice but both incomplete...this is looking very very good! I like that you decided to go the nations way and not an AU.

Sir is a creepy bastard, but he has nothing on Russia; man, that nation is awesome, I hope you keep him around for a long time (since nobody's gonna want to face him, cause if Germany didn't...). Germany waiting for Italy was so lovely...even though I get the feeling that Romano is gonna cause trouble and be a pain in the ass, as usual. And I wonder what Spain will do, if Romano goes with them? England's POV was totally awesome, by far the best thing, the way he talks with himself to calm down, his reflections on the others, the game and what other nations could use it for (yeah, being the exBritish Empire is really dangerous now). So many mentions of France have me really excited about this, France and England showdown is a muts, even though I'd like to see them allying, if for no other reason than that's what they usually do when others step in on conflicts (but also because the odds of surviving anything, even Russia, than way would be REALLY high, and the fact that they could team up to protect the American twins)
Also, on America...I really wanna see what you do with him. So I won't suggest anything! but don't forget his superstregth, please! it adds something to the conflict, too

Also, even though this is BR, I really hope more than two survive to the end; maybe at some point, nations decide to ally against the game...oh, and I ask that you don't make Russia Kiriyama? It's be too cliche (and easyXD). Keep him around, but not the superbloody superefficient psycho everybody fears
Pairings? I can't decide if I want USUK or FrUK, but the later seems more plausible, given that England here seems to think of America as a child, and he thinks about France on equal terms and a lot...then, America/Russia? would be interesting and refreshing (perhaps hard to set, but still). Canada could turn out to be a surprising badass...I can't wait to see Prussia, too (and Poland! badass!Poland FTW). Hungary already asserted herself as awesome...and what will China do?

I'm really exicted about this!


Re: Hetalia Royale (Notes) renegadespiral May 8 2010, 03:17:01 UTC
This is going to be epic, I can feel it XD
and as far as pairings go maybe some LietPol? =D or America/Vietnam? *shot by all USUK and other popular america pairing shippers* x.X


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