Past-Part Fills Part 3 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 13:34

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[Part 10] omnibus locis fit caedes [3.5/?] anonymous April 25 2010, 21:52:35 UTC
Silence was his only answer.

Panic began to set in and New Jersey was about to run from the room when something falling past the bedroom window grabbed his attention. Mere seconds later, a thump came from outside.

Not even bothering to look out of the window, New Jersey bolted from the room, almost falling down the stairs in his haste to get outside. His heart was hammering against his ribs and he felt sick.

The thing falling past the window had been wearing a dark blue hoodie. The same hoodie he had given New York two Christmases ago.

Bursting out the front door, he hurried to the side of the house, a sob tearing out of his throat.

His younger brother was lying on the ground, his right arm twisted at a funny angle and a trickle of blood dripping down his face.

“New York!” Rushing over to the state, New Jersey knelt beside him, his blue eyes watering. That’s when he noticed some twigs and leaves caught in his brother’s hair and clothes. He glanced at he side of the house, where one of the bushes Dad had insisted on planting to be “more green” looked like it had been crushed on top.

The plant had broken New York’s fall… Turning back to his brother, New Jersey felt his brother’s neck for a pulse and let out a grateful sob when he found one.

“You goddamn idiot… Delaware’s gonna kill you for sure.” he muttered, pulling out his cell phone to call an ambulance.

“H-Hello? Please hurry! It’s my b-brother… He… He t-tried to kill himself…”


Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

A scream from the bedroom sent Matthew running in, his eyes wide, looking for his brother. He found Alfred curled up under the blankets, crying softly, so he hurried over.

“Alfred… What is it?” Gently, Matthew helped his brother sit up before pulling the other into a hug. Alfred clung to him with one arm, the other pressed against his chest.

“Hurts… Something h-happened to… New York…”

Matthew frowned and simply held Alfred until his twin cried himself into a troubled sleep once again.

If he didn’t have to be there for his brother… there would be hell to pay.

There we go~


Re: [Part 10] omnibus locis fit caedes [3.5/?] anonymous April 25 2010, 22:07:59 UTC
thank you for continuing. i'm a sucker for state fics especialy in a situation like this since the states make up america.

looking forward to whatever you want to do especialy the revenge bit. it's scary going a against 50 eniemies even if their tiny.


Re: [Part 10] omnibus locis fit caedes [3.5/?] anonymous April 25 2010, 22:23:23 UTC
You're welcome! I do plan to finish it and I'll try not to delay so much, but school is almost done, which means more time to write!

I have some ideas floating around in my head~


Re: [Part 10] omnibus locis fit caedes [3.5/?] anonymous April 26 2010, 04:23:58 UTC
*is a total sucker for state-tans too*
Oh please oh please continue??
Is waiting for her Illinois-tan, because anon IS a Chicagoan

marvellous fill, really and truly! Please continue?! ASAP?!
Oh, Canada... why do you break my heart??


Re: [Part 10] omnibus locis fit caedes [3.5/?] anonymous April 26 2010, 04:41:43 UTC
I do enjoy state-tans as well. xD
Ahh, I'll do my best to get the next part out faster this time!
Don't worry. I have big plans for Illinois~

Awwww, you make me so happy!!
Um... he's cool like that?


Re: [Part 10] omnibus locis fit caedes [3.5/?] anonymous April 28 2010, 04:21:39 UTC
You're my new favourite authornon. (No, I was not stalking this fill, I was just, uh... rereading?? ^.^;;)

Don't worry- we all know that life happens. XD But, like the rest of the kink meme hive mind, I do enjoy my updates~!

I am eagerly awaiting my lil' Illinois-tan! Ooooh, plans?!


Re: [Part 10] omnibus locis fit caedes [3.5/?] anonymous April 28 2010, 05:54:25 UTC
U-Um, yes...?
I love readers and their comments make me happy, so I like replying! N-New favorite? Daw... You made my crappy day so much better~

Life, go away so I can write my fiiiiilllssss.

Big plaaaaans~


Re: [Part 10] omnibus locis fit caedes [3.5/?] anonymous May 2 2010, 17:29:38 UTC
Oh god, not New York. D:

And Ohio and Pennsylvania definatly have to be the ones to deal with Ludwig and Gilbo. First you give us the Amish, then you rape our country? Oh hell naw.


Re: [Part 10] omnibus locis fit caedes [3.5/?] anonymous May 3 2010, 01:18:54 UTC
Yeah. That's why it took so long to write because I wasn't sure how.

LOL. I love the way you rationalize, anon~ x3


Re: [Part 10] omnibus locis fit caedes [3.5/?] anonymous April 13 2011, 01:05:22 UTC


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